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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

the governtment need x to be illegal...they cant make any money off of it if its legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

..and make it safe without any "cheap immitation" mdma-like substances(pma, mdea,dxm) for the HEALTH of the people , if that is what they really are worried about . :idea:

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

this is correct in some ways...but the govt makes more money off of it being illigal, and i have witnessed this first hand!!!!!!!!!!!

first of all...if they make it legal, then the companies would make most of the money on it!!!!! lets say its legal....then obviously it would probably be run by big corporations like marlboro or uknow some of those types...yeah the govt will make some money off of taxes, but they make alo t more money off of it being illigal....with it beeing illegal when they confiscate be it money or the drug....they get to keep it all....so where does more profit come from???????? from taxing it...or from raiding a couple of people and keeping all there money and there xtc.....that way they can resell it through there own dealers, and they stand to make all the profit from it.....to buy or to do whatever they want to with it...bcuz this money isnt tracked cuz its not legal money to begin with...so theres the underground info!!!!!!!! i hope ive enlightened some of u!!!!!!!!

The world is a business! Money makes the world go round...

Pharmacuetical companies would have a field day with this having the rights to make Pure MDMA. They can add it to the list of other expensive drugs they already manufacture. Then, other companies in the world will manufacture and the US will say not to buy from them because they are contaminating the drugs, they are being produced in unsanitary factories, etc. like they do now. They would find a way to monopolize it. Really, it's a lose-lose situation...

But what are we talking about? They would never legalize it.....

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Originally posted by themrs

Oh honey, we all know what a good person you are, you don't need to waste your time with this one....


let's not be to hasty about trying to shut this girl out or it makes everyone here a hypocrite.... just as flip and sobeton and i or anyone else here have the right to make our own opinions and comments so does she. or is this just gonna be a case of "the good times" crew shutting someone out who doesn't see eye to eye? so she said something like "get out of the country"... but flip said he'd "get out and is disgusted by this country at times."

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Originally posted by tired

let's not be to hasty about trying to shut this girl out or it makes everyone here a hypocrite.... just as flip and sobeton and i or anyone else here have the right to make our own opinions and comments so does she. or is this just gonna be a case of "the good times" crew shutting someone out who doesn't see eye to eye? so she said something like "get out of the country"... but flip said he'd "get out and is disgusted by this country at times."

She can voice her opinion all she wants... what my post means is my husband doesn't have to make an effort to be nice to her when she was so quick to be rude to him, directly.... :D

I'm not trying to shut her out. I don't speak for everyone when I talk to Flip ;)

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Originally posted by tired

or is this just gonna be a case of "the good times" crew shutting someone out who doesn't see eye to eye?

Don't hate.... no one get's shut out of good times.

I think you have some underlying issues we need to speak about.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

the govt makes more money off of it being illigal, and i have witnessed this first hand!!!!!!!!!!!

please enlighten me

but they make alot more money off of it being illigal....with it beeing illegal when they confiscate be it money or the drug....they get to keep it all....so where does more profit come from???????? from taxing it...or from raiding a couple of people and keeping all there money and there xtc.....that way they can resell it through there own dealers, and they stand to make all the profit from it.....to buy or to do whatever they want to with it...bcuz this money isnt tracked cuz its not legal money to begin with...

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Originally posted by themrs

Don't hate.... no one get's shut out of good times.

I think you have some underlying issues we need to speak about.

i don't hate on anyone.. everyone is free to do whatever they well please... they are allowed to act and think how they wish as far as i am concerned....

also, i have no underlying issues... i'm an open book, i tell it how it is for me and hide nothing

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Originally posted by tired

i don't hate on anyone.. everyone is free to do whatever they well please... they are allowed to act and think how they wish as far as i am concerned....

also, i have no underlying issues... i'm an open book, i tell it how it is for me and hide nothing

or is this just gonna be a case of "the good times" crew shutting someone out who doesn't see eye to eye?


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Originally posted by themrs

I'm not trying to shut her out. I don't speak for everyone when I talk to Flip ;)

understood... but in the context of this entire thread flip was being a bigger man and offering her a hand in truce by saying that.... and in true cp fashion most people "have each other's back" so to say... cp miami seems to be one giant "friendship" circle and if by you telling him that he decides not do it then i am afraid that a potentially good person, albiet with strong opinions and not very well placed tact, would get shut out of possibly good friendships

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Originally posted by tired

let's not be to hasty about trying to shut this girl out or it makes everyone here a hypocrite.... just as flip and sobeton and i or anyone else here have the right to make our own opinions and comments so does she. or is this just gonna be a case of "the good times" crew shutting someone out who doesn't see eye to eye? so she said something like "get out of the country"... but flip said he'd "get out and is disgusted by this country at times."

my issue with her comments was she called into question Flip's patriotism. this was totally uncalled for, and really without merit... it's one thing to disagree, however it's another to accuse one of being unpatriotic. simply because they disagree with how our government operates. ;)
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Originally posted by clbgirl23

fliptoniaaa please do our country a favor and get out and go to another country where you "think the government is less corrupt." In all honesty our country is in a time of need for patriotism....there are people who die for this country everyday and there are people dying trying to come to this country everyday. So do everyone a favor and keep your biased negative opinions to yourself. I am sure that all of the u.s. soldiers that are protecting your ass everyday would appreciate your lovely statements. IF YOU HATE THE U.S GET OUT. AND RMEMBER YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL ITS GONE OR TAKEN FROM YOU.

Flip doesn't have to do you a favor... I totally agree with him and unlike Flip I've lived in another country (worst than this one) Just know that there is no perfect country out there but our government lies to us and that's a FACT so don't think you live in Wonderland!!! BTW...I feel sooo bad for our soldiers; they think they are trying - dying to make our country better and free the world from terrorism when in fact they are dying to make someone richer...

I don't hate the US government, I am thankful for everything this country has given me but save your patriotism...

Thank you,

(CP's server sucks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Originally posted by clbgirl23

fliptoniaaa please do our country a favor and get out and go to another country where you "think the government is less corrupt." In all honesty our country is in a time of need for patriotism....there are people who die for this country everyday and there are people dying trying to come to this country everyday. So do everyone a favor and keep your biased negative opinions to yourself. I am sure that all of the u.s. soldiers that are protecting your ass everyday would appreciate your lovely statements. IF YOU HATE THE U.S GET OUT. AND RMEMBER YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL ITS GONE OR TAKEN FROM YOU.

Flip doesn't have to do you a favor... I totally agree with him and unlike Flip I've lived in another country (worst than this one) Just know that there is no perfect country out there but our government lies to us and that's a FACT so don't think you live in Wonderland!!! BTW...I feel sooo bad for our soldiers; they think they are trying - dying to make our country better and free the world from terrorism when in fact they are dying to make someone richer...

I don't hate the US government, I am thankful for everything this country has given me but save your patriotism...

Thank you,

(CP's server sucks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Originally posted by clbgirl23

fliptoniaaa please do our country a favor and get out and go to another country where you "think the government is less corrupt." In all honesty our country is in a time of need for patriotism....there are people who die for this country everyday and there are people dying trying to come to this country everyday. So do everyone a favor and keep your biased negative opinions to yourself. I am sure that all of the u.s. soldiers that are protecting your ass everyday would appreciate your lovely statements. IF YOU HATE THE U.S GET OUT. AND RMEMBER YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL ITS GONE OR TAKEN FROM YOU.

Flip doesn't have to do you a favor... I totally agree with him and unlike Flip I've lived in another country (worst than this one) Just know that there is no perfect country out there but our government lies to us and that's a FACT so don't think you live in Wonderland!!! BTW...I feel sooo bad for our soldiers; they think they are trying - dying to make our country better and free the world from terrorism when in fact they are dying to make someone richer...

I don't hate the US government, I am thankful for everything this country has given me but save your patriotism...

Thank you,

(CP's server sucks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

letss see where to begin!!!!!!!!! its was an o.k. piece of journalism...they kind of left everyting where it is anyways...they started to push the line, but they eased up at the end.......its very surprising to me that u all r surprised that ur own govt would lie to u.......welcome to the o.s. of fuckin a!!!!!!!!!

u know this country and govt sometimes just make me sick....and believe me if i hads the money i would get out!!!!!!!! but 4 now im stuck here....in the land of fliptoniaaa....where at least up to now i can kind of live my life in the freedom that this country should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Sounds like someone who has never lived in another Country (and I will leave it at that cause I like you). :D

From what I have read MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) was first synthesized and patented in 1914 by the German drug company called Merck (I actually owned their stock). Scientists thought that this drug could be used as an appetite suppressant (I am sure allot of us can relate to this). In the 1970s, MDMA was given to psychotherapy patients and couples with marital conflicts because it helped them open up and talk about their feelings. This practice was stopped in 1986 when animal studies showed that ecstasy caused brain damage.

The last thing consumers are popping now a days is pure MDMA. There is actually a company in Holland that will test the chemical compounds in any X pill that you send them for free. They offer this for research reasons and from what I have read some pills do not even contain MDMA. You'll be surprised at what they contain.

Food for thought.


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