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Attn: Cintron and all u dep. uranium lovin fools...

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so now that theres possible action being taken up by the ever concerned hillary clinton concerning depleted uranium and its effects on GI's in Iraq..r u still gona tell me that the stuff isnt bad for u??

does this mean i'll have to stop putting it on my morning omelette?? damn!!...

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like i said. you can sleep with a DU shell for 30 years with no effects. just dont get near one after its been fired. its not going to make you glow in the dark. It's the dust, uranium oxide, that's toxic.

then again i doubt you go sniffing car exhaust, which is just as dangerous to breathe.

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so r u implying NATO just dropped cases of ammunition into serbia without discharging them? the people got sick because they mistook the shells for peanuts and cracked them open??

where are the weapons inspectors ..i want UN weapons inspectors in washington and wherrever they produce these biological weapons of mass destruction.

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Originally posted by cintron

like i said. you can sleep with a DU shell for 30 years with no effects. just dont get near one after its been fired. its not going to make you glow in the dark. It's the dust, uranium oxide, that's toxic.

then again i doubt you go sniffing car exhaust, which is just as dangerous to breathe.

So basically what your saying is every soldier that was in a tank and fired a shell will be exposed to depleted uranium. Hm.. Sounds safe to me.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Correction. These are classified as nuclear weapons, no?

you ARE dumb arent you.

No they are NOT nuclear weapons, they are NOT biological or Chemical weapons.

They are classified as standard "dumb" munitions. It's not depleted uranium that is toxic. I will say this for the thousandth fucking time in hopes that you will read it and finally let it sink it.


It is URANIUM OXIDE that is toxic. Uranium Oxide is created when a DU slug strikes armor at high speed and vaporizes the metal.

The UO dust is very much like asbestos. It is NOT going to make you glow in the dark. It is NOT highly radioactive. It emits alpha particles which, if you remember physics, can be stopped by a sheet of paper. It is the DUST it creates on impact which is toxic. Again, it is very much like asbestos. It is an irritant and not something you want to ingest.

Is this any different from ANY other form of munition?

NOT REALLY. You do not want to ingest ANY form of metal dust or other byproducts of spent munitions. DU gets a bad rap becuase simply, that's what our tanks and aircraft use most.

If We'd used any other form of tip for the shells, the effects would be similar.

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Originally posted by cintron

They are classified as standard "dumb" munitions. It's not depleted uranium that is toxic. I will say this for the thousandth fucking time in hopes that you will read it and finally let it sink it.


It is URANIUM OXIDE that is toxic. Uranium Oxide is created when a DU slug strikes armor at high speed and vaporizes the metal.

The UO dust is very much like asbestos. It is NOT going to make you glow in the dark. It is NOT highly radioactive. It emits alpha particles which, if you remember physics, can be stopped by a sheet of paper. It is the DUST it creates on impact which is toxic. Again, it is very much like asbestos. It is an irritant and not something you want to ingest.

Is this any different from ANY other form of munition?

NOT REALLY. You do not want to ingest ANY form of metal dust or other byproducts of spent munitions. DU gets a bad rap becuase simply, that's what our tanks and aircraft use most.

If We'd used any other form of tip for the shells, the effects would be similar.


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Originally posted by cintron

you ARE dumb arent you.

No they are NOT nuclear weapons, they are NOT biological or Chemical weapons.

They are classified as standard "dumb" munitions. It's not depleted uranium that is toxic. I will say this for the thousandth fucking time in hopes that you will read it and finally let it sink it.


It is URANIUM OXIDE that is toxic. Uranium Oxide is created when a DU slug strikes armor at high speed and vaporizes the metal.

The UO dust is very much like asbestos. It is NOT going to make you glow in the dark. It is NOT highly radioactive. It emits alpha particles which, if you remember physics, can be stopped by a sheet of paper. It is the DUST it creates on impact which is toxic. Again, it is very much like asbestos. It is an irritant and not something you want to ingest.

Is this any different from ANY other form of munition?

NOT REALLY. You do not want to ingest ANY form of metal dust or other byproducts of spent munitions. DU gets a bad rap becuase simply, that's what our tanks and aircraft use most.

If We'd used any other form of tip for the shells, the effects would be similar.

Ok, DU is not toxic. I got it. Do you mind show me the sources where you got your information because the international depleted uraniun study team has found otherwise:

DU is a highly toxic heavy metal with a radioactive half-life of four and one-half billion years. DU has accumulated in enormous quantities since the dawn of the nuclear age. Despite the name "Depleted" Uranium, DU has 60% the radioactivity of Natural Uranium, which is pure uranium.

Another question, do you actually think that US soldiers in Iraq and Iraqi civilians aren't inhaling or have inhaled the radiactive dust left from du shells whether in Gulf War I or Gulf War II?

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so you yank some quote off some website and then expect me to jump through hoops in refuting your obvious "truth"?

fuck off. You want truth, you go find it.

You want to believe what you want to believe, go no further than your little article.

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Originally posted by cintron

so you yank some quote off some website and then expect me to jump through hoops in refuting your obvious "truth"?

fuck off. You want truth, you go find it.

You want to believe what you want to believe, go no further than your little article.

Chill out retard. What the fuck are you so pissed about, gay boy? You obviously can't argue the issue if you get pissed when someone asked you questions about it. It's ok to admit that depleted uranium is harmful to humans, fuck nut.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Chill out retard. What the fuck are you so pissed about, gay boy? You obviously can't argue the issue if you get pissed when someone asked you questions about it. It's ok to admit that depleted uranium is harmful to humans, fuck nut.

you really are a fucking moron, Depleted uranium is not harmful to humans, it's a Stable element, pot kettle black asshole. you should be so bold to talk about getting pissed and not staying in the issue... read a damn book and take some classes before you start telling people who know alot more about this than you what's up.

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Originally posted by siceone

you really are a fucking moron, Depleted uranium is not harmful to humans, it's a Stable element, pot kettle black asshole. you should be so bold to talk about getting pissed and not staying in the issue... read a damn book and take some classes before you start telling people who know alot more about this than you what's up.


This post is fucking hilarious. Apparently, you totally ignore the fact that depleted uranium produces radioactive dust. Explain to me how the fuck this isn't toxic. Explain to me to how the small group of soldiers that were tested, tested positive for uranium exposure. I'm looking at this objectively but when soldiers are testing positve for uranium exposure your arguement means shit.

Oh, and if you meant to say "the pot calling the kettle black" you're fucking retarded. Find one example, of where I'm avoiding the topic shit head? I always, stay on the topic of the thread.

You fucking clowns keep saying that DU isn't harmful to humans but I've shown examples of how it is and there is quite a bit more out there. So who the fuck is ignoring the facts, jerkoff? Get a life why don't you? Fucking pentagon puppets. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i still wana know how cancer clusters developed in heavily bombed areas of serbia which had no below normal levels of cancer before the NATO bombing?

I would like to know too, but jumping all over something because it has Uranium in the name is ridiculous.

Im not even sure they used Depleted uranium in anything other than tank shells

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Originally posted by siceone

I would like to know too, but jumping all over something because it has Uranium in the name is ridiculous.

This, quite possibly, is the most rediculous thing you've ever posted.

It not only has uranium in the name...IT CONTAINS URANIUM, YOU FUCKING CLOWN!!!!

I give up, you're hopeless. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

This, quite possibly, is the most rediculous thing you've ever posted.

It not only has uranium in the name...IT CONTAINS URANIUM, YOU FUCKING CLOWN!!!!

I give up, you're hopeless. :rolleyes:


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