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Shut The Fuck Up and Dance!

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Hey guys,

I've been in the scene as a consumer for so many years that I decided to give the other (the dark side!) a shot and throw my own party.... I hope it works w/o having any bodies tossed in the alley. But let me say w/ respect to all of the promoters/industry people on here, that I was astounded by how much labor goes into putting something together, my respect level for all of those people has tripled as a result of my experience so far.

So the event I'm throwin is this thurs night, we've put a shitload of work into it, I think it's going to be a really great time.

Everyone's been bitching about the state of NYC nightlife affairs so we named the party:

"Shut the fuck up and dance!"

The company: BasslineNYC.com


DJ/Producer Sean Tyas


--> Paul Van Dyk has been playing this kid's shit at every gig he's had for the past 1.5 months

Kenneth L

(Funky Tribal House)

--> he was the organizer of the Brooklyn Pier music festival that got cancelled by Guiliani a week after woodstock, making his comeback...

DJ Eric Martinez

(this is me, so any hype would be BS!)

This Thurs night, April 22

@ Downtime

251 W. 30th St (between 7th & 8th)


$7 cover reduced/10$ w/o


Please let me know if you want to come down I'll throw you on a reduced list and give you a free hug at the door! (depending on how drunk I am)

Thanks, I am very interested in getting feedback on this from clubbers after the event so that I know what to do/not to do next time... :party:

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I heard this Eric guy blew it up a few weeks ago at a Tribecca party.

Can't wait to check it out- I know how hard you've worked on this party.

You've got D.C. support with you all the way!!!

See you there in party gear-

your number one fan! :bounce:

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Originally posted by az-tec

Best of luck Eric!!!!

Ill def swing by to support for a little...

Now you see what we go thru huh? llllllllllllooooollllllllll

No shit bro! When we met that day to talk about this I should have taken your cautions more seriously. Thanks for all your help Andy, I look forward to seeing you Thurs w/ open arms.

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Originally posted by bassboy

No shit bro! When we met that day to talk about this I should have taken your cautions more seriously. Thanks for all your help Andy, I look forward to seeing you Thurs w/ open arms.

:laugh: :laugh:

told u it wasnt as easy as it looked ;)

ill see u thursday...

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sounds like a good time. Not too sure i am gion to be able to make it.

I live too damn far from the city to be there and then be at work the next morning.

i will try my best to come and support this though.


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I deffinitely like the name of the party.

i am experiencing government stalker phobia reactions lately.

they hounded us with caberet stuff....placed a non smoking ban.....towed our cars.....stalked us outside of clubs....shut down anything decent......

so, u know....when Japans weapons were taken from them they became super technology experts......

my typing has gotten better.....stiff dancing lately.....hmmmm....

you must be able to dance with the pen.........F.N,

~angery dancer bitch inside....the machine.

HAve nothing but hate for giuliani....but, guilt = stress= cancer =death................i dont feel bad.

i suffered.

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