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E documentary airs

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hey all -

don't know if you remember but a while back i posted about a Peter Jennings documentary on Ecstasy. Well, its now going to air next THURSDAY, APRIL 1st at 10PM EST (9PM MT) on ABC (channel 7). I think you will all be surprised by it - and like it - so tell your friends about it and check it out. And please let me know what you think of it. (pjprod@abc.com) Here's some info on it:

“Peter Jennings Reporting: Ecstasy Risingâ€

Airs Thursday, April 1st, on ABC at 10PM EST



The rise of Ecstasy is a major event in drug history. If current trends continue, 1.8 million Americans will try Ecstasy for the first time in 2004; only marijuana will attract more new users. Overwhelming, positive word of mouth has made Ecstasy a nightmare for drug controllers. On a special edition of “Primetime Thursday,†Peter Jennings tells the epic story of Ecstasy that has never been heard. “Peter Jennings Reporting: Ecstasy Rising†airs THURSDAY, APRIL 1st at 10pm EST on the ABC Television Network.

In the 1990s, Ecstasy seemed to come out of nowhere to join marijuana, cocaine and heroin as one of the four most widely used illegal drugs in the country. No other drug has ever spread so fast.

To halt its spread, the U.S. Government has spent millions of dollars making a dramatic case against Ecstasy as a dangerous drug. The headline of this campaign has been that Ecstasy causes massive brain damage. But this is a claim based on flawed science, and many Ecstasy users now feel their government has no credibility.

What do we know about the real risks of Ecstasy? Has the government been its own worst enemy in the fight to stop the drug’s use?

“Peter Jennings Reporting: Ecstasy Rising†takes viewers through the seminal events in this story and introduces all the major players -- from Alexander Shulgin, the famous chemist who was the first person to report the effects of Ecstasy, to Michael Clegg, the Dallas businessman who gave Ecstasy its name and turned it into a recreational drug, to the drug enforcement officer who led the fight to make Ecstasy illegal, to the DJ who brought Rave to America. This special tells the definitive story of how an obscure compound, discovered in 1912 and all but forgotten for over 60 years, became the drug of choice for a generation.

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not a dollar short and a day late - we're actually right on top of the story - as the real story here is how the govenment based its anti-ecstasy campaign on flawed government-funded, scientific studies - and the most prominent study was retracted just several months ago. In addition, the FDA literally just approved clinical trials of Ecstasy for treatment of PTSD which are just getting underway now. Yes, Ecstasy use has gone down among teens, but numbers show that in the coming year it will attract more new users than any other drug, except marijuana.

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Originally posted by susancs

not a dollar short and a day late - we're actually right on top of the story - as the real story here is how the govenment based its anti-ecstasy campaign on flawed government-funded, scientific studies - and the most prominent study was retracted just several months ago. In addition, the FDA literally just approved clinical trials of Ecstasy for treatment of PTSD which are just getting underway now. Yes, Ecstasy use has gone down among teens, but numbers show that in the coming year it will attract more new users than any other drug, except marijuana.

Here is a news flash for you more people do G and tina now then ever before

The quality of pills sucks and not many people do them anymore b/c you dont know whats in them

Not surprising the gov't flawed its research against E, they also told us we are supporting terrorism if we do or buy drugs

Do a story on that

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...I will watch it.

People who live/party in NY have to understand that even though in our minds E is passe and soooo 4 years ago, it takes a long time for this trend to filter out to suburban america. And it's now to the point where Peter Jennings reports on the goverment's attempt to control the drug. The drug has run it's course in the NY party scene but middle America is just now using it and realizing the effects that we figured out 4 years ago. NY is just the first to get any new drug. Then if it makes it here, it will make it anywhere (sorry Frank...)

G and Tina will be on Peter Jennings in a few years...

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they actually ripped this story from the journal of higher education article.. i read the article and it was interesting..

there was one government funded test that the scientist test crystal meth by accident on monkeys instead of mdma and some of the monkeys died and others showed large amounts of dopamein lost in their brains.. and it was previously thought mdma only affected serotonin. so the government rushed the results to the press only to find out their research was totally flawed and recently retracted the study... thats basically it..

mdma still makes you dumb and lowers sertonin levels.

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well, it really doesn't have to do with the drug factor....

i don't mind doing drugs, if i feel like it....i just choose not to, at this particular moment....cuz, well, i really don't need them to have a good time....although, trying them was fun....i have no shame in admitting that...it's a part of growing up.....actually, not even growing up...just trying different things for the sake of trying them....because this life is mine....and i don't know how long till it's gone....so, until then....i don't depend on "man's Law" to tell me what is good for me and what is not....I shall determine that for myself.....because I have yet to meet anyone that is qualified to determine that for me.

i do what the fuck i want to do.

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Originally posted by muzikchick

well, it really doesn't have to do with the drug factor....

i don't mind doing drugs, if i feel like it....i just choose not to, at this particular moment....cuz, well, i really don't need them to have a good time....although, trying them was fun....i have no shame in admitting that...it's a part of growing up.....actually, not even growing up...just trying different things for the sake of trying them....because this life is mine....and i don't know how long till it's gone....so, until then....i don't depend on "man's Law" to tell me what is good for me and what is not....I shall determine that for myself.....because I have yet to meet anyone that is qualified to determine that for me.

i do what the fuck i want to do.


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Originally posted by chris817

Here is a news flash for you more people do G and tina now then ever before

The quality of pills sucks and not many people do them anymore b/c you dont know whats in them

Not surprising the gov't flawed its research against E, they also told us we are supporting terrorism if we do or buy drugs

Do a story on that

well i think this report is about e not g or tina. So what if its late better late than never and who cares if lots of people are doing g and tina its still information. Which is very valuable

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whats with this crap about bombs being soo 4 years ago??? thats sounds sooo dumb!! i didn't think ppl did drugs to be " trendy" i thought it had to do more about your own personal enjoyment and experiences,

eeh but i guess some people are just like hearded sheep, will do what everybody else is doing at the time, to fit some kind of image,

tina:laugh: thats prolly one of the WORST drugs i have every heard of , doesn't anybody do soem researh on what exactly they put in/ or do to thier body????

but hey, if its what EVERYONES ELSE IS DOING........

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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cause 4 years ago it was when it was crazy big. and all the media was on top of it. it seemed like there was a rave and ecstasy documentary every month. and because of that all these little kids came out of nowhere, thinking it was "cool" to stay out all night listening to "repetative techno music" all roll. lol

Now people still do it, but it's really not as big, at least in nyc anymore.

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just reminding you all to watch tomorrow (Thurs 10pm) and at least check it out. Then you can tell me what you think. And no - we did not rip this from the journal of higher education article. We have been working on this story for over a year now...it was supposed to air a while ago but we had a fight with ABC as they thought it was too controversial to air. But in the end we got our way and they are airing it - unchanged. So it would be great to have your support to show the network that they did a good thing by airing the story. thanks.

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