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Do you beleive that Jonathan Peters Is the Devil? 666

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

yeah but who has honestly heard a whole jp set? that would require 15+ hours of sober clubbing to fully comprehend what he drops. its impossible. his loops kill me..the filler has got to stop...and his I-Mac does 50% of the work for him.

i liked goin to factory..and JP would drop some good shit once in a while...but to be honest i mostly went because it was a glimpse into a life that i would never lead..and would never want anyone around me to lead.

he's infected NYC club culture so bad that kids dont listen to the beat anymore...they just move around in typical "FACTORY SHUFFLE" fashion...hands in the air..doing the running man...lookin like theyre tryin to land a plane with their hand motions...

the major problem with JP is his followers..a good portion of them r hardcore drug addicts....and thats unfortunate. the reason there's so many OD's lately @ JP's parties..is cause kids wait....and wait..and wait for a JP party..and all this "crack-age" builds up..and when the party finally comes they go and do too much e/tina/k/coke ...just because of the euphoria of hearing "JOHHHHNNYYY RIP ITTT!!!!" ...


G is bringing down the scene. People are dropping let and right because of G.

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Wow....you are crazzzzzzzyyyyyyy!!!! What shit have you smoked or snorted?????? lol. I agree that people would get addicted to him and his music, because I try to go to Black every weekend!!!!!! I don't agree that he is the devil....what is that all about?????? I think Black is a great name for a club and I am pretty religious! The women who dated Jonathan are very lucky ladies!!!!!! I would love to date him!!!!!!!!! lol. JP 4 ever!!!!!!!

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You are crazyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! What kind of crap have you smoked or snorted? lol. I agree that Jonathan is addictive. The first time I went to Black I have been going every weekend...it's like I can't get enough of JP. I think Black is a great name for a club and I am pretty religious!!!!!! As for the women that dated him....they are very lucky ladies!!!!!!! I would love to date him!!!!! Can someone hook it up? lol. JP # 1 dj!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK First and foremost. THANK you for a very entertaining thread. It has made me laugh, and people replied with some interesting quotes. Hmm....

I greatly wonder if you truly beleive that JP maybe the devil himself or if you just wanted to bust our chops and have a fun thread. In any event it's quite interesting.

So first. If i am to assume your serious... Then I'll respond in a serious manner and share with you my view on this matter.

For you to have a better idea on my view on this matter, let me first introduce myself to you.

I'm in my early 30's <- very early LOL. I've been 'round for some time. Have lots of older brothers that's been goin' out since the days of Studio 54.

They have brain washed me and taught me how to do the Xenon dance the second I could walk.. Hmm.. makes me think maybe my brothers are the devil....

Well to make the long story short,... JP is just an individual doing his job/profession. He happens to be a DJ and how things fall into place isn't his fault.

It just so happens to be that he DJ's at a venue or did DJ at a venue that was an after hours type of club. Naturally this attracted the EXTREMIST of crowd. And how the behave in that venue isn't his fault, nor can you credit him for it. Or discredit him.

It's the responsibilities of those individuals themselves the the responsibilities of the securities/bouncer to keep them in-line.

There is a hypnotic affect to any redundant repetitive beats or chants. This is one of the tools that Scientologists use to 'brainwash' fools. But then again, that's not JP's fault, that just happens to be the nature of some of the songs.

I myself is a very spiritual person, meaning I am keenly aware of peoples moods, and I believe that I have an intuitive ability to 'see' peoples aura and temperment. I have experienced OBE without the use of drugs, and regularly meditate. I have experienced a phenomenon called "bungongut" that only a very few older Asian men experience. Those experiences unfortunetly can be deadly and many Asian men have died from it. Western Doctors sometimes call it Hypnogogic Hallucinations.

When we experience psychedelic things that maybe percieved as spiritual awakening or "being in a K hole" or a higher sense of awareness in any way, that may change our view or opinion in the environment of where/when it occured.

Clubs, DJ's and people were with at that moment are not exception. So as for me I have always have had positive experiences in LimeLight, Colli.., SF, Twilo etc.. Unfortunetly some have bad experiences and may 'see' JP as being a Devil or SF being 'hell'.

I am born a Catholic, though i see myself as a born again Christian, though other christian will disagree I am Christian b/c i believe in Re-incarnation and other things that are out of boundaries as Christians.

But you being a Catholic and believing in good/bad, evil/hell and so forth, then YES


JP can be seen as the Devil. Though of course I myself don't see him in that, and i'm sure JP himself don't see himself as being the devil.

But if he were to have a Christian 'awareness' then he may beleive himself to have been 'possessed' by the "DEVIL".

Just as much as Priest and other conservatives and parents saw KISS - Gene Simons, Paul Stanley as being the 'devil' or being evil, or exuding those qualities, JP himself can be seen that way by certain people.

Surely HITLER does not think of himself as the Devil, but many Jews/Christians might think he's an 'anti-christ'.

Point I'm making is it's in the perception of each individual.

OK now for the 2nd part of this THREAD.

Many, many, many times, i have been to SF at nearly as it opens, till Close SOBER,....

So there, there is someone on this board that has 'heard' his whole SET.. minus an hour or so .. i am not there as the door opens... SOBER..

I have been there sober many many times... ANd i can say HE IS ONE OF THE BEST.

MOck him all you want all you JP haters on this board... but he is one of the greatest of all time in eAST Coast. There is no denying that.

sure he may use ImAC or what not if he does.. whateva.... surely a warrior will use a machine gun over a samurai sword. So the latest techs and gizmo, if he has the money to buy it use it ..why Not. That shouldn't and doesn't in my book.

don't get me wrong I love Carl Cox.. but it's a matter of opinion..

It's JP's selection of music, his taste, that alot of people go to SF for such as i have for many many years and will continue to do so.

I hope my reply to this thread has been helpful and insightful - Peace.

And don't u dare Call DT a fag.. he is one of the GREATEST..

my opinion and in no particular order b/c one can be 'on' more than so other nights..as far as EAST coast DJ's not including world wide renowned DJ's or European DJ's.

1) JP

2) DT

3) Vic Calderone

4) Dj at Colliseum -NJ- thursday night.. dunno his name if i hear it i'll know it.

5) Richie Santana

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OK First and foremost. THANK you for a very entertaining thread. It has made me laugh, and people replied with some interesting quotes. Hmm....

I greatly wonder if you truly beleive that JP maybe the devil himself or if you just wanted to bust our chops and have a fun thread. In any event it's quite interesting.

So first. If i am to assume your serious... Then I'll respond in a serious manner and share with you my view on this matter.

For you to have a better idea on my view on this matter, let me first introduce myself to you.

I'm in my early 30's <- very early LOL. I've been 'round for some time. Have lots of older brothers that's been goin' out since the days of Studio 54.

They have brain washed me and taught me how to do the Xenon dance the second I could walk.. Hmm.. makes me think maybe my brothers are the devil....

Well to make the long story short,... JP is just an individual doing his job/profession. He happens to be a DJ and how things fall into place isn't his fault.

It just so happens to be that he DJ's at a venue or did DJ at a venue that was an after hours type of club. Naturally this attracted the EXTREMIST of crowd. And how the behave in that venue isn't his fault, nor can you credit him for it. Or discredit him.

It's the responsibilities of those individuals themselves the the responsibilities of the securities/bouncer to keep them in-line.

There is a hypnotic affect to any redundant repetitive beats or chants. This is one of the tools that Scientologists use to 'brainwash' fools. But then again, that's not JP's fault, that just happens to be the nature of some of the songs.

I myself is a very spiritual person, meaning I am keenly aware of peoples moods, and I believe that I have an intuitive ability to 'see' peoples aura and temperment. I have experienced OBE without the use of drugs, and regularly meditate. I have experienced a phenomenon called "bungongut" that only a very few older Asian men experience. Those experiences unfortunetly can be deadly and many Asian men have died from it. Western Doctors sometimes call it Hypnogogic Hallucinations.

When we experience psychedelic things that maybe percieved as spiritual awakening or "being in a K hole" or a higher sense of awareness in any way, that may change our view or opinion in the environment of where/when it occured.

Clubs, DJ's and people were with at that moment are not exception. So as for me I have always have had positive experiences in LimeLight, Colli.., SF, Twilo etc.. Unfortunetly some have bad experiences and may 'see' JP as being a Devil or SF being 'hell'.

I am born a Catholic, though i see myself as a born again Christian, though other christian will disagree I am Christian b/c i believe in Re-incarnation and other things that are out of boundaries as Christians.

But you being a Catholic and believing in good/bad, evil/hell and so forth, then YES


JP can be seen as the Devil. Though of course I myself don't see him in that, and i'm sure JP himself don't see himself as being the devil.

But if he were to have a Christian 'awareness' then he may beleive himself to have been 'possessed' by the "DEVIL".

Just as much as Priest and other conservatives and parents saw KISS - Gene Simons, Paul Stanley as being the 'devil' or being evil, or exuding those qualities, JP himself can be seen that way by certain people.

Surely HITLER does not think of himself as the Devil, but many Jews/Christians might think he's an 'anti-christ'.

Point I'm making is it's in the perception of each individual.

OK now for the 2nd part of this THREAD.

Many, many, many times, i have been to SF at nearly as it opens, till Close SOBER,....

So there, there is someone on this board that has 'heard' his whole SET.. minus an hour or so .. i am not there as the door opens... SOBER..

I have been there sober many many times... ANd i can say HE IS ONE OF THE BEST.

MOck him all you want all you JP haters on this board... but he is one of the greatest of all time in eAST Coast. There is no denying that.

sure he may use ImAC or what not if he does.. whateva.... surely a warrior will use a machine gun over a samurai sword. So the latest techs and gizmo, if he has the money to buy it use it ..why Not. That shouldn't and doesn't in my book.

don't get me wrong I love Carl Cox.. but it's a matter of opinion..

It's JP's selection of music, his taste, that alot of people go to SF for such as i have for many many years and will continue to do so.

I hope my reply to this thread has been helpful and insightful - Peace.

And don't u dare Call DT a fag.. he is one of the GREATEST..

my opinion and in no particular order b/c one can be 'on' more than so other nights..as far as EAST coast DJ's not including world wide renowned DJ's or European DJ's.

1) JP

2) DT

3) Vic Calderone

4) Dj at Colliseum -NJ- thursday night.. dunno his name if i hear it i'll know it.

5) Richie Santana

Good point!!

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the devil is out there. well not in the physical form, but he has his disciples just like jesus had his. it's not jonathan peters, in fact i doubt any of you have heard of this individual. he rarely makes the papers in fact, and it's not like you can buy a "who's who of the pagan/ satanic world" at barnes and noble. there are others who are more notable, but i dare not mention they're names neither. i don't know how safe or well guarded of a site clubplanet is, and since i value my life and that of my family: i will say no more.



I was gonna say something but I reconsidered and EDITED....

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  • 1 month later...

wtf are you guys talking about fancy tools jp uses... richie hawtin uses the same tools.. so im guessing he cant mix two tracks together either.. all you fags are stuck on carl coxes dick.. i for one agree with allnotthere and alot of people think the same.. maybe not as far as him being the devil.. but he is definitely on some tripped out tip.. his music isnt for everyone and not everyone can understand it.. but if you have been going to afterhours factory the past few years you know what jps sets are like and they are very different from any other dj.. this is why he has followers.. b/c no other dj has his style.. some people love jps style some dont.. but dont be quick to shit on him.. everyone has there own oppinons.. thats all i gotta say!! ill see you jp lovers at spirit tonight `=P

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jp not the devil N.Y.P.D club busters are the devil

no matter what who ware when there will allways

be drugs i say sell em at the bar or make a drugstore

in the place and have a doc dish out clean pure drugs

and make them understand what there taking

have medics ready to treat the dumb fucks

if they cant handle there shit i love drugs music dancing

sometimes all at once sometimes not

but ill tell you grab people on the street at 3 am

and youl find there are just as many people

drunk and on drugs as in the clubs

there never stop it so why not make it saffer

for them it benifites all shit i wish i lived in ibiza :)

acholol kills more people then any drug but theres taxes involed

with that not to menchon cigarets

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  • 1 year later...
Many people have said it, many have thought it. When I was at the pool party and saw people dropping like fly’s... Like people waited so long for jp to do his set we all wanted to basically kill are selves partying….

his sick music litterly fucking with my head to the point that I thought I was a different person. (.uhm yeah… don’t ask) (Granted may have been the stuff I was doing) but no other DJ makes me feel that way… something about his selection and how he slides and slants his mixes together. But something about the entire environment of juice head monsters and crazy thong wearing fake looking girls... Place was evil. Was so light out but I felt so dark inside.. I used to go to church and what stopped me from going was going to factory on Sunday mornings. JP's home address also ads up to 666. I know a couple of girls that used to date him and I have heard different things, Like he can drink a whole bottle of G and be fine, Like He has been doing hard core drugs for over 15 years and is in perfect health.. Now “Black” opened up... Black is another name for hell. People get sucked into the scene and destroy themselves. People graduate from clubs and end up as a JP follower. One of the girls I know that dated him showed his picture to some kind of old priest that never heard of him and he told her that he “Takes allot of souls” She asked him if he was the devil…..

Whatever laugh at me. , think what you want… It’s an opinion; I think jp is bringing the end of the world to us


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jp not the devil N.Y.P.D club busters are the devil

no matter what who ware when there will allways

be drugs i say sell em at the bar or make a drugstore

in the place and have a doc dish out clean pure drugs

and make them understand what there taking

have medics ready to treat the dumb fucks

if they cant handle there shit i love drugs music dancing

sometimes all at once sometimes not

but ill tell you grab people on the street at 3 am

and youl find there are just as many people

drunk and on drugs as in the clubs

there never stop it so why not make it saffer

for them it benifites all shit i wish i lived in ibiza :)

acholol kills more people then any drug but theres taxes involed

with that not to menchon cigarets

that was the dumbest post I have ever read...

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