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Sweet Sassy Molassy, You people are a train wreck

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Greetings. I am what you would call a "newbie".

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a psychiatrist with a private practice that is currently working on an essay for my next conference on young adult behavior.

A fantastic way to observe young adults is through message boards online. We find that we can observe young adults speaking without inhibition, in their own terms.

Forgive me if I seem intrusive, you must believe that is not my intention, I am simply a man trying to further his knowledge in his field.

I thought a lot of you might be interested in the theories I have developed so far. Any feedback is appreciated, interaction is encouraged.

Now, I don't want to name names, because "naming is laming" as I tell patients in my sessions.

I will give them aliases.

"A": he feels cramped, with no dancing room, yet he seems to have a glow about him. Feels uncontrollable urge to display numerous pictures, demanding attention.

"M": Oh boy. Despite the knowledge that this young lady has not done a certain drug in two weeks, I still feel she has a substance problem. I recommend NA, they do wonders. She also feels the need to announce her sexual orientation and personal revelations every minute. I suggest a career in reporting.

"L" Obsessed with women's genitalia, and frequent masturbator, I feel this young gent can have an extremely successful career in gynecology.

"M" Good Lord. He murdered someone with a hardware tool and poisoned them with Drano. Then displays it proudly. I say "Fry Him"

"J" Really loves his "GHB" whatever that is. He seems pretty dimwitted and loves his Iroq and seems to have a penchant for aggression. My RX? A hug, stopping the steroids and some college classes.

"R" Just plain dumb

"S" A walking lobotomy that seems to still have enough coordination to "fucken dance"

"P" Absolutely, positively, undoubtedly obsessed with marijuana.

My final thoughts I will leave you with:

Please all of you, seek help. Drugs are a dead-end street. These nightclubs and DJ's do NOT care about you.

Thank you.

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Originally posted by dr_vanhouten:

Greetings. I am what you would call a "newbie".

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a psychiatrist with a private practice that is currently working on an essay for my next conference on young adult behavior.

A fantastic way to observe young adults is through message boards online. We find that we can observe young adults speaking without inhibition, in their own terms.

Forgive me if I seem intrusive, you must believe that is not my intention, I am simply a man trying to further his knowledge in his field.

I thought a lot of you might be interested in the theories I have developed so far. Any feedback is appreciated, interaction is encouraged.

Now, I don't want to name names, because "naming is laming" as I tell patients in my sessions.

I will give them aliases.

"A": he feels cramped, with no dancing room, yet he seems to have a glow about him. Feels uncontrollable urge to display numerous pictures, demanding attention.

"M": Oh boy. Despite the knowledge that this young lady has not done a certain drug in two weeks, I still feel she has a substance problem. I recommend NA, they do wonders. She also feels the need to announce her sexual orientation and personal revelations every minute. I suggest a career in reporting.

"L" Obsessed with women's genitalia, and frequent masturbator, I feel this young gent can have an extremely successful career in gynecology.

"M" Good Lord. He murdered someone with a hardware tool and poisoned them with Drano. Then displays it proudly. I say "Fry Him"

"J" Really loves his "GHB" whatever that is. He seems pretty dimwitted and loves his Iroq and seems to have a penchant for aggression. My RX? A hug, stopping the steroids and some college classes.

"R" Just plain dumb

"S" A walking lobotomy that seems to still have enough coordination to "fucken dance"

"P" Absolutely, positively, undoubtedly obsessed with marijuana.

My final thoughts I will leave you with:

Please all of you, seek help. Drugs are a dead-end street. These nightclubs and DJ's do NOT care about you.

Thank you.

Hey Dr. I have a RX for you... Stop being a voyuer and fantasing about all the young beautiful people on this board. Then either start partying and doing drugs, or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! grim.gif


Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by iliana:

ROTF cwm2.gif


I was wondering if you can do an evaluation on me? According to other posts i'm a "insecure feminist bitch who was raped by her father".

Please prove them wrong.




I don't know if you were raped by your father, but when there is a strong difference of opinion that tends not to be favorable to the masses, you are then labeled with deragatory terms.

Although you're posts aren't that friendly per se, They are strong opinions with flashes of truth in them.

As they say "keep on trucking"

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Dear Doc, hmmmm... your extreme caution in your choice of words and your lack of attention in your grammatical style leads me to suspense concerning your declared line of work.

Ps. we don't call patients "patients". We call them "clients"… Just a reminder so that you won't be embarrassed in front of your colleagues when you're performing the "profession"… LOL

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Originally posted by elfberry:

Dear Doc, hmmmm... your extreme caution in your choice of words and your lack of attention in your grammatical style leads me to suspense concerning your declared line of work.

Ps. we don't call patients "patients". We call them "clients"… Just a reminder so that you won't be embarrassed in front of your colleagues when you're performing the "profession"… LOL

FYI, "elfberry" I have to speak to them in laymen's term's, so that they understand.

BTW I believe your delusion of grandeur is getting out of hand. Come see me.

Remember, you cannot change your penis size, learn to compensate in some other fashion.

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fyi doc,

the scene is about the music, not the dj's.

always about the music. the dj's are merely the vessel.

anyway who are you to criticize the way we choose to enjoy our free time? a large number of those involved in the scene are hard working, intelligent people who share a common bond through the music.

the music teaches us of the infinitely beautiful intricasies of life, it humbles us to appreciate the short time we have to share with each other and it elevates us to expand our thoughts and consciousness beyond what we ever dreamed existed.

more than can be said for people such as yourself.

have you always been old and jaded?

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Originally posted by trancerjones:

fyi doc,

the scene is about the jars of k.

anyway who are you to criticize the way we choose to enjoy our jars of k? a large number of those involved in the scene are hard working, intelligent people who share a common bond through jars of k.

the jars of k teaches us of the infinitely beautiful intricasies of life, it humbles us to appreciate the short time we have to share with each other and it elevates us to expand our thoughts and consciousness beyond what we ever dreamed existed.

more than can be said for people such as yourself.

have you always been old and jaded?

Look, missy, I do not know what the thrill is in a "jar of K', nor fo I fully understand what it is.

I believe you have a substance disorder, that eventually will bring out your shizophrenia.

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