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"US Radio Sstation Fined for Castro Prank Call"


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"US Radio Sstation Fined for Castro Prank Call"

A Spanish-language radio station in Miami that crank called Cuban leader Fidel Castro (almost a year ago) has been fined $US4,000 by the United States broadcasting regulator.

The station, El Zol 95.7, duped Mr Castro into believing that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was calling to seek help in tracking down a suitcase containing secret documents he said he lost during a trip to Argentina.

Eventually a man posing as a Chavez aide asked Castro: "Do you agree with the shit on the island, murderer?" and added.

"You fell for it ... the whole of Miami is listening to you, Fidel Castro."

"What did I fall for, you shit?" the irate Cuban leader answered, adding further expletives, including references to the anatomy of the radio host's mother.

Mr Castro hung up, ending the 25 minute conversation.

The recording of the conversation June 17, 2003 was repeatedly aired.

The station played a similar prank on Mr Chavez in January 2003, pretending Mr Castro was on the line.

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Friday recommended that the station be fined $US4,000 for broadcasting a telephone conversation without notifying the other party.

The station has 30 days to challenge or pay the fine.

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If they can call that bastard to play a prank then maybe they can also call to inform him that they will be airing it. Don't know the details about the FCC Rules and Regulations but I do know they have been around and unchanged for a while.

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Originally posted by djkable

somewhat related...and something i've been wondering for a while: how does the Crank Yankers staff get away with it?...

just like the Jerky Boys...after the prank, they have to get consent...at least, i believe thats how its done..

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Best prank ever!


hahahaha...... that fuck...

I'm not 100% cuban, I was born in america but I am the only america born in my family. So for all the my family lost and suffered I say that fuck should get more then a prank call.

I say someone should fly an airplane into his house and blame it on Bin Laddin.



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Translated transcript of the conversation between Fidel Castro and two Miami DJs.

Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero from Miami, El Zol 95.7 Radio, used snippets from a tape recorded conversation with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to fool Fidel Castro.

Olga: "One moment. It seems that they are establishing a communication through another line. Maybe we can establish a bridge. Explain this to the president."

The DJs pretend to explain this to Chavez.

Recorded Chavez: "Yes, yes. Correct."

Olga: "We've just made a communication. One moment President. You will hear some music but it's only for a few seconds. It's just to transfer you. One moment. I'm transferring you."

Chavez: "Yes, yes. Of course."

Voice identified by the DJs as Castro: "Hello."

Ferrero, pretending to be a Chavez aide: "Lt. Camil is speaking."

Another person named Balenciaga comes on the line in Havana.

Balenciaga: "Ah, Camilo. Do you have president Chavez on line?"

Ferrero: "Yes, yes."

Castro: "Hello."

Chavez: "Fidel, good morning. Do you hear me? Hello. I thank you. I spoke to German yesterday."

Castro: "Tell me. I'm listening. Oh, yes."

Chavez: "Yes."

Castro: "Yes, yes."

Castro: "There are a lot of issues."

Castro: "I am listening."

Chavez: "Yes."

Castro: "I am listening."

Ferrero: "We have a third person on the line and it's my duty to let you know. Do you understand?"

Castro: "Yes."

Chavez: "Yes, brother. How are you?"

Castro: "Tell me and let me see if I hear you. Tell me you haven't returned yet."

Ferrero: "We have a problem with the line."

Castro: "I can't hear him. I hear certain words. I hear him say Fidel. And then I don't hear anything else. What do you think we should do?"

Ferrero explains to Castro that there was an issue with one of Hugo Chavez's suitcases that got lost when he went to Argentina last month. Castro was there, too.

Ferrero: "Do you know about the lost luggage? It has sensitive material. President Chavez is extremely worried because of that situation because now in Venezuela the situation is grave and it has something to do with this. Do you understand?"

Castro: "I understand."

Chavez: "Correct."

Ferrero: "Fidel, we have to investigate this."

Castro: "Correct. I understand. We have to investigate into that."

Chavez: "Good."

Ferrero: "Your agents that were with you in Argentina must make an extensive and detailed search. And the people that are responsible for this must be told. Are you informed that this is a number one issue?"

Castro: "I am informed and absolutely in agreement."

Ferrero: "So you agree with the shit that you have done to the island, assassin?"

Castro: "What?"

Ferrero: "Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero from Miami, El Zol 95.7 You fell just like Hugo Chavez."

Castro: "What did I fall for come mierda (shit eater)?


Ferrero: "Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero from Miami."

What did I fall for maricón (faggot)?"

Ferrero: "All of Miami is listening to you."

Castro: "What did I fall for, mariconzón (big faggot)?"

Ferrero: "What do you have to say?"

Castro: "ni cojones (no balls)"

Ferrero: "What do you have to say?"

Castro: "I haven't said anything, (vete para el coño de tu madre) go screw your mother."

Ferrero: "All of Miami is listening to you, Fidel Castro."

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