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Tiesto @ avalon

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yeaa haha, been promoting for awhile. ever since exit1. and SF too a year ago. yes i was underaged. haha but i was loving the EDM scene and i still am! hahaha see you sooon " The Mask" Picotto's the next jumpoff for mee

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Originally posted by aznxtc

yeaa haha, been promoting for awhile. ever since exit1. and SF too a year ago. yes i was underaged. haha but i was loving the EDM scene and i still am! hahaha see you sooon " The Mask" Picotto's the next jumpoff for mee

sure thing aznxtc .. may 22nd .. that is ..

it should be great ..

do u by any chance go to some of the asian parties too?

the MASK

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Originally posted by cutelilangel

I've never been to Avalon before...is there a dress code?

well the usual .. no blue jeans and no sneakers .. at least that is what they tell you . but after you know the door people they will let you in as long as you look fine

if i were u .. i wont dress in jeans or sneakers yet .. at least not for the first time ..

also .. generally people in Avalon kina dress up neatly .. not everyone .but you wont find bumps or poorly dressed people in general ..

r u going tonight?

the MASK

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Originally posted by dragon0401

well the usual .. no blue jeans and no sneakers .. at least that is what they tell you . but after you know the door people they will let you in as long as you look fine

if i were u .. i wont dress in jeans or sneakers yet .. at least not for the first time ..

also .. generally people in Avalon kina dress up neatly .. not everyone .but you wont find bumps or poorly dressed people in general ..

r u going tonight?

the MASK

No, I won't be going tonight... I was just asking b/c I will be there when Tijs comes and I was just wondering. I won't be wearing jeans, but I HAVE to wear sneakers...I mean what else is a girl supposed to dance in? High heels?? :confused:

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Originally posted by dragon0401

do u by any chance go to some of the asian parties too?

the MASK

not really at all. im more into the trance scene than the XO/asian nights. they play more hiphop, and im a electronic dance music kind of a guy. lolol - you wanna go to them?

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Originally posted by cutelilangel

No, I won't be going tonight... I was just asking b/c I will be there when Tijs comes and I was just wondering. I won't be wearing jeans, but I HAVE to wear sneakers...I mean what else is a girl supposed to dance in? High heels?? :confused:

i see .. cool .. when is Tijs coming to Avalon?

and i think you will be ok with sneakers .. they usually dont bother girls .. as long as you dress up nicely .. sneaker would be ok ..

but high heels would be great too .. not for you of course ... but for the bystanders . .. hehehe

let me know if u get in trouble at Avalon in that night and i might be able to get you in .. if u want PM me an we can talk


the MASK

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Originally posted by aznxtc

not really at all. im more into the trance scene than the XO/asian nights. they play more hiphop, and im a electronic dance music kind of a guy. lolol - you wanna go to them?

ya i hear ya .. they also play lots of reggae .. which is not my cup of tea .. and their hip hop is too slow . even though i generally like hip hop ..

i actually go to their parties sometimes as i know one of their promoters .. but havent been to their parties in a while

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Originally posted by silverbull

the mask rules avalon with an iron fist and amazing legs. And by that i mean dance moves.

haha .. much love to you kid .. i try to make friends .. and with love and friendship .. we rule ..

dancing comes next .. as i dont challenge and dont like to be challenged .. that is something from the past .. but if i have to .. i wont run away from a challenge ..

yo had to be there last night man .. it was very good .. i loved it .. and u would've too

btw .. i cant im you from home .. as i just got my new computer but can not download the program .. some technical difficulty .. so i am out of im for a while

take care mr. silver

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Originally posted by cutelilangel

I've never been to Avalon before...is there a dress code?

This is the Email I sent out to my GUESTS:


--------YOU MUST GET THERE VERY EARLY to ensure your ENTRY. Parking is VERY difficult to find in that area, and there is ALWAYS a long line outside....plus, the guy letting people in is PICKY! If you are a group of more than 3 men, I strongly suggest that you walk in separately since they do not like big groups of men only...if you have a girl with you its much easier to get in.

DRESS CODE IS: "Relaxed"

-No baseball Hats, skull caps, or woolies

-NO Team Jerseys....

-NO WARM-UP/TRACK SUITS (Not even the Velour expensive ones)

-Sneakers and jeans are ok to wear although you are advised NOT to wear NOT Running Sneakers... Euro-sports-lifestyle trendy sneakers are fine...

-Look fashionable, neat & trendy....

-My fellow RAVERS....Tone it down...leave your candy at home...wear your NICEST baggies w/ a nice top / jacket (NO HOODIES) and CLEAN Sneakers and NOT Running Sneakers...If your pants look like they can go to the club by themselves, then LEAVE THEM HOME..hehehe...

No HATS, Visors,Pacifiers, or backpacks....remember, this is a CLUB, not a RAVE so dont go their w/ expectations that you

would have going to a rave :-)

-As long as you come correct w/ a positive vibe , and a big smile, everything will be perfect :-) Leave bad attitudes home... :)

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wat about if you already bought a ticket?

i mean i dont go there dressed like a raver, but about me and 4 of my friends already bought tickets to see tiesto

so your sayin even with tickets that jerkoff at the door still might not let us in?

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That place is going to be a sweatbox and you won't be able to move an inch all night. I like avalon and all, but honestly its too small for an act like Tiesto. I was at the Roxy last year when he came and it was crazy. So many people you couldn't move and it was 120 degrees inside. I like a crowd but there are limits....think I'll skip this one

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I won't.

Tiesto was by FAR THE BEST SET in 2004 Winter Music Conference.


Who said anything about him not being the best? All I'm saying is that it is (and it will be) going to be so packed you can't move (which to me, no matter how good the music is, isn't fun). I've seen Tiesto before and I'm kinda sad to be skipping out on this one...just wish he'd have picked a larger space, with a better sound system, to play.

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Another Option is get 10-15 of your FRIENDS and buy 3-5 bottles.

Skybar WILL be rocking

Spider Room will be Nutz

Fuck the price or Crowd JUST GO Wild and crazy for this event.

Oh what the FUCK, just spend $1200 to $1500 in BOTTLES!

Fuck waiting on line and waiting for pay

Just don't go to BLACK AND BUY excessive amount of Drugs and DON'T GO out until Memorial Day Weekend.

Go Out once a month.

You will have Plenty OF MONEY.

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