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God Bless Selective Door Policies In New York!

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after avalon last night..im all for door policies....

Steve Reubell had it right @ Studio 54...

Marcello @ Pangea used to have the idea..even though he kicked me out hahaha

the door crew @ PM has the right idea..

the door crew @ One has the right idea...

Crobar holds it down........

gooooooooooooooooooooo door policies

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i definitely disagree...

fuck door policies.. i just graduated college so i'm not really a big fan of blowing a hundred dollars on shoes every other month because they get all scuffed up.. there's no need to be wearing slacks and shoes at a nightclub.. i can see a dresscode at a lounge but if you go to a club in new shoes you know those shits are getting fucked up that night..

there couldn't have been a dresscode at avalon because i got in with jeans, sneakers and a beanie so... ?

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Door policies should be tight with respect to their drug searches. However, a strict dress code is a fuckin joke in a club, and it does little, if nothing, to reduce the presence of assholes and drug users in a club. I go to a nightclub to dance my ass off, not sit around, cross my legs, and watch everyone else dance. Nothing hinders my ability to dance more than a pair of shoes.

I have no problems with wearing slacks; in fact, I think they're the most comfortable type of pants. I don't mind dressing nicely, so long as I can wear a nice looking pair of sneakers with my outfit. Clubs can still require a nice dress code without turning away the individuals who come to dance their asses off all night to great music. Save the shoe requirements for lounges.

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I can see both sides to this argument BUT i'm talking about clubs, i know lounges in and around the city have certain clientele they want in, but really.. who looks at someones shoes in a club?? They're impossible to see in a dark club like Crobar for example.. Again, i have no problem looking neat but i don't wanna be weighed down by big heavy ass shoes.. that's my only beef with door policies..

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I think that the shoes policy began as aimed more toward the thugs who wore Timberlands and stomped niggas out on the regular while in them. :laugh:

And very true about age, appearance, etc.....at a Morillo afterhours one Sunday afternoon (Discotheque) a couple in their SEVENTIES ambled by, then had the nerve to ask could they come in! LMAO!!!!!!

I thought that was cute, though.

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Fuck that shit, the door policy should be no fucks who aren't gonna dance. You wanna meet ppl, go to a bar or lounge. For me a club is for dancing, I dress to dance, so if i'm sportin rave attire is cuz imma bug out.

The only time I ever dress up is for a latin club, the music doesnt take much out of you like techno, house n dnb.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

after avalon last night..im all for door policies....

Steve Reubell had it right @ Studio 54...

Marcello @ Pangea used to have the idea..even though he kicked me out hahaha

the door crew @ PM has the right idea..

the door crew @ One has the right idea...

Crobar holds it down........

gooooooooooooooooooooo door policies

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

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Originally posted by bbbooom

a door policy is nothing if you can spare a few 20s to the bouncer

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: a few weeks ago you were looking for a job and nwo you're talking about throwing a few 20's to the bouncer on top of a ridiculously overpriced cover... lol what did you hit the lotto or some shit???

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a tight door policy is the right thing----the people doing the door should have a little experience in NY nightlife and have good judgement, if you aint got the look and club ettiques you shouldnt be going out(a good door policy works out 4 all of us who go out and cant stand some of the people who actually get in)

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