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Sweep Jesus !!!

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I know its a lil late... but u know me, i dont give a fuck... im not gonna pass up a chance to rub it in :D

Sox swept the high faluting yamkees...in the bronx no less :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: The look on yamkee fans leaving the park was priceless after Pedro lit the mecernaries :laugh:

I heard on the 'wire' that georgieboy at first was gonna show up 4 the yamkees-As series... then he decided against it. hmmm where is he?... FLORIDA !!! man !! georgieboy takes carpetbaggin to a whole new level :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Whooooweeee. Red Sox own the yamkees !!! 4 more wins and we win the season series..choke on that.

Georgieboy, its that time of the year again, crack open that wallet and show the league whatcha gonna buy to win the series. Magic # is 200 !! :idea:

If the As bullpen hadnt choked yesterday, i would be throwing confetti rite about now. Jon, i told you these high priced prima donnas can put together a losing streak...and georgieboy was gettin ready to cut a mofo :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

I know its a lil late... but u know me, i dont give a fuck... im not gonna pass up a chance to rub it in :D

Sox swept the high faluting yamkees...in the bronx no less :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: The look on yamkee fans leaving the park was priceless after Pedro lit the mecernaries :laugh:

I heard on the 'wire' that georgieboy at first was gonna show up 4 the yamkees-As series... then he decided against it. hmmm where is he?... FLORIDA !!! man !! georgieboy takes carpetbaggin to a whole new level :laugh: :laugh:

Whooooweeee. Red Sox own the yamkees !!! 4 more wins and we win the season series..choke on that.

Georgieboy, its that time of the year again, crack open that wallet and show the league whatcha gonna buy to win the series. Magic # is 200 !! :idea:

If the As bullpen hadnt choked yesterday, i would be throwing confetti rite about now. Jon, i told you these high priced prima donnas can put together a losing streak...and georgieboy was gettin ready to cut a mofo :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I hear ya....there just doesnt seem to be unity so far on the team full of all-stars

Sox one the first round, now they gotta keep the momentum going


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MAG MAX thought the time away from the boards you would have went out and searched high and low for a frikkin clue

great post junior , you bring a lot of insight and new thought provoking comment to the table.

Do you just cut and paste every post of yours and re-use it on every thread?

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Originally posted by bxbomb

Do you just cut and paste every post of yours and re-use it on every thread?

nah,...i dont cut n paste shit...thats u r dept. you got that locked hands down :laugh: just incase u r retarded, i'll clarify... there was a word "sweep" in the post incase u r doing selective reading :laugh: :laugh:

to keep inline with the theme...while i was away, i thought you finally grew the fuck up..guess not. Try posting something positive asshole cuz you are clattering the board with nonsensical garbage. Get used to the fact that georgieboy is carpetbagger of unimaginable proportions... hope by now he's really worked up quite a tan in south florida :laugh: :laugh:

P.S DJ hit a homer finally !! WHOOPEEEE :jerkoff: break out the koolaid :laugh:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

nah,...i dont cut n paste shit...thats u r dept. you got that locked hands down :laugh: just incase u r retarded, i'll clarify... there was a word "sweep" in the post incase u r doing selective reading :laugh: :laugh:

to keep inline with the theme...while i was away, i thought you finally grew the fuck up..guess not. Try posting something positive asshole cuz you are clattering the board with nonsensical garbage. Get used to the fact that georgieboy is carpetbagger of unimaginable proportions... hope by now he's really worked up quite a tan in south florida :laugh: :laugh:

P.S DJ hit a homer finally !! WHOOPEEEE :jerkoff: break out the koolaid :laugh:

Stepson,check it , my posts have been quite positivewhile you were away in Rehab, even with sox fans like Jon Steph/JTK

BUt seeing your usual dribble and less than positive approach to a series in April. The need to regulate and expose your limited knowledge comes to the forefront again.

So that being said, get a new act cause this one is getting very tiresome and it is beginning to resemble a Mitch Blood green fight....very messy


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That 1918 shit is way overplayed it is kinda like the stupid ass yankee sucks chants. I mean really great your team was better for the past 85 years that has nothing to do with this year.(give or take a decade)

So far this year you guys blow, and no matter how many championship you won in the 20's or 50's 0r 90's is going to change that.

Its kinda like going to a bar and bangin an ugly chick and saying it is all right because 4 years ago you banged a model. Right now the yankees are buying that ugly girl drinks, and the only way out is for Georgie to buy a high class escort.


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Originally posted by jtk4

That 1918 shit is way overplayed it is kinda like the stupid ass yankee sucks chants. I mean really great your team was better for the past 85 years that has nothing to do with this year.(give or take a decade)

So far this year you guys blow, and no matter how many championship you won in the 20's or 50's 0r 90's is going to change that.

Its kinda like going to a bar and bangin an ugly chick and saying it is all right because 4 years ago you banged a model. Right now the yankees are buying that ugly girl drinks, and the only way out is for Georgie to buy a high class escort.


werd on most points

being a lifelong Ranger fan i suffered thru the 1940 chants until it was finally broken , but i still felt even then that i didnt have the "right" to say the Islanders suck etc. when i look up in the coliseum and see 4 in row.but you cant help doin it when antagonized

i only bust out the 1918 and shit when "idiot" sox fans start in with Yankee suck shit....honestly how can they say it and believe it, same with the absolute hatred for Jeter ..doesnt make sense.

And george will deliver a smokin 22 year Russian stripper girl :D

but for this april slump which is now over .500 record for the month ,bangin an ugly chick will do.

it aint that bad ...they try harder;)

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well red sox fans, i really wouldnt get used to being at the top...it seems as if my yankees are starting to play again...we swept arguably one of the best pitching rotations in baseball (hudson/mulder/zito) and i only see things going forward....

i hope you guys enjoy your short stay at the top because it will all be coming to an end very soon.

that is all. the almighty one has spoken.

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Originally posted by chrismakk69

...we swept arguably one of the best pitching rotations in baseball (hudson/mulder/zito) and i only see things going forward....

I'd agree with you more if the A's had any hitting either.

Oh, and if 1918 is a bit dated for some people, and you think the Yankees suck, and this is the year for the Sox, I give you:

The Boston Massacre.

Destiny 5,

Red Sox 4

October 2, 1978

Bucky Fuckin' Dent.

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Originally posted by bxbomb


First off numbnuts, John Henry is just a part owner.....maybe his holdings is a bit more than the others, but still he's part of the consortium. Secondly, they just bought the team, give the guy a break, he's house hunting n shit... he'll eventually be a New Englander.

Now, about georgieboy, that cat is HOME..... at home, get that thru your drug infested cranium cuz i hate repeating it. Right about now he's prolly somewhere off the Keys chuggin a cold one and trying to reel in a marlin. Get over it, the guy is a carpetbagger :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

First off numbnuts, John Henry is just a part owner.....maybe his holdings a more than the others, but still he's part of the consortium. Secondly, they just bought the team, give the guy a break, he's house hunting n shit... he'll eventually be a New Englander.

glad you just proved how much of an ass you really are with this statement

really no need to rip you apart again.

read up on the subjects at hand before you type

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Originally posted by bxbomb

i wish, but i think milwaukee already said no way, their keepin him


The Yankees got off to a slow start this April, testing owner George Steinbrenner's patience. Will he bully general manager Brian Cashman into making a trade to reinvigorate the team? According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, three names have hit the New York rumor mill: Milwaukee right-hander Ben Sheets, Arizona lefty Randy Johnson and Cincinnati centerfielder Ken Griffey Jr. The Yankees apparently like Sheets' age (25), potential and relatively modest contract ($2.425 million). Brewers general manger Doug Melvin also once worked as a farm director under Steinbrenner.
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Originally posted by adrenalineam

Say buh-bye to Pedro.


I wouldnt worry much about Pedro at this point, its a contract year and he's trying to put the squeeze to get mucho dinero when his contract is up. Even if he ends up in yamkeeland, the sox will still tear them a new one 'ala a-rod baloney' And if the redsox win the WS(its possible), Pedro aint going nowhere. Manny is a whoile different ballgame. So long as he hits, we are all happy :D

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