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Imagination is more important than knowledge

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i think einstein was the first to ponder this, and he found imagination to be the better of the two... and i would have to agree, because imagination will help acquire knowledge... but having knowledge alone is like having a car and not having any gas...

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its odd how when i interact with these kids from whartons or yale or etc... that they are very intelligent, however when you speak to them about everyday normal things they seem like morons... not all but the ones that i have encountered through work or what have you... just lack social polish, and are not well rounded... but they shoot off stochastic analysis or quantum physics like that right off the top of their head... so weird...

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Yah Nothing for me to add, you've all pretty much said it. Both go hand in hand I spose, but without imagination there wouldn't be so much knowledge I think, someone had to imagine it first and then do it and thats knowledge gained.

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NMN...i printed that first quote and posted it in my cube..lol


The two best times to keep your mouth shut are when you're swimming and when you're angry.



this minimum length bites!

agreed... its the worst...

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