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Just another reason to be proud of the latins

Guest saleen351

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as opposed to this war as I am based on principle.. certainty I respect the women and men who have served or still are serving in Iraq.. if it wasn’t for them "volunteering" we might have been in Iraq ourselves. Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia made a very bad judgment call. in no way do I find it acceptable to insult him, or his ethnicity. he served his country; until he felt he could not. his prior commitment to this country deservers some respect..

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Charlie can back me up on this, but it is true, you don't abandon your fellow soldiers, like Bling is surmising. It is along the lines of the wall of silence in police departments, and other such organizations where they take care of their own. The military is like this, even to the extent of having their own courts and judicial systems and set of laws (the Uniform Code of Military Justice)...

Being an objector is one thing, but running away from your duty and full-well knowing the penalties is totally another. He could have requested a transfer out of the combat zone to another post, for one.

Again, I'm guessing this guy signed up thinking it was an easy route to free college money, free education in a useful skill, and probably thought having a rank would look good to the girls...then he chickens out when it is time for the military to act military. If he wanted a job where he could carry a gun, not do any real work, and hit on girls all day I'd recommend signing up for the Miami Beach Police Department.

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If he wanted a job where he could carry a gun, not do any real work, and hit on girls all day I'd recommend signing up for the Miami Beach Police Department.


come on tho, not do any real work on miami beach? honey i live in the heart of sobe and there is shit going down 24/7!!! crazy mofos here!!!! mbpd do seem to have a way with the ladies, tho. ;)

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you don't abandon your fellow soldiers, like Bling is surmising. It is along the lines of the wall of silence in police departments, and other such organizations where they take care of their own. The military is like this, even to the extent of having their own courts and judicial systems and set of laws (the Uniform Code of Military Justice)...

Dan you know too much :)

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Charlie can back me up on this, but it is true, you don't abandon your fellow soldiers, like Bling is surmising. It is along the lines of the wall of silence in police departments, and other such organizations where they take care of their own. The military is like this, even to the extent of having their own courts and judicial systems and set of laws (the Uniform Code of Military Justice)...

Being an objector is one thing, but running away from your duty and full-well knowing the penalties is totally another. He could have requested a transfer out of the combat zone to another post, for one.

Again, I'm guessing this guy signed up thinking it was an easy route to free college money, free education in a useful skill, and probably thought having a rank would look good to the girls...then he chickens out when it is time for the military to act military. If he wanted a job where he could carry a gun, not do any real work, and hit on girls all day I'd recommend signing up for the Miami Beach Police Department.

your right on one account, your guessing. you have no idea why the guy signed up. nor do you know what was going through his mind at the time, he made his decision. please don't compare the abused "police wall of silence" with The Uniform Code of Military Justice, they are not even remotely the same. call him a "chicken" if you want .. it’s quite easy to sit back and play Monday quarterback. I'm sure it would be a bit different, if you where on the playing field.
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i can't agree with you completely because i still see it more as bush's war, not a global effort against terrorism.

I'll be the first to agree that the war has little to do with terrorism, and quite a few facts were stretched to get the support he needed.

but that doesn't make it wrong, (nor does it make it right) but lets face it there are quite a few people in that part of the world who would have one hell of a party if they could kill evey last one of us.

bottom line is there are two schools of thought. One says that the human race is inherently good, and the other says inherently evil. Its hard to objectivly view what is going on in so much of the world and not see it as evil...... and that is the way bush see's it, so he thinks he has the moral high ground, and to tell you the truth, he may be right, and maybe when I die I'll have some answers, but for now the world is just one complicated fucked up place.

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your right on one account, your guessing. you have no idea why the guy signed up. nor do you know what was going through his mind at the time, he made his decision. please don't compare the abused "police wall of silence" with The Uniform Code of Military Justice, they are not even remotely the same. call him a "chicken" if you want .. it’s quite easy to sit back and play Monday quarterback. I'm sure it would be a bit different, if you where on the playing field.

I agree.

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Charlie can back me up on this, but it is true, you don't abandon your fellow soldiers

there are some great people in the military, and some real shit heads.

some are there for their honest love of their country and the people before them who have sacrificed to make it what it is, and some are in it to see what they can get out of it and how much they can get away with.

which was this guy? or was he somewhere in between??

odds are that he was probably more towards the latter, due to how he handled it, but honestly, who knows. The military has an equal number of shit birds as they do idealists. Im sure as hell not going to be the one to judge him. Saying he could have handled it better is a long way from saying he is just a coward and a deserter in it for himself.

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there are some great people in the military, and some real shit heads.

some are there for their honest love of their country and the people before them who have sacrificed to make it what it is, and some are in it to see what they can get out of it and how much they can get away with.

which was this guy? or was he somewhere in between??

odds are that he was probably more towards the latter, due to how he handled it, but honestly, who knows. The military has an equal number of shit birds as they do idealists. Im sure as hell not going to be the one to judge him. Saying he could have handled it better is a long way from saying he is just a coward and a deserter in it for himself.

great post Charlie

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dude, you sign up for the military, of course there is gonna be shit you disagree with!!!!!!! duhhhhhhhhhh but walking out on your fellow american is just being a pussy... i hope they hang this loser.

i wouldnt join the military 4 shit !! i dont agree with 99% of the shit they do .. and most dont ever "REEEEEALLY " know what its all for ..am i a pussy ?

i dont think so ... if they come here and fight then its on !! if not ? fuck them !! i just dont agree with whatever it is ... and cause i dont agree that makes me a bitch ? i dont think so ... saleen why arent you in the service ? and no im not saying this cause i give a fuck about those iraquis or any of those terrorist fucks ... im sayin this cause of our own men that are sent over there for a reason im sure they really dont know 100% !!

if anyone leaves durring battle then yes id call him a pussy ... but no ... he left cause cause he saw shit he didnt agree with .. thats it !!

oh and btw !! saleen ... i fuckin knew it BIAAAAAAAAAAATCH !!..........


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Italians = Pussy

So much talk Sallen but you really have no idea whats going on dude. This kind of stuff is what makes Americans look like idiots. The bad stuff over there and people like Salleen. Just plain fucking ignorant. :hang: yourself because you and people like you really are a disgrace to this country, this waht makes americans look very bad. My two cents. By the way you should stop those comments man there is no reason to say them.

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For the record

As a former soldier, I took the oath for defending our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Iraq, and it has been proven, was not a foriegn threat.

I think the soldier is more american to stand up what he believes in

Also, it is the duty of our soldiers to disobey laws that are illegal.

This war is illegal. We were lied to regarding this threat. He is standing up. Good for him.

I write this as an American AND A VETERAN during the Gulf War.

This man is standing up for what he believes to be right. He is defending our freedom.

Anyone who has not served this country, imo, has nothing to say about this guy. You do not understand what our soldiers are told to defend. I do.

This man Is an American!!

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it wasnt even that...i had a tough time explaining to him why his vinyl seats were all sticky...

i told you not to open the anal-eaze unitl we got off the dirt road.... but noooooo, you couldnt wait

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Guest saleen351

Court-Martial Begins for Anti-War Soldier

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

FORT STEWART, Ga. — The attorney for a U.S. soldier accused of deserting his unit in Iraq asked a military judge Wednesday to dismiss the charge, saying the infantryman was entitled to leave the military because he is a citizen of Costa Rica.

Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejia (search), a reservist in the Florida National Guard (search), is charged with desertion (search) after failing to return to his unit in Iraq after a two-week furlough in October.

He turned himself in to the Army in March after being gone five months, saying he did not want to fight in an "oil-driven war."

Mejia, 28, faces a year in prison and a bad-conduct discharge if convicted of desertion, which military law defines as leaving the military with no intention to return or to "avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service."

His attorney, Louis Font, has argued that the Army illegally extended Mejia's service. His enlistment was originally set to end in March 2003, but he was ordered to stay after his unit was called up for the war in Iraq.

Mejia's attorney said he should have been exempt because a 19th-century treaty between the United States and Costa Rica exempts Costa Rican citizens from "compulsory service" in the U.S. military.

Capt. A.J. Balbo, the lead prosecutor, said Mejia never requested an exemption before his court-martial and voluntarily went to fight in Iraq, where he accepted a promotion.

Mejia joined the Army as an active-duty soldier in 1995 and entered the National Guard in 1998.

The judge did not immediately rule on the request.

After returning in March to Fort Stewart, Mejia applied to become a conscientious objector, saying his experiences in Iraq had made him opposed to war.

Mejia said he became upset after seeing civilians hit by gunfire during an ambush on his unit and at seeing an Iraqi boy die after confusion over which military doctor should treat him.

He also claims he saw Iraqi prisoners treated "with great cruelty" when he was put in charge of processing detainees last May at al-Assad, an Iraqi air base occupied by U.S. forces.

Mejia's objector application is being considered separately from his court-martial on the desertion charge.

I put in the bold the funniest parts of this defense. Whos his laywer? A first year law student? a 19th century treaty, lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

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