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The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh


"She stared at him, wide-eyed, speechless. Then she spun around to face me. Do you see now? She cried. She bit her lip fiercely and the tears came pouring out of her brimming eyes.

I put my arms around her and pulled her towards me. She rubbed her face into my kurta, sobbing, saying over and over again: Do you see now? Do you understand?--and I uncomphrending, repeated after her: See what? understand what? while trying to stop the flow of her tears with the back of my hand.

Then she pushed me away and waved at a taxi. It stopped, and she darted into it, rolled the window, and shouted: Do you see now why I've chosen to live in London? Do you see? It's only because I want to be free.

Free of what? I said.

Free of you! she shouted back. Free of your bloody culture and free of all of you.

The taxi started moving and I began to run along with it.

You can never be free of me, I shouted through the open window. If I were to die tomorrow you would not be free of me. You cannot be free of me because I am within you...just as you are within me.

Then the taxi picked up speed and disappeared along the Chowringhee.

So that was what I told my grandmother as she lay in her sickbed, glaring at me; I told her that Ila lived in London only because she wanted to be free.

But I knew I had made a mistake the moment I said it; I should have known that she would have nothing but contempt for a freedom that could be bought for the price of an air ticket. For she too had once wanted to be free; she had dreamt of killing for her freedom.

It's not freedom she wants, said my grandmother, her bloodshot eyes glowing in the hollows of her withered face. She wants to be left alone to do what she pleases: that's all that any whore would want. She'll find that easily enough over there; that's what those places have to offer. But that is not what it means to be free.

I got up then and went back to my room. Staring out of my window, at the darkness of the Lake. I saw Ila's face again, as I had seen it that night in the taxi, wet with tears, twisted with anger and hatred, and I thought of how much they all wanted to be free; how they went mad wanting their freedom; I began to wonder whether it was I that was mad because I was happy to be bound: whether I was alone in knowing that I could not live without the clamour of the voices within me."

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lol, I want a t-shirt that says that! I ordered the pin online last night! :laugh: :laugh:

I was going to try get it made, but all those sites only have like mens sizes shirts...I want a little wife beater and I will SO wear it to her concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any ideas?!?!

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Originally posted by Mystify22

lol, I want a t-shirt that says that! I ordered the pin online last night! :laugh: :laugh:

I was going to try get it made, but all those sites only have like mens sizes shirts...I want a little wife beater and I will SO wear it to her concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any ideas?!?!

get it custom made:D

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Originally posted by Codica3

I've been so busy since the semester started that I barely have time to post anymore.. and when I do, most of it is in the Sports forum.

How's life? :D

Pretty good! Summer is almost here so I am getting excited!

Show your face more often! ;)

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