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I don't give a shit about prisoner abuse

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listen guyyyy me get a life, bro if i wasnt at work i wouldnt be blowin up yur liberal spot liek this, my sources are fucked???, ooooookkkk guyyyyy ur fav news network the liberal CNN reported this earlier today awwwwww dont cry...things just arent going yur way u pussy liberal cocksucker go hug a tree, hippie motherfucker

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listen guyyyy me get a life, bro if i wasnt at work i wouldnt be blowin up yur liberal spot liek this, my sources are fucked???, ooooookkkk guyyyyy ur fav news network the liberal CNN reported this earlier today awwwwww dont cry...things just arent going yur way u pussy liberal cocksucker go hug a tree, hippie motherfucker

No you listen. You're gay.

That is all.

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Where the fuck did our perspective go. They're over there putting BULLETS in our boys every fucking day, meanwhile the world is in an uproar about what a few soldiers did to a few prisoners which in my mind doesn't even constitute torture. None of them are dead. None of them had their nuts hooked up to car batteries. They could be confirmed murderers for all the world knows, yet they're getting every last drop of sympathy.

Where's the sympathy for our troops? Where's the outrage when our boys are shot and killed and have their corpses dragged through the streets and hung on bridges? Where's that outrage when US or British or Japanese personnel are kidnapped, held hostage and executed by bands of street thugs?

this has been blown way out of proportion and as always, is NEVER concerned about the subject itself. It's only leverage for people to decry the United States, exploit political weaknesses and use as ammo during an election year.

Meanwhile our troops are still dying.

fuck this bullshit, fuck the ignorant media who paint this picture in only one light and fuck the shallow assholes who are busy protesting the treatment of Iraqi prisoners who may be condemmed murderers and convicted assassins, but because this land is in love with Disney and stories of good bad and ugly, Iraqi prisoners rotting in a jail cell half a world away get more media attention and a stronger public reaction than the dead americans being shipped home planeload by planeload.

that's it. fuck all this ridiculousness.

we attacked. they didn't.

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mp= moron patrol. one of the stupidest people i know is an MP...total moron..

i really could care less about prisoner abuse....im just happy it's seen the light. this way the US cant question the integrity of another nations troops actions when it's troops do the same thing...if a report got out about Serbs doing 50% of what the US soldiers did in Iraq to say...MUSLIMS...the world media would have a shit fit about it..im glad its reciprocal..first time the media isnt turning a blind eye to this crap

But instead the mass graves with thousands of muslim bodies in them killed by bosnian serbs is ok?

that is a little more than 50 % of what the MPs did to those prisoners

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arent u just the patriot lmao, my best friend is in iraq, he would put u in a bodybag if u sed that to his face u pussy


That's a shame, I hope your best friend is ok. I have a cuzin over there as well along with a friend of mine.

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That's a shame, I hope your best friend is ok. I have a cuzin over there as well along with a friend of mine.

no doubt, sry i was so harsh dude.....its just that ya we attacked but i feel we did the right thing and we are not gettin attacked by Iraqis, it is Saddam loyalists and terrorists liek al qaida who are trying to prevent Iraq from being free, bc it means the US would have been successful, so i get aggravated when ppl try to defend the murder of our own....

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no doubt, sry i was so harsh dude.....its just that ya we attacked but i feel we did the right thing and we are not gettin attacked by Iraqis, it is Saddam loyalists and terrorists liek al qaida who are trying to prevent Iraq from being free, bc it means the US would have been successful, so i get aggravated when ppl try to defend the murder of our own....

I don't think anybody is defending thier murder. Don't you think it's kinda ironic that we went over there "to liberate" them yet we are stooping to these inhuman levels of punishment?

I think it was ABC news that reported that close to 90% of the prisoners in Abu Ghraib are innocent civilians, and they haven't even been charged with a crime.

I don't think Iraqi's view being sodimized by broom sticks as "liberation."

As the U.S., we are a superpower and have a moral responsibility to stick to the Geneva Convention and set an example for the world, but we aren't doing a really good job of that.

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You really think that, truromeo? It's not realistic what you're saying. I hope not that this is the general view the soldiers over there have. Because with those kind of thoughts people can do strange things. It's normal that people are defending their country. I don't understand why people like you are denying it by saying they are terrorist. If the US soldiers think they're fighting for a good cause, that's fine, but they also must understand that there will be Iraqi's who are also thinking fighting for a good cause. Instead of labeling them as terrorist, it's better to understand why they're fighting and doing something with that knowledge.

"defending their murder"?--> In a war people die! It's just a shame, so many young people who are dying right now.

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I don't think anybody is defending thier murder. Don't you think it's kinda ironic that we went over there "to liberate" them yet we are stooping to these inhuman levels of punishment?

so i suppose murdering Americans every day on the street and dragging their bodies behind cars isn't an inhuman level of punishment...

or maybe you'll try and justify it because "we attacked first." So i guess sticking dead soldiers on pikes is kosher then. He who is struck need not be civilized.

if that's true, why are people blaming us for our actions after WTC then.

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You really think that, truromeo? It's not realistic what you're saying. I hope not that this is the general view the soldiers over there have. Because with those kind of thoughts people can do strange things. It's normal that people are defending their country. I don't understand why people like you are denying it by saying they are terrorist. If the US soldiers think they're fighting for a good cause, that's fine, but they also must understand that there will be Iraqi's who are also thinking fighting for a good cause. Instead of labeling them as terrorist, it's better to understand why they're fighting and doing something with that knowledge.

"defending their murder"?--> In a war people die! It's just a shame, so many young people who are dying right now.

If the Iraqi public didnt want us there and they themselves were killin US soldiers then I would feel differently, but Paul Bremer recently stated that if told we would leave Iraq.....wut a surprise noone told us to leave......Ask anyone whos been over there, the Iraqi ppl for the most part are happy we are there, WE ARE GETTIN ATTACKED BY TERRORISTS FROM OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY AND SADDAM LOYALISTS, so if your saying they have a right to kill our soldiers then i think thats fucked up

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