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Violent Dreams...


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while we're at it with these "cheat dreams"....this seemed rather fitting

ever have dreams where you beat the living shit out of someone? or even kill them? :laugh:

how do you feel when you wake up?? what kind of stuff did you do in these dreams?


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Originally posted by tranzwhore

i do........i'm j/k.........i've never dreamed that.

but sometimes in my dreams when i try to fight someone, my punches don't even phase the other person at all.

lol i have the same dreams.. i dream that i can punch someone in the face a few times and do absolutely nothing to them.. then when i try to run away i run in slowmo.. some weird shit

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Originally posted by oldtimer

lol i have the same dreams.. i dream that i can punch someone in the face a few times and do absolutely nothing to them.. then when i try to run away i run in slowmo.. some weird shit

i have very similar dreams... but in mine ... imalways getting chased by someone with a gun.. and when i take mine out .. the trigger is super fucking hard and when i squeeze hard enough to finaly shoot it .. i cant aim correctly cause im struggling so damn hard :confused: :confused: thus always missing ..:confused: its extremely fustrating and usually wake up sweating my ass off no matter how cold my ac is :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by sugarnspice69

ok i never drempt anything violent

Actually, there's a very good chance that this is untrue. We all have dreams about a broad range of subjects; death, sex, fights, running, falling, babies, etc. But, many times, we do not recall what our dreams were about nor do we understand "what" they could mean.

If you could account for every single dream you've had over the course of your entire life, then fine, I'd believe you. But truthfully, everything is the subconscious playing out your emotions in dream form which may appear as one thing but really has another meaning.

Start writing your dreams down when you awake in the morning. You'll begin to wonder a little more about what could be causing these dreams.

-yea, I'm studying this a little in psych class and honestly, once you understand the meaning of your dreams, you won't wake up in a panic or freak out about "what it could mean" anymore. Cuz generally, it's something completely the opposite of what you are seeing.

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