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Question for the women??

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How many of you are not sure if you want to have children? I personally do not have that urge. Most of all I resent the way society presents motherhood as a womans ultimate goal in life. I know I am in the minority but I just don't have that maternal instinct.

Anyone else feel this way?

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Originally posted by aljedynak:

How many of you are not sure if you want to have children? I personally do not have that urge. Most of all I resent the way society presents motherhood as a womans ultimate goal in life. I know I am in the minority but I just don't have that maternal instinct.

Anyone else feel this way?

sweetie...i'm the same way........i'm only 25 years old, though, so that might change.....i wouldn't mind having a son....so he can race motoX...isn't that funny....but it's just not a priority for me right now.....too much responsibility...besides....the men i date are enough of a handful..they are like small children themselves......


The entertainment business is a cruel and shallow money trench - a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and weak men die like dogs.......


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as of right now having kids is not even part of my life goals or dreams. lots of women dream of being married with kids...no way!

there are so many places i want to go to, so many things i want to see and experience in my life that kids aren't even the pic in the far future. no thanks!



i know u wanna dance,

i wanna c u sweat,

i wanna c how freaky u can get...baby take me higher!!

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If you were to have asked me that question last year . . . I would of said . . . ABSOUTELY NO CHILDREN!!! Hell no!

However, after my nephew entered this world . . . I have had some serious change of heart. I don't know if it's because of age or because of first hand experience . . . but babies are a miracle in the living! I think a woman's ultimate goal is a personal thing and can only be determined independantly . . . whatever it may be. However, I now believe that having babies is a gift. It's not something that we, women, should discard so easily. It's such a special gift and we should treat it as such.



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 10-30-2000).]

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Originally posted by aljedynak:

How many of you are not sure if you want to have children? I personally do not have that urge. Most of all I resent the way society presents motherhood as a womans ultimate goal in life. I know I am in the minority but I just don't have that maternal instinct.

Anyone else feel this way?

Hmm, I wouldn't agree that the ultimate goal in a woman's life is kids.. I mean, that's the only way to keep the human race existant.. But there is much more to life than kids. Nobody will condemn you or look down on you because you don't have kids.. But you know what, I wouldn't want to be old and alone with nobody to care about me and nobody to take care of. I can't imagine my parents without me and my sister. But it's definitely not a "MUST" to have children.. I think it's better NOT to have kids if you are not mentally ready or don't really want any. Too many kids nowadays are not being raised in a good environment. I'm young though (21), maybe a little naive too. But I definitely want to have kids some day, even though I cannot imagine it right now. The only FEAR of mine is giving birth itself. I *hate* PAIN..

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Originally posted by lola591:

as of right now having kids is not even part of my life goals or dreams. lots of women dream of being married with kids...no way!


These days women do not have to get married in order to have kids. So many women are having babies independantly without husbands. Jodie Foster and Madonna are some examples. My older sister chose to have my nephew without a husband. Not because she couldn't have a husband but because she chose not to. Something to think about! cwm38.gif



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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I am married for one month now. The first question everyone asks is "When are you having kids?"

My answer is maybe never. Maybe I will change my mind but it won't be for years. Also, the actual pregnancy gives me the creeps. I like my body the way it is. Yes, I'M VAIN. I know I will get bashed for it.

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Originally posted by aljedynak:

I am married for one month now. The first question everyone asks is "When are you having kids?"

My answer is maybe never. Maybe I will change my mind but it won't be for years. Also, the actual pregnancy gives me the creeps. I like my body the way it is. Yes, I'M VAIN. I know I will get bashed for it.

Hehe, my Mom keeps asking me and my sis for grandchildren.. How funny is that considering that I'm 21 and my sis is 22! So when ppl ask you when you're gonna have kids, the best answer IMO would be "You'll be the 1st one to know when I'll be having a child".. Or something to that effect. I'm terrified of pregnancy also, with all of its craziness. Throwing up all the time, moodiness, cravings.. Oh boy..

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Originally posted by aljedynak:

I am married for one month now. The first question everyone asks is "When are you having kids?"

My answer is maybe never. Maybe I will change my mind but it won't be for years. Also, the actual pregnancy gives me the creeps. I like my body the way it is. Yes, I'M VAIN. I know I will get bashed for it.

Hey it's your own personal decision . . . no one can say what is right or wrong for you. I was the same exact way until recently. And even still am a little scared and hesitant when I think about it.

Most important thing is DO NOT have kids because you think it's what everybody else wants or because you think that's the next step after marriage. NO WAY!! Do it because you want a baby badly! There are too many babies out there that do not get enough love from their mothers because those girls were not really ready to have one.



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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Hey I must be the most vain person America !!! It's all about taking care of yourself .. I want to have a lot of children.. I love children.

Not right now..I mean I 'd like to get all the partying and nonsense out of my system and be more financially stable but I've always been looking forward to having children..






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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I see kids in my future...Very very very far into my future though.

When I was 17, I'd say..."Yeah I want kids in like 10 years, when I'm 27 maybe"

But I'm still saying "Yeah I want kids in like 10 years" and I'm 21 now!

There's just too much to see & too much to do out there! And I feel like I've just started to experience life this year!!!

I'm not even responsible enough to keep fresh milk in the house!!! Could you imagine me with a baby!!!

I'll stick to pampering my new niece in the meantime!!!


ww_fire2.jpg You put me in heaven with your touch....I just wanna hold you so much....

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Right now, as it stands, I don't think I want kids. I broke it to my parents and my Mom was really cool about it but my Dad isn't too happy. I may change my mind one day, but I'm 32 and there's not a maternal bone in my body. I can barely look after myself, nevermind a baby. My friends who are married with kids think I'm totally abnormal, but I wouldn't change places with them for a million dollars. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life right now and if I don't have children I'm not going to be heartbroken. Society looks at women who don't want kids in a funny way b/c it's what we're "supposed" to do...grow up, get married and spawn children. It's comforting to know there are other people out there that feel the same way.


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by mel-o-d:


Did you know you could have your vagina removed? In addition to making childbirth impossible, you'll also be free of your monthly visitor! Something to look into.

That sounds a bit barbaric...how about just getting on DEPO. Your period stops, and you only have to get 4 shots a year!!! NO PILLS!!



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Originally posted by beautious1:

That sounds a bit barbaric...how about just getting on DEPO. Your period stops, and you only have to get 4 shots a year!!! NO PILLS!!

Depo gives you crazy moodswings. My friend that takes it goes pyscho. Mine are bad enough as is ... wouldn't want to see it any worst.

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I'm 27 and I am definitely sure that I don't want kids ever. Having children is a major responsiblity that shouldn't be taken lightly. I always knew that I didn't want have children. I believe that is a personal choice that a woman has to make on her own, and not be pressured into it by family, friends, and society.People always tell me that I will change my mind in the future but that is a foolish statement to make. I want the option to have my freedom and not be tied down for the rest of my life. Just because children grow older you still have to worry about them.

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Originally posted by beautious1:

That sounds a bit barbaric...how about just getting on DEPO. Your period stops, and you only have to get 4 shots a year!!! NO PILLS!!

How is Depo? What's the effectiveness and cost??




A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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No Babies for me!!! However since I'm only 23 I reserve the right to change my mind (but I doubt it) As for depo...it works for some but if you react badly to it, you are stuck with it for at least 3 months while it stays in your system...I tried it once...gained 15lbs. cwm19.gif Now...if getting rid of your monthly friend is your goal just take the pill and when you are supposed to stop for a week...don't just keep taking them, You can put your period on hold for as long as you like...It's great to not have to worry about it, but you do need to take periodic pregnancy tests because there is no way of knowing for sure that you are not if you don't get it.


"deep within I'm shaken by the violence of exsisting for only you..."

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I def. want children - some day. Rob and I have talked about this before, and just like with getting married, not until we're finished with school (which won't be till I'm damn near 30, so I might have to bend the rules a lil wink.gif), and no kids until after that. I don't think it's fair to try to bring a child into the world that can't have the best life that it possibly deserves!!

and i def. want a boy and a girl - only i'm not so sure about the girl b/c rob says he's gonna lock her in her room till she's 28 - and *f* that, she's gonna go out and have the time of her life . . . oh the fights. wink.gif

wait until he sees what i do to our son if he does that . . .




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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well...I use to say that I want to get married and have my first kid b4 I'm 30 y.o. but now I don't even try to think about that....not that I don't want to have kids or get married...I DO....but I think that there is time for everything.....I am not going to rush things....I am not going to plan things...life is so unpredictable.......

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I say to each her own. I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman who doesn't want to have children. That's her decision and no one should judge her for it. I had my son when I was 20 and that's young. I was a very selfish person and before I had him I wasn't even sure if I wanted to have kids. That changed after I had him, I became a new person - he changed my life for the better. He's six now and I'd have another one but not now. Right now he's old enough where I can enjoy things and go places that I wasn't able to before. I can't imagine having an infant in my life right now - that's way too much. In regards to vanity, if you take care of yourself you can get your figure back. I was a 5 before I had my son and now I'm a 1-2 - go figure. I'll have to say that once you have kids your body will just never be the same - and that's not a negative comment. For those of you who have kids, you'll understand that.



Let me take you on a trip, just a simple journey, a journey full of sound and beats, one that will lead you down....way down to the UNDERGROUND

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