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Centro-Fly Closing Party Review

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Ok, all I have to say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! Im really pissed that I never ventured to this place until now...... But better now than never..... What an amazing fucking party. I have not been to a party with the energy and vibe that, last nights closing party brought.

Opening DJ Junior Sanchez, off the hook man with the Electro Clash. The man dropped PHil Collins in the middle of the set, it was fucking insane place went nuts, he dropped crazy good shit...Then the intro of Fat Boy Slim-holy shit whan an entrance.... A casket nontheless being carried across the dancefloor, as a funeral procession, he gets to the middle and he jumps out the fucker, that blew my mind and Junior rocks live and let die..... FatBoy Slim then Opens with Fly LIfe....... Truly a memorable night... People everywhere were just having a great time, dancing, and when there are 1000 people throwing there hands in the air, it was a sight to see. The other good thing from what I saw no crack heads, I mean there were people doin there thing Im sure, but no one over did it, it seemed.....

A lot of hot ladies there too, there was this one chick on top of the speaker directly across from the dj booth, with a white tank top on, dancing her ass off non stop, it was great....... Like I said the energy and vibe last night, was just amazing.....

NYC this is a wake up call, cause this kind of party is the type we are going to be missing since Cento is closing... This is the type of party needed in NYC. Whomever owns this CLUB and THREW that party last night, Thank-you for a truly memorable night in my clubbing experience...


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I agree 1000 percent. The energy, the vibe, the crazy beats and random songs that were dropped ...it was just something else and I am so happy I was there for it. The crowd was just awesome and everyone was loving it.

That night made it even harder to come to terms with that place closing - I've had SO many good times there.

Did you hear him play "My Way" by Frank?... that was something else...

Just a f-in fantastic party.

RIP Centro - you went out with a real bang.

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I had a really good time last night. Fat Boy Slim was really good. The casket thing was a lil weird. I didn't see him jump out of it cause I was kinda far. It was packed in there......I didn't find my friends until like 5 when it started clearing out.

I'm gonna miss centro. I've always had a good time there.

BTW that place looked like a totally different club. I haven't been there since the renovations, but it was still nice.

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Just an amazing night all around; people, music, etc...

I assume everyone went to see Danny around 4-5 because that is when most of the club bounced, but I couldn't stop dancing till 8am when my legs gave out. Thank you to all the dj's and the cool ass people I met that night for showing me such an incredible time.

Does anyone know who the last dude spinning was? I loved his set.

And for the crew on the lights.... thank you for the laaazzzerrrrrzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!

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I cant stand it...NY should be the leading city when it comes to TRUE nightlife..BUT NOOOO..we haev shit..centro was the one place i was truley in love with...the people..the music..EVERYTIHNG..now its gone. i mean..wtf.ahhhh..i will truly miss that place. the most annoying part was when they tried to m ake it an exit type palce..with dj boris and all that shit...all the SF peopel went there..it was horrible...centro fl was true nightlife...good booze..good people..good music..and a mature crowd..i used to love it when i woul dbe there and i would hear all these stupid immature clubgoers talk about how wakk the palce is..i would think to myself(yes..and please leave)..everytime i would see some people be like..wtf..play someting hard..i wanan rave..i would wanan b like..hahah YES>>HATE THIS PLACE AND NEVER COME BACK!..hehe..centro fly was pretty much the closest thing to the clubing experiences i had in paris and greece..NY NEEDS this type of scene..PROMOTERS..DJS..PLEASE DONT STOP THE MUSIC!..the record isnt over yet. dont let ny be consumed by all the trash juice monkey and hookers that it has the past couple years!..and as for the clubgoers...dont jsut go to a place cause of a big dj..im sure NY has hundreds of great..funk non commercial house djs. who knows..the small party that is at a local bar might have the best music. and if people start to support the dj and his music..NY can one day have another centr-fly with a wonderful resident. Im so tempted to bust my ass to try to throw a weekly event for true nightlife..but the truth is...NY already has its parties..its up for the peopel to unite...and make any spot their own. eventually the venues will adapt. ahh im at work right now venting and maybe i dont make sense..maybe i make perfect sesne..i dont even know..but all i do know is that i barely go out anymore..i jsut sit around with my gf..or work on ym car..or sleep...WHY..because nightlife now isnt what it used to be..and id much rather sit back and remembe the good times..then go out and realzie how much to shit its gone to. so let us all unite and bring back the cultured educated nightlife!...much to all the music lovers. for music is an art/passion we all can relate and connect to.

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Originally posted by mattm2o

Phil Collins- Easy Lover :rock:

and when they played

Guns & Roses- Live and Let Die


THat was it right there! I went insane when i heard those 2.

Anyone buy the posters? they were only $4. I should have bought more than 1 :D

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>>>>I cant stand it...NY should be the leading city when it comes to TRUE nightlife..BUT NOOOO..we haev shit..centro was the one place i was truley in love with...the people..the music..EVERYTIHNG..now its gone. i mean..wtf.ahhhh..i will truly miss that place. the most annoying part was when they tried to m ake it an exit type palce..with dj boris and all that shit...all the SF peopel went there..it was horrible...centro fl was true nightlife...good booze..good people..good music..and a mature crowd..i used to love it when i woul dbe there and i would hear all these stupid immature clubgoers talk about how wakk the palce is..i would think to myself(yes..and please leave)..everytime i would see some people be like..wtf..play someting hard..i wanan rave..i would wanan b like..hahah YES>>HATE THIS PLACE AND NEVER COME BACK!..hehe..centro fly was pretty much the closest thing to the clubing experiences i had in paris and greece..NY NEEDS this type of scene..PROMOTERS..DJS..PLEASE DONT STOP THE MUSIC!..the record isnt over yet. dont let ny be consumed by all the trash juice monkey and hookers that it has the past couple years!..and as for the clubgoers...dont jsut go to a place cause of a big dj..im sure NY has hundreds of great..funk non commercial house djs. who knows..the small party that is at a local bar might have the best music. and if people start to support the dj and his music..NY can one day have another centr-fly with a wonderful resident. Im so tempted to bust my ass to try to throw a weekly event for true nightlife..but the truth is...NY already has its parties..its up for the peopel to unite...and make any spot their own. eventually the venues will adapt. ahh im at work right now venting and maybe i dont make sense..maybe i make perfect sesne..i dont even know..but all i do know is that i barely go out anymore..i jsut sit around with my gf..or work on ym car..or sleep...WHY..because nightlife now isnt what it used to be..and id much rather sit back and remembe the good times..then go out and realzie how much to shit its gone to. so let us all unite and bring back the cultured educated nightlife!...much to all the music lovers. for music is an art/passion we all can relate and connect to.

I could not have said it any better, you listed every reason why i loved that place. please NY bring something like that club back...for the most part -it was a mature, music appreciative, and down to earth crowd that regulary attended those parties..damn i'll say it again - i will very much miss that place and am just thankful that I had the many fantastic times I had there.

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Originally posted by jaybird8521

Just an amazing night all around; people, music, etc...

I assume everyone went to see Danny around 4-5 because that is when most of the club bounced, but I couldn't stop dancing till 8am when my legs gave out. Thank you to all the dj's and the cool ass people I met that night for showing me such an incredible time.

Does anyone know who the last dude spinning was? I loved his set.

And for the crew on the lights.... thank you for the laaazzzerrrrrzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!

That laser show was the BEST I've EVER seen in NY over the last year...very very awesome...I challenge any other club to beat that :D And I thought it was so funny when they had one single beam of white light down on the floor...people were like, um, what do we do with this? I think I had way too much fun that night... :cool:

I said this on another post already, but yeah, the vibe in there was nice...it was definitely a more mature crowd...lots of love and friendly folks...I was bouncing all over the place gettin down for a min here & there with everyone...lol...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Anyone buy the posters? they were only $4. I should have bought more than 1 :D

I din't even know you could buy em' I kept sayin how sweet it would have looked in my office!

Anyway here are some pics I took a bunch but clarity is never good in clubs, these were the best of the bunch





I also wanna say for the past few years Centro Fly and it's staff was ontop of bringing some of the best DJ Talent in the world in to play on it's decks. Is is publically known that many Top Dj's would take major paycuts just to play @ Centro Fly because it was such a credible venue! From Subliminal, to GBH, to that great Thursday Night party theat ended about a year ago, Centro Fly is what Dance Music Culture is all about!

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Centro Fly will truly be missed....never had a bad night in there....great crowd, incredible talent and DJs every week...its was a club that signified NYC...next to Twilo that was by far the best club and the last of the great clubs that made NYC a great clubbing place...fuck Arc without their liquor...Centro Fly was getting world attention from places to London to Ibiza...how the hell it closes ill never know...now were left with wack-ass Crobar and the "revitalization" of 27th Street with all these fu-fu chi-chi clubs like Marquee, Crobar, Quo, Spirit etc etc...thats not NYC nightlife, thats pop culture bullshit

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yeah, ron and I will miss centro too. saturday night was off the hook. i cant wait to frame my fatboy slim poster that the guys gave me.

centro was the first customer of ours. they gave zygo a chance when no one else would talk to us. a year later, we are doing great thanks to tom and harold of centro.

i will be running around the city the next few nights and will try to thank my boys in person for their support of our brand. they are the classiest guys in the club biz.


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Well everyone, the last thing I want to do is turn this thread into a promotion, but on Long Island there is a party called NATION, where it is all bout the music and the customer, like CENTROFLY.

I have scene Mike Macaluso and Peter Bailey there, LES is going to be there a 3rd time this Friday, Chris and Kai, Sheldon Romero, ANTHONY NERO and a resident in ROB JAMES, whom knows the dance scene and is one of the pioneers of house music on LONG ISLAND.

So since everyone is pissed, about not having a party like Centro, come out to NATION this week and check it out, its a dope party, thrown by people who truly care about the music and its customers. I know its on LI but its worth the drive, we have kids that come from PA and South Jersey for this party. But anyway, like I said I do not want this to be a promotion, Im just letting everyone know that on LONG ISLAND there is a party that is what you are all looking for, and all I can say is check it out this FRIDAY.

If you want any info, pm mattm2o or myself or check out




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Saturday night was easily one of the best times I have had out in months...

I am so happy that things went so well this past weekend. Centro definitely got the send off it deserved.

FBS was all I expected him to be and more...Todd Terry ripped it as did Junior Sanchez for the half hour I heard him when I got there...the casket was GREAT, and when "MY WAY" came on i fuckin loved it...such an amazing(and SLOPPPPPPY) night overall :P

I have been going to Centro pretty much since the beginning...

I was at Subliminal almost every Thursday for a year and a half, then when they left, I helped take over Thursdays and was there every week for 16 months...as well as many Saturdays.

I have had some of the best times of the last few years in that space and I will never forget that magic that was there.

I want to thank everyone at Centro for just being so great and so much fun to work with. Tom, Dave, Harold, Manuel, Duke...you guys all rule...even the bartenders from the past few years..Paul, Brock, Cal, Nicole...the sound and lighting masters Martin and Michelle, all the way to Fernando the best bathroom attendant in NYC...thanks for everything and so good to see everyone together one last time this past Saturday.

Definitely sad to see it go....but all good things muct come to an end...

glad it went out with a bang!


also got some AMAZING pics and videos from Saturday that I am going to upload and try to post by the weekend :)

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I was there and it was Great!

The entire crowd was tripping and everyone was loving it.

Thought FB was a little lazy - but thats ok - lazy for him is slamming by most peoples standards...

Todd Terry was great

The Crowd made the atmosphere

I had to leave at 8...diesel tank was on empty

I need to know what club(s) are like that - that kinda crowd - I dont need poseurs - I liked the vibe there...people had their priorities in proper order. I saw Timo @ Crobar the nite b4 and as good as he was the crowd and staff were sterile...n p



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Originally posted by bazzeroo

I was there and it was Great!

The entire crowd was tripping and everyone was loving it.

Thought FB was a little lazy - but thats ok - lazy for him is slamming by most peoples standards...

Todd Terry was great

The Crowd made the atmosphere

I had to leave at 8...diesel tank was on empty

I need to know what club(s) are like that - that kinda crowd - I dont need poseurs - I liked the vibe there...people had their priorities in proper order. I saw Timo @ Crobar the nite b4 and as good as he was the crowd and staff were sterile...n p



I agree...FBS was a lil lazy compared to the tunes DT was spinning the night before! But I still had an awesome time :D

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