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i posted about this 3 years ago..


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Originally posted by linabina

its just annoying.... sarcasm or not... i cant even ask a question anymore without it fuckin turning into 5 pages of worthlessness

cp hasnt changed me... cp has just changed.

that is all :D

thanks to those who helped me out here ill let u know when i do it... everyone else, :finger:

Damn Lina, since when you taking things so personal? What do you expect when you have 4 pages of bullshit in front of us...obviously every guy on here is going to tell you to pierce your clit and post pics...do you not expect some wise ass comments to go along with it (all in fun I might I add)

If you don't mind telling, when's the last time you got some? ;)

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

B spears is the worst artist to date... all she has a tight body, her eyes are spaced too far apart, she can't sing, and she can bearly dance....

glad u think so :aright:

by the way... that was the worst attempt to dramatize this thread even more ;)

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Originally posted by linabina

...but im thinking about it again...

i wanna get a vertical hood piercing.. a friend of mine got it done and she showed me last night... looks fuckin cool as hell... and it made me want it again after all this time of just putting it outta my mind...



my opinnion is that you already know if your gonna get it or not get it. so why ask us?

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