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I don't give a shit about prisoner abuse

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Where the fuck did our perspective go. They're over there putting BULLETS in our boys every fucking day, meanwhile the world is in an uproar about what a few soldiers did to a few prisoners which in my mind doesn't even constitute torture. None of them are dead. None of them had their nuts hooked up to car batteries. They could be confirmed murderers for all the world knows, yet they're getting every last drop of sympathy.

Where's the sympathy for our troops? Where's the outrage when our boys are shot and killed and have their corpses dragged through the streets and hung on bridges? Where's that outrage when US or British or Japanese personnel are kidnapped, held hostage and executed by bands of street thugs?

this has been blown way out of proportion and as always, is NEVER concerned about the subject itself. It's only leverage for people to decry the United States, exploit political weaknesses and use as ammo during an election year.

Meanwhile our troops are still dying.

fuck this bullshit, fuck the ignorant media who paint this picture in only one light and fuck the shallow assholes who are busy protesting the treatment of Iraqi prisoners who may be condemmed murderers and convicted assassins, but because this land is in love with Disney and stories of good bad and ugly, Iraqi prisoners rotting in a jail cell half a world away get more media attention and a stronger public reaction than the dead americans being shipped home planeload by planeload.

that's it. fuck all this ridiculousness.

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I don't know why everyone is so shocked? That is the result of war.. Thats what happens.. You are taught to hate your enemy.. I wasn't shocked when I saw Americans being dragged around the streets and I wasn't shocked when I saw prisoners being abused..

These are the same reasons I was against the war in the first place.. These are the same reasons war should be used as a LAST resort.. American should realize the consequences before they show their support for a war..

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Amen Papa..... Honestly the thing that makes me upset is the fact that I have seen worse HAZING in fraternity houses... not saying my fraternity hazed heheheh. While I think that what happened to those prisoners was embarassing, let's be honest No one is going to jail for more than a year if at all this getting blown way out of proportion

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frat houses use attack dogs? kill people?

do we? is what we do any worse than what they do to us on a daily basis?

do you really think for one minute that a small group of soldiers deserve to be imprisoned and locked away for abuses like this?

Iraq DIDN"T sign the Geneva Convention. We are NOT required to give them any sort of cordon or treat them nice. We can do whatever the fuck we want to them BY THE LETTER OF THE LAW.

and they are killing us every day whether we feed them fucking cake and juice in prison or murder them. It doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Try to remember that fact.

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If they are going to do what they did, they sure as hell should not have videotaped it or photographed it

These poor soldiers will be the fallguys for this whole thing, but you can't say that they were not just following orders

And hazing? i don't know about what kind of rape is hazing

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I guess the apologists and appeasers missed the posts where the REd Cross said that 85-90% of IRaqis detained are actually innocent. Sympathy for the troops and contractors??? I guess you morons forget a small point - THESE PEOPLE ARE IN IRAQ, OCCUPYING ANOTHER SOVEREIGN COUNTRY. If this happened to US soldiers in the US by invading IRaqis then I would feel outrage as well. Till then, maybe you people should get your perspectives on straight.

And there are numerous deaths being investigated. Even if there were not, what a pitiful attempt at an excuse. Just because they're not dead, total humiliation and degradation is OK??? What a fuckin joke!

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I guess the apologists and appeasers missed the posts where the REd Cross said that 85-90% of IRaqis detained are actually innocent. Sympathy for the troops and contractors??? I guess you morons forget a small point - THESE PEOPLE ARE IN IRAQ, OCCUPYING ANOTHER SOVEREIGN COUNTRY. If this happened to US soldiers in the US by invading IRaqis then I would feel outrage as well. Till then, maybe you people should get your perspectives on straight.

And there are numerous deaths being investigated. Even if there were not, what a pitiful attempt at an excuse. Just because they're not dead, total humiliation and degradation is OK??? What a fuckin joke!


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Amen to what raver_mania said....

I don't see how raping another man with a light fixture or a broom handle is not torture. Or even forcing a prisoner to masturbate into another prisoner's mouth. Fucking pathetic these apologists are now defending this shit.

Relating all detainees and even the ones tortured to insurgents is racist.

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However, I also want to be clear on one thing. By no means am I happy to hear the US death toll - I'm just really sad that its happening because a majority of these soldiers truly have good intentions at heart when going over there.

Its the administration I squarely lay the blame on.

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I don't see how raping another man with a light fixture or a broom handle is not torture. Or even forcing a prisoner to masturbate into another prisoner's mouth. Fucking pathetic these apologists are now defending this shit

i am on u guys side on this...no excuse...we (the US military) has to show restraint and we need to be better than that...the part that i STILL dont understand is: WHY TAKE PICTURES!!??...then again what can u expect from a bunch of MPs??

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mp= moron patrol. one of the stupidest people i know is an MP...total moron..

i really could care less about prisoner abuse....im just happy it's seen the light. this way the US cant question the integrity of another nations troops actions when it's troops do the same thing...if a report got out about Serbs doing 50% of what the US soldiers did in Iraq to say...MUSLIMS...the world media would have a shit fit about it..im glad its reciprocal..first time the media isnt turning a blind eye to this crap

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i am on u guys side on this...no excuse...we (the US military) has to show restraint and we need to be better than that...the part that i STILL dont understand is: WHY TAKE PICTURES!!??...then again what can u expect from a bunch of MPs??

My theorey with the pictures is it could be another form of humiliation. Show them the pictures of them masturbating next to other men during interrigation and threaten to show them to family and neighbors. Basically mind fucking them.

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My theorey with the pictures is it could be another form of humiliation. Show them the pictures of them masturbating next to other men during interrigation and threaten to show them to family and neighbors. Basically mind fucking them.

who knows...u could have: deleted them after a while...who knows...but these MPs are a piece of work (and i mean that in the worse possible way)...

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and so it begins...b/c of these MPs

CAIRO, Egypt - A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site showed the beheading of an American civilian in Iraq (news - web sites), and said the execution was carried out by an al-Qaida affiliated group to avenge the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers.

The video showed five men wearing headscarves and black ski masks, standing over a bound man in an orange jumpsuit — similar to a prisoner's uniform — who identified himself as Nick Berg, a U.S. contractor whose body was found on a highway overpass in Baghdad on Saturday.

"My name is Nick Berg, my father's name is Michael, my mother's name is Susan," the man said on the video. "I have a brother and sister, David and Sarah. I live in ... Philadelphia."

After reading a statement, the men were seen pulling the man to his side and putting a large knife to his neck. A scream sounded as the men cut his head off, shouting "Allahu Akbar!" — "God is great." They then held the head out before the camera.

Berg was a small-business owner from the Philadelphia suburbs, his family said Tuesday.

Berg's family said they knew their son had been decapitated, but didn't know the details of the killing. When told of the video by an Associated Press reporter, Berg's father, Michael, and his two siblings hugged and cried.

"I knew he was decapitated before. That manner is preferable to a long and torturous death. But I didn't want it to become public," Michael Berg said.

The video tape included a statement by one of the executioners:

"For the mothers and wives of American soldiers, we tell you that we offered the U.S. administration to exchange this hostage with some of the detainees in Abu Ghraib and they refused."

"So we tell you that the dignity of the Muslim men and women in Abu Ghraib and others is not redeemed except by blood and souls. You will not receive anything from us but coffins after coffins ... slaughtered in this way."

The video bore the title "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shown slaughtering an American." It was unclear whether al-Zarqawi — a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) — was shown in the video, or was claiming responsibility for ordering the execution.

The Web site on which the video was posted is known as a clearing house for al-Qaida and Islamic extremist groups' statements and tapes.

The family of Berg, 26, of West Chester, Pa., said they were informed by the U.S. State Department on Monday that Berg was found dead near a highway overpass in Baghdad.

Berg's mother, Suzanne Berg, said her son was in Iraq as an independent businessman to help rebuild communication antennas. He had been missing since April 9, she said.

"He had this idea that he could help rebuild the infrastructure," she said.

The U.S. military Tuesday said an American civilian was found dead in Baghdad, but did not release his identity. State Department spokeswoman Susan Pittman said she couldn't release the name of the dead American, but said she not aware of more than one civilian found dead in recent days.

The military said there were signs of trauma to the body. Suzanne Berg said she was told her son's death was violent but did not want to discuss details.

Berg, who was in Baghdad from late December to Feb. 1, returned to Iraq in March. He didn't find any work and planned again to return home on March 30, but his daily communications home stopped on March 24. He later told his parents he was jailed by Iraqi officials at a checkpoint in Mosul.

"He was arrested and held without due process," his father, Michael Berg, told the Daily Local News of West Chester recently. "By the time he got out the whole area was inflamed with violence.

The FBI (news - web sites) on March 31 interviewed Berg's parents in West Chester. Jerri Williams, a spokeswoman for the Philadelphia FBI office, told The Philadelphia Inquirer the agency had been "asked to interview the parents regarding Mr. Berg's purpose in Iraq."

On April 5, the Bergs filed suit in federal court in Philadelphia, contending that their son was being held illegally by the U.S. military. The next day Berg was released. He told his parents he hadn't been mistreated.

The Bergs last heard from their son April 9, when he said he would come home by way of Jordan, Turkey or Kuwait. But by then, hostilities in Iraq had escalated.

Suzanne Berg on Tuesday said she was told her son's body would be transported to Kuwait and then to Dover, Del. She said the family had been trying for weeks to learn where their son was but that federal officials had not been helpful.

"I went through this with them for weeks," she said. "I basically ended up doing most of the investigating myself."

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I am sure the cia and army intel, who do the interogating, gave order to keep the prisoners awake, keep them naked, and pretty much make their lives hell to make the questioning easier. These mps will take the blame, but the orders to do so i bet came from highr above. I do believe that the mps took it alot to far.

What these pictures do is help prove everything the terrorists say about the united states. Is it right? no. do we the american people as a whole do fucked up shit like this? no. but we will be portrayed as no better then saddam.

Shit just sucks all the way around.

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Boston Globe ran an article showing pictures sent from Nation of Islam showing supposed soldiers raping prisoners......ummmmm recently found out that pics were taken from online porn site...hahahhaha wut a surprise media cant wait to run with a story makin US look like shit, Boston Globe recently apologized...how cute

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Boston Globe ran an article showing pictures sent from Nation of Islam showing supposed soldiers raping prisoners......ummmmm recently found out that pics were taken from online porn site...hahahhaha wut a surprise media cant wait to run with a story makin US look like shit, Boston Globe recently apologized...how cute

Do you know what the Nation of Islam is? It's Louis Farrahkhan's organization. :rolleyes:

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Do you know what the Nation of Islam is? It's Louis Farrahkhan's organization. :rolleyes:

bro, wuts yur point.......yes i know what it is, and they sent out pictures from a porn site which got printed in the boston globe, maybe they didnt know they were from a porn site, but they were the ones who sent em out saying they were soldiers raping prisoners or iraqis.........plz elaborate on yur above stated comment, cuz i dont see wut ur gettin at

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bro, wuts yur point.......yes i know what it is, and they sent out pictures from a porn site which got printed in the boston globe, maybe they didnt know they were from a porn site, but they were the ones who sent em out saying they were soldiers raping prisoners or iraqis.........plz elaborate on yur above stated comment, cuz i dont see wut ur gettin at

My point is, your sources are all fucked up and get a life.

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