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You know what's tough about dealing with women...


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That they want a challenge, but we don't.

I may be speaking for myself here, but it just seems that if a man can get with a woman, he has no need for it to be a challenge.

But if a woman wants a guy, she tries to make it as challenging for him as she can.

Woudn't it be great if we could turn the tables, and make things challenging for the women?

Im sure on some level us guys do. But it just seems that the majority of the time, guys are the ones fighting an uphill battle :half:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

That they want a challenge, but we don't.

I may be speaking for myself here, but it just seems that if a man can get with a woman, he has no need for it to be a challenge.

But if a woman wants a guy, she tries to make it as challenging for him as she can.

Woudn't it be great if we could turn the tables, and make things challenging for the women?

Im sure on some level us guys do. But it just seems that the majority of the time, guys are the ones fighting an uphill battle :half:

whats funny is after the challenge she 'usually' doesn't live up to the expectations and gets dropped anyway

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Originally posted by gmccookny

That they want a challenge, but we don't.

I may be speaking for myself here, but it just seems that if a man can get with a woman, he has no need for it to be a challenge.

But if a woman wants a guy, she tries to make it as challenging for him as she can.

Woudn't it be great if we could turn the tables, and make things challenging for the women?

Im sure on some level us guys do. But it just seems that the majority of the time, guys are the ones fighting an uphill battle :half:

I hear you on that....

,.............. I always love the chase, but once I get the full attention and the chase is over, i'm usually all set and its on to the next chase.... As I get older it seems harder and harder to fina a woman that can keep my intrest...

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dude, have even finally have had SEX yet??

if not, then jesus christ why are you even asking that question. you will always fight an uphill battle... 20 something and still a virgin, TRYING to put up a challenge to women? fucking lame :blank:

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Originally posted by tastey

dude, have even finally have had SEX yet??

if not, then jesus christ why are you even asking that question. you will always fight an uphill battle... 20 something and still a virgin, TRYING to put up a challenge to women? fucking lame :blank:


you crack me up in your naive ways. Of Course i've had sex! your mom flew in from Germany last night and brought me some cream puffs and she sampled some of my Belgian Kielbasa :rolleyes:

ps, i'm planning on going to Germany in October for Ocktoberfest , prolly near Munich. We should meet up, and i'll show you im not such an innocent smurf ;)

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Originally posted by nomembername

It definitely works both ways so I'm not really sure how to respond. Many times if the guy makes it difficult for a girl who is use to getting alot of attention it makes her want him even more.

True that.

I've been adjusting my ways, and i have done this, and it works.

It's not easy to transition from being just nice all the time, to being somewhat "not caring" or distant. But it does seem to work, unfortunately :laugh:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

It's not easy to transition from being just nice all the time, to being somewhat "not caring" or distant. But it does seem to work, unfortunately :laugh:

It's funny you say that because I've always pretty much just been a dick to women and they love that shit but it's been funny to watch one of my boys transform from always being a nice guy to now being a creep and always (as I like to call it) "getting grimey".

I'm so proud of my positive influence on him not only with dealing with women but also turning him into the alcoholic that he is today.

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Originally posted by bullseye

i love a challenge. who the fuck wants someone that is jus gonna lay down for u at ur every beckon call, though im sure someone here wants that. self confidence is very sexy.

care to explain how self confidence and playing hard to get relate to each other?

btw, gmc i will probably be there too. if everything works out, me and 15 others of my crew will have a big house in munich for the after party. currently talking out the price but it´ll probably work. only cool and sexy people are invited though. and certainly no virgins. so if you think you can get laid till october and make a good impression when i meet you, you´re welcome to party there with us :cool:

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Originally posted by tastey

care to explain how self confidence and playing hard to get relate to each other?

if i must explain,

self confidence in ur abilities, confidence in ur personality, confidence in ur sexuality, and not letting these things disappear by spreading ur legs or gettin ur dick hard for any pretty or handsome face that comes along....

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Originally posted by bullseye

if i must explain,

self confidence in ur abilities, confidence in ur personality, confidence in ur sexuality, and not letting these things disappear by spreading ur legs or gettin ur dick hard for any pretty or handsome face that comes along....

i´m not sure if i understand. you must mean that if you fuck someone that you know is below your standards, then your self confidence will suffer. with that i agree.

still don´t understand how self confidence and playing hard to get relate to each other. they even exclude each other IMO. think about it, you´re PLAYING hard to get. would a person who is self confident and believes that he is the prize need to play games (play hard to get), or would he rather believe that the experience with him would be so awesome that a woman would be stupid to reject him and just goes for the woman he likes?

dont get your point

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Originally posted by tastey

i´m not sure if i understand. you must mean that if you fuck someone that you know is below your standards, then your self confidence will suffer. with that i agree.

I disagree...if it is your choice than it shouldn't matter. I have a huge amount of confidence and I fuck ugly chicks all the time!

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Originally posted by nomembername

I disagree...if it is your choice than it shouldn't matter. I have a huge amount of confidence and I fuck ugly chicks all the time!

my superman complex is probably way too big to touch these. i don´t think they deserve me. which brings us back to having standards and BEING hard to get.

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Originally posted by nomembername

You know what it is bro? Every once in a while I just feel like helping an ugly chick out and let her experience what it is like to fuck someone as perfect as me. I'm just good like that.

heartwarming :laugh:

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Originally posted by bullseye

if i must explain,

self confidence in ur abilities, confidence in ur personality, confidence in ur sexuality, and not letting these things disappear by spreading ur legs or gettin ur dick hard for any pretty or handsome face that comes along....

Maybe it's cuz I was only 17, but I chased Flip....

"Talked" for about a week and started going out....

Fucked after one week of being bf & gf....

Never lost my self confidence in any way because of this. :)

Of course, now look where we are, and I realize that doesn't happen often.

I guess my point is, you never know. So do whatever feels right. ;) Only you know whether or not you're comfortable with the situation.

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Originally posted by themrs

Maybe it's cuz I was only 17, but I chased Flip....

If Flip was older than you when you were 17, then that makes a lot of sense. I hooked up with a girl in Paris (i was 20, she was 17), and she totally was all over me, prolly cuz it was her chance to be with an "older" guy.

But i think the point when a woman realizes who she is, and where her ASS-sets are ;)., then she's going to say "hey, im hot stuff. And im not gonna get with any randy guy. I'm gonna make him work using my non-verbal subtle ways. And if he doesn't get those signs, his loss" ! :laugh:

So makes sense, right? girl gains confidence, girl makes it a challenge for guys to get to them, girl, using their power and control, gets the pick of the litter and have freedom at the same time!

god, how wonderful life is for a girl :)

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