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Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036.

One of the first things he did was post pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. As the weeks went by, more and more people began questioning him about why he was here, the physics of time travel and his thoughts about our time. He also posted on other forums including the old Art Bell site. In his posts John Titor entertained, angered, frightened and even belittled those who engaged him in conversation.

On March 24, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our time and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again. Speculation and investigation about who John Titor was and why he was online continues to this day.

Although it may be easy to dismiss all this as science fiction, most people who read his posts agree that there is something very haunting about John Titor and what he said. In addition, and open to more debate, he also made a series of predictions and comments that eerily seem to be coming true.

Unfortunately, I never spoke directly to John Titor but there are many out there who have and continue to wonder about their experience. As you get deeper into this site, you will find his posts, links to other sites about him, downloads and speculative information attributed to him after he left. I have taken the posts and organized them by date and subject. My editorial work is copyrighted but the unedited posts and the people who experienced it are in the public domain can be found on other sites listed inside.

As you read, please try to keep two things in mind:

1. John appeared to answer nearly every question that was asked of him over the 4-month period he was online. Because of that, many people neglected to read the previous posts and asked similar or exact questions he had already answered. It may offer a glimpse of what a time traveler goes through when having the same conversation again and again.

2. These posts were written before 9-11, the Columbia accident and the second Gulf War. Many people believe John may have known of these events and dropped clues without actually referring to them. It's also widely agreed that he made several predictions about future physics discoveries that have materialized as he stated.






The stated reason John was here in our time was to obtain an IBM computer built in 1975 called a 5100. The 5100 does exist and was manufactured and sold by IBM. It is historically remembered as one of the first portable computers ever mass-produced but it arrived before computers were marketed to the public and quickly passed away in the early eighties.

John claimed he was related to one of the IBM engineers or programmers who worked on the 5100 and that's why he was chosen for this mission. By putting the pieces of his posts together, it appears he journeyed to Rochester Minnesota in 1975 (where the 5100 was created and manufactured), met with his relative who worked on the computer, obtained a 5100 from him and had it altered in some way for use in 2036.

John mentions that the 5100 had some sort of inbuilt ability to translate computer languages that was unknown or unpublished before 2036. The computer would then have been used back in his time to translate or fix broken computer systems.

Based on his explanation, it would appear there must have been an easier way to solve this problem in 2036. If you can travel in time, why go back for a piece of old technology that we find useless? This may seem logical until you realize that even today, NASA scours the Internet looking for old computer parts to keep their systems running.

What may be more interesting is the fact that John had a consistent reason he was willing to discuss for being here at all.


Can you explain what the purpose of time travel is on your worldline?

In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into "repairing" our environment. I was sent to 1975 to get a computer system and take it back to 2036. Time travel is not a secret in 2036 and I expect it will become more common.

Why is time travel used?

Right now, its used to get information or "items" that would be helpful in getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition. There are 7 other time travelers in my unit.

Where do time travelers the most?

Right now, most of our practical missions are from 1960 to 1980. There is a great deal of research into later and future periods but the farther you go, the lower the divergence confidence of the worldline.

If you're here to get a computer, why are you are posting on a message board? I think you're committing treason!

Why would it be treason?

Why did you go to 1975?

The first "leg" of my trip was from 2036 to 1975. After two VGL checks, the divergence was estimated at about 2.5% (from my 2036). I was "sent" to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming languages in addition to APL and Basic. We need they system to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036. UNIX has a problem in 2038.

On my worldline, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my world line.

Technologies themselves are not lost but some of the older tools and techniques have been lost. I think there is more detailed information about the war posted earlier.

When I leave, I will return to 2036. The computer I have is expected there.

Earlier you said something was wrong with the UNIX computer code on your worldline. What's wrong with it?

Yes…and with yours too. I have to believe there must be a UNIX expert out there someplace that can confirm that. I'm not exactly sure what the technical issue is but I believe some sort of UNIX system registry stops in 2038.

I have a working IBM 5160 computer. Maybe I should stash it away for thirty years and see what happens.

Toss it. The 5100 is the interesting machine.

As far as evidence goes, I have however decided to try an experiment with you that may be more convincing. It involves the travel of information at faster than light. In fact, I have dropped at least three little gems like this that no one else has picked up on.

(What other gems has he dropped that no one picked up on?)

You said you are confused by the 5100 story. I will explain further. In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create new code in APL and basic.

That is the reason we need it in 2036. However, IBM never published that information because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouth's shut.

(John claims the 5100 had a technical ability built into it that was unpublished but known by IBM. It would appear this information was kept quiet because it would have affected other business IBM was doing. Is it possible the 5100 was capable of doing something that a much larger or more expensive machine was already doing at a higher cost?)

Therefore, if I were not here now telling you this, that information would not be discovered for another 36 years. Yet, I would bet there is someone out there who can do the research and discover I am telling the truth. There must be an old IBM engineer out there someplace that worked on the 5100. They just might not have ever asked if I hadn't pointed it out.

(Is there an old IBM engineer out there that could confirm this?)

How big is the IBM 5100?

I would say its about 20" long, 10" high and 30" long.

What do they look for when choosing someone for a mission?

Depending on the mission, time travelers are usually chosen for a particular mission based on their ability to gain the cooperation of someone related to the goal on the target worldline. In my case, my grandfather was directly involved with the building and programming of the 5100.

(How many people built and programmed the 5100 in Rochester Minnesota? John Titor claims to be the grandson of one of them.)

It would seem then that another time traveler that looks like you could arrive on your worldline of origin with another IBM computer and no one would know the difference.

Bingo!! Seems like something they would do a lot of psychological testing for before they sent us off.

What's the use of bringing back the computer to a slightly different worldline since you know there are just as many worldlines in which no-one returns to bring back computer?

The 5100 had a very simple and unique feature that IBM did not account for and decided it was not in their best interest to advertise (which in hindsight was not very smart). This accidental feature was thus removed from any future desktop computers. In order to take advantage of this feature, the 5100 I have now required a couple of special "tweaks" that had to be done by one of the software engineers in 1975. Anyone who is familiar with this feature and was told to keep their mouth shut about it will be able to tell you what it is.

The computer is from 1975, Rochester MN.

Based on what I know about the 5100 (IBM computer), it has a few very interesting and worthwhile properties that make it worthwhile for a time traveler to recover. Also, please keep in mind that civilization is recovering from a war. Yes, we do have the technology but many of the tools were lost.

As you are probably aware, UNIX will have a timeout error in 2038 and many of the mainframe systems that ran a large part of the infrastructure were based on very old IBM computer code. The 5100 has the ability to easily translate between the old IBM code, APL, BASIC and (with a few tweaks in 1975) UNIX. This may seem insignificant but the fact that the 5100 is portable means I can easily take it back to 2036. I do expect they will create some sort of emulation system to use in multiple locations.

I do believe that "your" UNIX will also have a problem in 2038. I don't think that's a secret but maybe someone should put a 5100 aside for thirty years or so.

(He's not sure if our UNIX will have a problem? Why would that be? Did something happen that he's aware of that might have fixed "our" UNIX?)

Yes, EMP took out a great number of electronic devices. That's one of the reasons why we don't have reliable technology laying around. However, in the opening hours of N Day, the Russians did not launch any high altitude detonations. They knew we would most likely clean up after them so they wanted everyone outside the cities to be able to communicate. Most of the warheads that hit the cities came in threes and exploded close to the ground. The heavy EMP damage was isolated to those areas.

Why were you selected to be a time traveler?

I am related to a key figure in the development of the IBM 5100.

I find it hard to believe that a software tweak done to a 1975 machine would be enough to justify a time travel mission.

Ah, something we have in common. Yes, I felt that way too. However, my job was to go and get it and not debate why they wanted it. I am not a computer expert.

A great deal of the computer infrastructure you depend on is based on very old systems and code. One of the reasons I was sent to 1975 was because of the person I met there, not the technology.

There are more effective ways to accomplish what you claim in this regard.

Perhaps you would share them with me. You might be right and I could make your suggestions when I return.

Would not the computer from 1975 be bigger than the time machine used to haul it back to 2036?

Not at all. The 5100 series will fit on a tabletop.





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Originally posted by freshman000



Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036.

One of the first things he did was post pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. As the weeks went by, more and more people began questioning him about why he was here, the physics of time travel and his thoughts about our time. He also posted on other forums including the old Art Bell site. In his posts John Titor entertained, angered, frightened and even belittled those who engaged him in conversation.

On March 24, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our time and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again. Speculation and investigation about who John Titor was and why he was online continues to this day.

Although it may be easy to dismiss all this as science fiction, most people who read his posts agree that there is something very haunting about John Titor and what he said. In addition, and open to more debate, he also made a series of predictions and comments that eerily seem to be coming true.

Unfortunately, I never spoke directly to John Titor but there are many out there who have and continue to wonder about their experience. As you get deeper into this site, you will find his posts, links to other sites about him, downloads and speculative information attributed to him after he left. I have taken the posts and organized them by date and subject. My editorial work is copyrighted but the unedited posts and the people who experienced it are in the public domain can be found on other sites listed inside.

As you read, please try to keep two things in mind:

1. John appeared to answer nearly every question that was asked of him over the 4-month period he was online. Because of that, many people neglected to read the previous posts and asked similar or exact questions he had already answered. It may offer a glimpse of what a time traveler goes through when having the same conversation again and again.

2. These posts were written before 9-11, the Columbia accident and the second Gulf War. Many people believe John may have known of these events and dropped clues without actually referring to them. It's also widely agreed that he made several predictions about future physics discoveries that have materialized as he stated.






The stated reason John was here in our time was to obtain an IBM computer built in 1975 called a 5100. The 5100 does exist and was manufactured and sold by IBM. It is historically remembered as one of the first portable computers ever mass-produced but it arrived before computers were marketed to the public and quickly passed away in the early eighties.

John claimed he was related to one of the IBM engineers or programmers who worked on the 5100 and that's why he was chosen for this mission. By putting the pieces of his posts together, it appears he journeyed to Rochester Minnesota in 1975 (where the 5100 was created and manufactured), met with his relative who worked on the computer, obtained a 5100 from him and had it altered in some way for use in 2036.

John mentions that the 5100 had some sort of inbuilt ability to translate computer languages that was unknown or unpublished before 2036. The computer would then have been used back in his time to translate or fix broken computer systems.

Based on his explanation, it would appear there must have been an easier way to solve this problem in 2036. If you can travel in time, why go back for a piece of old technology that we find useless? This may seem logical until you realize that even today, NASA scours the Internet looking for old computer parts to keep their systems running.

What may be more interesting is the fact that John had a consistent reason he was willing to discuss for being here at all.


Can you explain what the purpose of time travel is on your worldline?

In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into "repairing" our environment. I was sent to 1975 to get a computer system and take it back to 2036. Time travel is not a secret in 2036 and I expect it will become more common.

Why is time travel used?

Right now, its used to get information or "items" that would be helpful in getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition. There are 7 other time travelers in my unit.

Where do time travelers the most?

Right now, most of our practical missions are from 1960 to 1980. There is a great deal of research into later and future periods but the farther you go, the lower the divergence confidence of the worldline.

If you're here to get a computer, why are you are posting on a message board? I think you're committing treason!

Why would it be treason?

Why did you go to 1975?

The first "leg" of my trip was from 2036 to 1975. After two VGL checks, the divergence was estimated at about 2.5% (from my 2036). I was "sent" to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming languages in addition to APL and Basic. We need they system to "debug" various legacy computer programs in 2036. UNIX has a problem in 2038.

On my worldline, it is known that the 5100 series is capable of reading all the IBM code written before the widespread use of APL and Basic. Unfortunately, there are none left that anyone can find on my world line.

Technologies themselves are not lost but some of the older tools and techniques have been lost. I think there is more detailed information about the war posted earlier.

When I leave, I will return to 2036. The computer I have is expected there.

Earlier you said something was wrong with the UNIX computer code on your worldline. What's wrong with it?

Yes…and with yours too. I have to believe there must be a UNIX expert out there someplace that can confirm that. I'm not exactly sure what the technical issue is but I believe some sort of UNIX system registry stops in 2038.

I have a working IBM 5160 computer. Maybe I should stash it away for thirty years and see what happens.

Toss it. The 5100 is the interesting machine.

As far as evidence goes, I have however decided to try an experiment with you that may be more convincing. It involves the travel of information at faster than light. In fact, I have dropped at least three little gems like this that no one else has picked up on.

(What other gems has he dropped that no one picked up on?)

You said you are confused by the 5100 story. I will explain further. In 2036, it was discovered (or at least known after testing) that the 5100 computer was capable of reading and changing all of the legacy code written by IBM before the release of that system and still be able to create new code in APL and basic.

That is the reason we need it in 2036. However, IBM never published that information because it would have probably destroyed a large part of their business infrastructure in the early 70s. In fact, I would bet the engineers were probably told to keep their mouth's shut.

(John claims the 5100 had a technical ability built into it that was unpublished but known by IBM. It would appear this information was kept quiet because it would have affected other business IBM was doing. Is it possible the 5100 was capable of doing something that a much larger or more expensive machine was already doing at a higher cost?)

Therefore, if I were not here now telling you this, that information would not be discovered for another 36 years. Yet, I would bet there is someone out there who can do the research and discover I am telling the truth. There must be an old IBM engineer out there someplace that worked on the 5100. They just might not have ever asked if I hadn't pointed it out.

(Is there an old IBM engineer out there that could confirm this?)

How big is the IBM 5100?

I would say its about 20" long, 10" high and 30" long.

What do they look for when choosing someone for a mission?

Depending on the mission, time travelers are usually chosen for a particular mission based on their ability to gain the cooperation of someone related to the goal on the target worldline. In my case, my grandfather was directly involved with the building and programming of the 5100.

(How many people built and programmed the 5100 in Rochester Minnesota? John Titor claims to be the grandson of one of them.)

It would seem then that another time traveler that looks like you could arrive on your worldline of origin with another IBM computer and no one would know the difference.

Bingo!! Seems like something they would do a lot of psychological testing for before they sent us off.

What's the use of bringing back the computer to a slightly different worldline since you know there are just as many worldlines in which no-one returns to bring back computer?

The 5100 had a very simple and unique feature that IBM did not account for and decided it was not in their best interest to advertise (which in hindsight was not very smart). This accidental feature was thus removed from any future desktop computers. In order to take advantage of this feature, the 5100 I have now required a couple of special "tweaks" that had to be done by one of the software engineers in 1975. Anyone who is familiar with this feature and was told to keep their mouth shut about it will be able to tell you what it is.

The computer is from 1975, Rochester MN.

Based on what I know about the 5100 (IBM computer), it has a few very interesting and worthwhile properties that make it worthwhile for a time traveler to recover. Also, please keep in mind that civilization is recovering from a war. Yes, we do have the technology but many of the tools were lost.

As you are probably aware, UNIX will have a timeout error in 2038 and many of the mainframe systems that ran a large part of the infrastructure were based on very old IBM computer code. The 5100 has the ability to easily translate between the old IBM code, APL, BASIC and (with a few tweaks in 1975) UNIX. This may seem insignificant but the fact that the 5100 is portable means I can easily take it back to 2036. I do expect they will create some sort of emulation system to use in multiple locations.

I do believe that "your" UNIX will also have a problem in 2038. I don't think that's a secret but maybe someone should put a 5100 aside for thirty years or so.

(He's not sure if our UNIX will have a problem? Why would that be? Did something happen that he's aware of that might have fixed "our" UNIX?)

Yes, EMP took out a great number of electronic devices. That's one of the reasons why we don't have reliable technology laying around. However, in the opening hours of N Day, the Russians did not launch any high altitude detonations. They knew we would most likely clean up after them so they wanted everyone outside the cities to be able to communicate. Most of the warheads that hit the cities came in threes and exploded close to the ground. The heavy EMP damage was isolated to those areas.

Why were you selected to be a time traveler?

I am related to a key figure in the development of the IBM 5100.

I find it hard to believe that a software tweak done to a 1975 machine would be enough to justify a time travel mission.

Ah, something we have in common. Yes, I felt that way too. However, my job was to go and get it and not debate why they wanted it. I am not a computer expert.

A great deal of the computer infrastructure you depend on is based on very old systems and code. One of the reasons I was sent to 1975 was because of the person I met there, not the technology.

There are more effective ways to accomplish what you claim in this regard.

Perhaps you would share them with me. You might be right and I could make your suggestions when I return.

Would not the computer from 1975 be bigger than the time machine used to haul it back to 2036?

Not at all. The 5100 series will fit on a tabletop.





I am SO digging this!!! :aright:

I've always been fascinated by time travel, the physics of it and

the results of it ( the possibility of altering a future by messing

with the mere past of it)

I have never heard about this guy until now....

Thanks F-man, you have just given me an additional reference!

Cheers! :beer:

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Guest saleen351

btw, the reason we know time travel is not possible is the mere fact no one has ever come back in time and told us..

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check dis chit out meng:

There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

Are some areas of the United States safer than others?

Take a close look at the county-by-county voting map from the last elections

Does the continuing conflict between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the upcoming war?


Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election. The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense. Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction. In the grand scheme of things, the war in the Middle East is a part of what's to come, not the cause.

How and why do the Arabs Jews become entangled in the civil war of the U.S.A?

They are not directly involved but political situations are dependant on Western stability, which collapses in 2005.

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so are we gonna be here past 2012!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

and if we r, were in for shit, bcuz of what this administration has allready started to get rolling!?!?!!?!!?!?!!?!?

so in other words u all need a savior......belive in me....i am the way the truth and light.....whoever follows me, will see beyond this and have nothing but good times, for if u believe like i do...there would be no need for conflict, cuz we would all find a way to have good times!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

i take monetary donationa....please pass the offering basket to every1 u know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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  • 1 year later...

Been following this one for like 2 years or so now....

Definately rather interesting.

I never understood this one though...

"Are some areas of the United States safer than others?

Take a close look at the county-by-county voting map from the last elections"

At any rate, when the whole Supreme Court ruling on eminent domain came around, I was like, holy fuck, if there were ever a reason to insight a civil war, it could be over some shit like this.

We'll see.



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