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Ya'll wuz warned~~> (ya got your own view?)

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what don't they understand...these people don't want the U.S. in their face and in thier country appointing who THEY want as leaders and WILL resent any leader appointed by Americans with they own agenda (like HoLo).

Ya'll was warned, don't complain...this statement is playing with the intelligence of our citizenshipness:

``Our thoughts and prayers are with his family,'' White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said. ``It shows the true nature of the enemies of freedom. They have no regard for the lives of innocent men, women and children.''

You are talking about yourselves...your in THEIR home UNINVITED.

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what don't they understand...these people don't want the U.S. in their face and in thier country appointing who THEY want as leaders and WILL resent any leader appointed by Americans with they own agenda (like HoLo).

Ya'll was warned, don't complain...this statement is playing with the intelligence of our citizenshipness:

``Our thoughts and prayers are with his family,'' White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said. ``It shows the true nature of the enemies of freedom. They have no regard for the lives of innocent men, women and children.''

You are talking about yourselves...your in THEIR home UNINVITED.

:eek::eek::eek: oh my god!!! she didnt respond to one of her jibber jabber posts with more jibber jabber!!! this must be a sign of the apocolypse... y'all been warned!!

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Hey oldtimer. I am normally confused by this person as much as the next but in this case she makes sense. Somehow we always forget what it is to be in someone elses shoes. We can go kill all we want and diminish the "enemies of freedom" but I am sure that whatever violence we use will ultimately come back to us. But no one is innocent of this cause both sides are killing each other for what? Life is to precious but I guess some people don't see it this way.

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Hey oldtimer. I am normally confused by this person as much as the next but in this case she makes sense. Somehow we always forget what it is to be in someone elses shoes. We can go kill all we want and diminish the "enemies of freedom" but I am sure that whatever violence we use will ultimately come back to us. But no one is innocent of this cause both sides are killing each other for what? Life is to precious but I guess some people don't see it this way.

after reading it a few times over i can somewhat see what she is saying... but the way she says it makes it pretty impossible to understand.. yeah there are some people over there who are pretty upset with out presence over there... but on the other hand there are some people over there, that are glad that we are there.. it's a pretty tough situation.. we've kicked out/captured/killed the oppressive leaders over there so we can't just bounce and be like "good luck with cleaning that shit up".. we kinda have to set things up for them.. we cant leave the country in shambles with no rule because then there will be chaos.. and chaos isnt necessarily bad, but it has potential to get ugly, so why chance it??

to play devils advocate with myself... i think it's really fucked up that our boys are over there being killed by the same people we are there to protect... it's an absolute lose-lose situation... and i think that bush has absolutely no respect for human life whatsoever..

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o.k. the way i write things sometimes is a little out there, i admit that...but, the core of it is the same.

i just assessed a victem of abuse last night, so it had a little effect on the way i was writing last night....lil bit o' rage....the kid wasn't even 20 years old.

and yeah....people tend to not care unless it's "their own"...I am anti oppression, anti violence, anti senseless killing..........

and the jews in Palestine have obviously forgotten hitler.

I'll have my g-unit sneakers on....prison approved.

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^^^^ :rofl:

sorry but im just gonna have to agree with oldtimer on this one...muzikchik if ur gonna try to make an intelligent post, please do so correctly and sound like at least you know what you're talking about. im not calling you dumb, but you definitely sound it in that incomprehensible post.

.......my own view......This just shows how sick human nature can possible be. i dont think that America is to blame for the prison tortures...humans can be horrible evil, disrespectful, and poorly cultured or educated. I mean when I watched the Private (the girl from the pictures i can't remember her name) she sounded like trash. She was probably bored out there. I mean a lot people in the army, while it is an incredibly respectable job (especially those in high positions, marines, seals, etc) who are serving out country are doing so because they are a littl emessed up or risk going to jail or something else. Im not saying all, im just saying some!!!

It's really sad this had to happen and yea, it shows that imperialism really can not be tolereated in this day because of the lack of respect towards other cultures. it is dispectable. Our govenment really needs to start cleaning itself up, because this looks horrible. The government needs to stop making selfish decisions, get the fuck out of Iraq and clean up this damn mess. Things are worse now than ever. GRRRR ..

And with this election coming up I am even more unsure.. Is Kerry ready to take the world and the nation in its present state? i think so more than Bush ever was...

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Guest gabo
^^^^ :rofl:

sorry but im just gonna have to agree with oldtimer on this one...muzikchik if ur gonna try to make an intelligent post, please do so correctly and sound like at least you know what you're talking about. im not calling you dumb, but you definitely sound it in that incomprehensible post.


I swear to god I feel high when I read her posts... or maybe theyll make sense if I was.

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people .. let us examine some facts for a second here ..

yes .. we went there to rid the Iraq from Saddam .. but the interesting observation here is that there are so many like Saddam . yet we decided to choose Saddam specifically to isolate ..

i am not defending Saddam . i am only saying we should not have double standards and then ask foreign people to understand us

here are some examples ..

Hafz El Asad .. the Syrian president .. has been governing Syria with aboslute dictator .. do you know that on one occasion .. some political prisoners did an uprising in one of his highly guarded jails/prisons .. they took over the jail and wanted to be set free .. do u know what this guy did .. he ordered his army .. and their planes just leveled the prison with hundreads of bombs .. he killed the prisoners and the gaurds .. all to him were alike ..

also .. he ordered his army planes . .and it bombed a neighbouring city called Hamat .. coz their people were sympasizing with the prisoners ..

net result .. in one day . he killed more than 5000 people .. that is just one example of mr. El Asad .. antothe dictator

antother exmple .. Arial Sharoon of Israel .. this guy has refused to negotiate with the Palestinians .. and has ordered his army to demolish their homes (more than 90,000 of them in the past two years alone) .. kill anyone in certain neighberhood .. just coz he suspect his enemies (Hamas leaders) "might" be in that neighberhood .. resulting in killing of hudreads of Palestenian civiliants ..

do u know that at one day .. in the early 90's when Sharon was the army commander . he entered Palestinian camps called Sabra and Shatila .. where civilians of women, kids and old men .. as well as young men who are not fighters .. existed .. and to punish the militias who were fighting the Israeli army earlier .. he killed at that days thousands of Palestinian civilians !!!!

that was another example ..

another example .. look at the Hosni Mubarak of Egypt . .everyone thinks Egypt is domacratic country . but the truth is that it is not ..

do u know tht if u r part of the governmant party then u get lots of benefits .. and if u r not . then tough luck ..

this guy and his preceeding president .. Sadat .. killed, jailed and tortured thousand of Egyptian . coz they do not agree with him

u want other examples .. what about china leaders, north korea leaders .. what about cuba .. heck what about latin america and the drug lords ..

come on .. people .. we can not have double standards .. and then isolate certain countries and then think that people there are just gona open arms for us to go and occupy them ..

we said iraq has wmd .. ok where are those ..? and if iraq had them . why didnt saddam use them?

and then . if we look at israel ... report say that that country has more than 200 nuclear weapons .. why cant they dismantle those too ..

do u know that israel is the only country in the middle east that do not allow UN inspectors to inspect its nuclear facilities . . hmmm .. i dont see us or mr. bush jumping up and down for that ..

when israel use the american weaopons to kill palestinians . especially civilians .. what do you think people's reaction there will be ? would they love us? i dont think so ..

we gotta be consistent in our actions and stick to our morals . before we go and preach to other countries some crap ..

and dont call me anti-american or un-patriotic .. coz that is anything but true


the MASK

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too long of responces here.

i just talked to my long time ago finance manager '88 (also American Jew) and he agreed with me about the pictures of Sadams mutilated son's were a disgrace...while "we" preach that "we" are morally "superior".

...just saw the news with the bull dyke looking soldier bitch holding a human being on a leash.....she deserves to be bitch slapped. this is what represents "our" country....its a fucken 'disgrace'....this country is a disgrace.

i am embarrassed to say i'm american....EMBARRASSED!

oh and my dad, Husein, says hello....his gardens are in bloom....and he needs no exchange of German marks, cuz they no longer exist...Europe is United.


Palestine is undergoing a modern day Hitler regime from hipocrites.

I will see you all on 42nd St. and Broadway on 5/14 at half past NOON. Rite by the Roxy.....near where Bon Jovi sang....no one needs to fund anything...it's FREE....and I'll buy my own bubble-less G-Unit sneakers, prison approved. in PINK....pale pink...like ME!!

p.s.--my friends Bosnian Grandma died, today from the stress of not seeing her muslim granddaughter for 5 months.

I don't wanna hear shit outa Bloomberg's office...because if it wasn't for extremists like me....he wuold never have that cousin of mine sitting in his office....ME set the trend of moderization in MY family....she would have NOT had those opps if it was for ME breaking bullshit rules....so kiss my ass!

.................oh, and my daddy agrees.

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oh my god... im partially agreeing with you...

i think it's fucked up that the pictures of his sons surfaced and the picture of these idiots who tortured the people we captured... once i saw the pics of what our guys did to the prisoners i knew that we were going to get it back to us tenfold... this poor guy who was beheaded was beheaded to send america a message of not to fuck with their prisoners... if those fucking idiots didnt post pictures on a website this poor guy would still be alive... those fucking idiots who posted the pics on the internet should be shot... seriously..

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oh my god... im partially agreeing with you...

i think it's fucked up that the pictures of his sons surfaced and the picture of these idiots who tortured the people we captured... once i saw the pics of what our guys did to the prisoners i knew that we were going to get it back to us tenfold... this poor guy who was beheaded was beheaded to send america a message of not to fuck with their prisoners... if those fucking idiots didnt post pictures on a website this poor guy would still be alive... those fucking idiots who posted the pics on the internet should be shot... seriously..

old timer . i agree with you . but the facts remain that abuse did happen .. and while this same country leader (fucking saddam) did abuse and torture . we (the USA) wen there to rid these people from the dictator .. then what happen .. we took over .. stayed there for ever .. awarded construction projects to US companies only (did i mention that mr. Deck Cheny got the lion share as a company associated with him got lots of business there) .. did not install iraqi government for long time .. and now what . now we are after some clerk (moqtada el-sadr) and for what reason . coz he killed some other clerk .. wtf . who gives a shit .. coz of that we went to Fallujah and hundreads of our soldiers got killed ... is that a wrong decision or what ????

so bottom line is . we went there and stayed there .. i say give them decision .. install their own force and get the fuk outta there ..

and if we claim we are the most democratic country in the world then our soldiers ought to show that .. so pictures or not is a technicality .. the fact remain that the abuse happen and to the people there we are "occupiers" ..and people hate occupiers ..

that is the issue my friend ..


the MASK

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people .. let us examine some facts for a second here ..

yes .. we went there to rid the Iraq from Saddam .. but the interesting observation here is that there are so many like Saddam . yet we decided to choose Saddam specifically to isolate ..

i am not defending Saddam . i am only saying we should not have double standards and then ask foreign people to understand us

here are some examples ..

Hafz El Asad .. the Syrian president .. has been governing Syria with aboslute dictator .. do you know that on one occasion .. some political prisoners did an uprising in one of his highly guarded jails/prisons .. they took over the jail and wanted to be set free .. do u know what this guy did .. he ordered his army .. and their planes just leveled the prison with hundreads of bombs .. he killed the prisoners and the gaurds .. all to him were alike ..

also .. he ordered his army planes . .and it bombed a neighbouring city called Hamat .. coz their people were sympasizing with the prisoners ..

net result .. in one day . he killed more than 5000 people .. that is just one example of mr. El Asad .. antothe dictator

antother exmple .. Arial Sharoon of Israel .. this guy has refused to negotiate with the Palestinians .. and has ordered his army to demolish their homes (more than 90,000 of them in the past two years alone) .. kill anyone in certain neighberhood .. just coz he suspect his enemies (Hamas leaders) "might" be in that neighberhood .. resulting in killing of hudreads of Palestenian civiliants ..

do u know that at one day .. in the early 90's when Sharon was the army commander . he entered Palestinian camps called Sabra and Shatila .. where civilians of women, kids and old men .. as well as young men who are not fighters .. existed .. and to punish the militias who were fighting the Israeli army earlier .. he killed at that days thousands of Palestinian civilians !!!!

that was another example ..

another example .. look at the Hosni Mubarak of Egypt . .everyone thinks Egypt is domacratic country . but the truth is that it is not ..

do u know tht if u r part of the governmant party then u get lots of benefits .. and if u r not . then tough luck ..

this guy and his preceeding president .. Sadat .. killed, jailed and tortured thousand of Egyptian . coz they do not agree with him

u want other examples .. what about china leaders, north korea leaders .. what about cuba .. heck what about latin america and the drug lords ..

come on .. people .. we can not have double standards .. and then isolate certain countries and then think that people there are just gona open arms for us to go and occupy them ..

we said iraq has wmd .. ok where are those ..? and if iraq had them . why didnt saddam use them?

and then . if we look at israel ... report say that that country has more than 200 nuclear weapons .. why cant they dismantle those too ..

do u know that israel is the only country in the middle east that do not allow UN inspectors to inspect its nuclear facilities . . hmmm .. i dont see us or mr. bush jumping up and down for that ..

when israel use the american weaopons to kill palestinians . especially civilians .. what do you think people's reaction there will be ? would they love us? i dont think so ..

we gotta be consistent in our actions and stick to our morals . before we go and preach to other countries some crap ..

and dont call me anti-american or un-patriotic .. coz that is anything but true


the MASK

why don't you and muzikchick pack your shit and move to france.

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o.k. the way i write things sometimes is a little out there, i admit that...but, the core of it is the same.

i just assessed a victem of abuse last night, so it had a little effect on the way i was writing last night....lil bit o' rage....the kid wasn't even 20 years old.

and yeah....people tend to not care unless it's "their own"...I am anti oppression, anti violence, anti senseless killing..........

and the jews in Palestine have obviously forgotten hitler.

I'll have my g-unit sneakers on....prison approved.

knotice how she called them jews instead of israelis, are you an anti-semite by any chance ?

its a good thing israel has a nuclear arsenal, this keeps all the arabic states and their attitude in check

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i kind of agree with you... but this MAY sound fucked up... but i think some form of torture is allright in my book.. we captured these prisoners for a reason... they are dangerous and they have information we need... when they're not talking (giving up information) i think a little torture here and there is understandable.. but taking pictures of it and posting them on the internet is just ludicrous... knowing full well that a lot of our boys are over there being held captive by deranged militants, and then giving these same people more reason to use more excessive violence against our guys over there is beyond stupidity..

about our guys being over there... it's a lose lose situation for bush.. if we back out now then millions of people are gonna be saying "why didnt you do it sooner.. blase blah" if he keeps people over there now then people are definitely going to be against him for that... so bush can't win.. i think he wants to finish what he started..

as for us going over there in the first place.. i think it was a good idea in theory.. i think the world is a lot safer place without saddam.. (can anyone really argue this?) i think since we got most of his officers out of office the potential for iraq to become a decent nation is definitely a lot higher... now that we are in charge over there we cant possibly just leave the country in shambles.. if we do then chaos will ensue and the country will be in just as bad (if not worse) of a condition then it was already in...

this si why i stay as far away from politics as possible.. i can't really take a stance because i see both positive and negative aspects on the same issue..

ex) the world is a safer place, but a lot of our boys had to die to make it safer..

ex) our guys should help iraq to set up some kind of system. but on the other hand is it really worth more of our guys dieing?

ex) some people over in iraq support our decision.. some don't (we're helping some people out but pissing others off)

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My belief's are based on christianity but I am the most imperfect christian. But through learning the little that I know I have found that killing is killing no matter whether it is an american soldier doing his duty or a chicago homicide. People in general need to learn the values in life. And that's all people. Not just us and our "oppressing" but all the leardership/followers such as North Korea and Syria... Yes the american flag is our representation and we should always strive to make it brighter and a symbol of goodness not just military might...

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if someone critcizes the government they should leave the country? :confused:

thats funny. i didnt hear anything like this during the clinton years.

NO, if somebody doesn't like the country that they live in and take all their freedoms for granted, that somebody should go live elsewhere. Preferably France.

There are a lot of people in this country, including myself who totally support the war on terrorism. Because they understand the stakes. 9/11 shows that they are allready getting inside our country and the only way to stop them is by going to theirs and dismantaling regimes that support terrorism. as for tourtures and killing innocent people, well thats war. we have a right to protect ourselves. innocent people will always die, thats just how war works, for example around 3000 innocent people died on 9/11. i think that justifies us to go there and stay till every last terrorist is captured of killed.

our soulders are not dying senslessly, they are heroes who protect our way of life.

God bless them and god bless America

as for the rest of you fuckers, who think that america is guilty of something other then protecting itself, please feel free to leave and make room for people who truly appretiate freedom

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as for the rest of you fuckers, who think that america is guilty of something other then protecting itself, please feel free to leave and make room for people who truly appretiate freedom

so when people in this country exercise their freedom of speech they should leave the country? when people want to change the way America behaves they should be censored?

that doesnt sound like America. that sounds like a dictatorship.

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why don't you and muzikchick pack your shit and move to france.

France .. why france .. ?? dude . if u cant deal with reality .. may be u should move ..

to you and to others .. anyone who advocates peace = traiter .. open your mind my friend .. and listen ..


the MASK

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It's war. 3 yrs ago, alot of people died in your city. Obviously our infrastructure was unstable enough to not only be threatened, but to be weakened. The people that did this come from fundamentalist organizations funded by oil-rich countries in the mid-east. Not just "A" country, but more countries than you'd even want to admit to. Countries that even appear to work WITH us. Iraq's advancements in nuclear capabilities was a serious concern as soon as the Soviet Union diminished and nuclear weapons became unaccounted for. Just b/c the American media has you believing that Iraq had NO nuclear capability b/c we found not a trace does not mean that Sadam was not smart enough to sell and ship everything directly across the border to his neighbor in Syria, El Asad, who's just as nutty as Saddam was.

But if your the peaceful type who's smart enough to know all of this and still opposes any offense that our military is currently practicing, then you're also smart enough to know that there is only one way to truly end all of this... and that's to create an America completely independent of oil. The same oil that creates the facade of such a strong American infrastructure, a facade that readily crumbles when attacked by the reality of those WE fund simply by using oil in our daily lives. From the rides you get to your clubs to the lighters you light your cigarettes with.

If we all used public transportation and refrained from smoking hash... we'd be homefree.

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