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i dont watch the apprentice

oh wow and how do u know who gave me a time of day and who didnt....and also how do u know i even wanted it.....seriously id add more but i dont wanna implicate anyone else who has nothing to do with this bullshit...

for someone who yells at me all the time when i start drama ur quick to start ur own FOR NO REASON......

and i dont find anything wrong with kissing the guys ive met...i was 18 i was having fun and im not going to apologize for it....just b/c u chose to stay a virgin till 21 or whatever does not mean we all should...i dont judge ur decision u dont judge mine....... :ghey:

never did i say that everyone should stay a virgin until 21... lets get that straight right now... go ahead and do ur thing girl no one is hatin on u... all i know is u have some kind of complex with me... i never give a shit about what it is that u do or have done until u go and comment on my business behind my back... and im only calling u out on it randomly on the board b/c not only do i want u to know that i know u stick ur nose where it doesnt belong when it comes to me.. since u "truly hate" me so much... id also like to provide some entertainment for myself and others. call it for no reason call it whatever u want... but u always were the one to talk a lot of shit but when it was brought to the table.. u act like u havent a clue what im talking about.

so go ahead and do it again...


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never did i say that everyone should stay a virgin until 21... lets get that straight right now... go ahead and do ur thing girl no one is hatin on u... all i know is u have some kind of complex with me... i never give a shit about what it is that u do or have done until u go and comment on my business behind my back... and im only calling u out on it randomly on the board b/c not only do i want u to know that i know u stick ur nose where it doesnt belong when it comes to me.. since u "truly hate" me so much... id also like to provide some entertainment for myself and others. call it for no reason call it whatever u want... but u always were the one to talk a lot of shit but when it was brought to the table.. u act like u havent a clue what im talking about.

so go ahead and do it again...


honestly the only way it would be seriously entertainment for others is if we would mud-wrestle...

i will admit i have said a few things about you...and i will be the first to admit that i shouldn't have done it but at least i kept it off the boards and you could have been the bigger woman and PMed me......and i dont ever remember an instance where anything was brought to the table except right now.........but you know what whatever's done is done........im over it..been over for quite a while now...maybe you should do the same


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im glad ur over it... cuz its not like uve been recently inquiring why me and a certain someone broke up... but i guess a couple weeks constitutes as quite some time.. whatever u know what? i dont care enough to be the "bigger woman" and pm u. i felt like posting it.. so i did. either way i let u know. and the other time shit was brought to the table was when u said some stupid shit years ago on here and when i confronted u u lied... then came back apologizing etc etc... :blah:.... and then after that ive heard nothing but stupid shit u say about me... and frankly, i dont really care. just thought itd be fun to bring it up :D i just wanna see if ud say what it is u have to say about me and be.. u know.. the bigger woman ;)

but its all good. cuz i know how u feel about me and i just wanted to let u know, in public, that the feeling is mutual.

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im glad ur over it... cuz its not like uve been recently inquiring why me and a certain someone broke up... but i guess a couple weeks constitutes as quite some time.. whatever u know what? i dont care enough to be the "bigger woman" and pm u. i felt like posting it.. so i did. either way i let u know. and the other time shit was brought to the table was when u said some stupid shit years ago on here and when i confronted u u lied... then came back apologizing etc etc... :blah:.... and then after that ive heard nothing but stupid shit u say about me... and frankly, i dont really care. just thought itd be fun to bring it up :D i just wanna see if ud say what it is u have to say about me and be.. u know.. the bigger woman ;)

but its all good. cuz i know how u feel about me and i just wanted to let u know, in public, that the feeling is mutual.

i was 18 jeeez.....and ye i was a little curious why u guys broke but not for the reason u may think.i thought u guys were good together and i was surprised when it first happened...but like i told the person who has been telling u all this i dont care if i ever found out or not........it was sheer curiousity.......

u have no clue how i feel about u so it may not be mutual.........

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i think i do know... or at least i can assume when i hear that im the only person u can honestly say that u "truly hate"

oh yea and the reason u think we broke up is b/c he either got tired of me or b/c i found someone else...

but im sure u thought we were good together.. :blank:

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i think i do know... or at least i can assume when i hear that im the only person u can honestly say that u "truly hate"

oh yea and the reason u think we broke up is b/c he either got tired of me or b/c i found someone else...

but im sure u thought we were good together.. :blank:

ok FYI i did think u guys were good together........just b/c i didnt like u doesnt mean i didnt think u were good together....one has nothing to do with another......

u do realize that thanks to u quoting me i know who is the person is who is telling u all this so good job trying to keep him anonymous.........

im trying to be at least semi-civil but if u want to hate me do that i wont lose sleep over it

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im sorry if i blew up his spot... but whatever its really no big deal- dont go get mad for me finding out ... ur the one that said these things in the 1st place ;) id hear it eventually anyway... im glad u thought we were good together lol but why we broke up is none of ur business :) hopefully u wont lose sleep over that... speaking of losing sleep... im going to bed.

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