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Release Night Club (W.P.B.)


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Guest brwneydtrouble

Yeah I took a peek at the place and its really nice. Finally there are some new clubs here, and they are REAL clubs, lets just wait and see if they play REAL music.

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lol Clematis Street??? House Music??? I take it none of you live up here....

And are you sure you're talkin about Release and not Resort over in City Place? Cause that's the REAL club. Release is a hole in the wall place that I didnt even think was open yet.

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lol Clematis Street??? House Music??? I take it none of you live up here....

And are you sure you're talkin about Release and not Resort over in City Place? Cause that's the REAL club. Release is a hole in the wall place that I didnt even think was open yet.

Really Riotgear thats what your idea of a "REAL" club is... a place with zero intelligent lighting and door staff that won't let you in if you aren't "goodlooking" enough. hmmm... i guess i will go with my 1.9 million dollar hole in the wall with bad ass sound and lighting, and where the owners and staff are down as fuck and the music will be left to the dj's and the people.

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I don't know much about the club scene in WPB, but I been installing clubs for sometime now and alot of work was put into "RELEASE" on Clematis.

its 3 rooms... well really 2 main rooms and a relax room martini bar.

each room has over 20 advance Lighitng Fixtures all martin and mach sound.

All I can say is the WPB needs real clubs with real sound and lighting. I don't think club owners and contractors up there have a clue what a superclub is. I checked out a few of the clubs during the day time and they are all small and in need of lighting and sound upgrages.

Release is somewhat upclass install, no visable trussing or wires.. a very clean looking place with alot to offer the WPB scene.

Asfar as RioGear goes.

Welcome to cp. another smart ass to the board... related to saleen?


the opening I think is going to be this Friday, I'll give you all heads up and see if they are going to have a promo cover for the opening event.

I am doing the lighting programming but I think they are going to have just anyone running the lighting, I don't think they could spend 350$ a night for a LD right now.


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ok then I take it back. Didnt know it was open yet. And my IDEA of a REAL club is nothing that's in West Palm.

And I do hope that good music is played there, and that people appreciate it cause in WPB most clubbers wouldnt know good music if you hit them on the head with it. At least that goes for House/Tech. Of course Hip Hop is a favorite of the Downtown WPB scene, and one of the reasons we got all these farked laws now with the age limits.

Good luck with Release. I'll have to come check it out.



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But I think WPB should have at least 1 nice size dance club with all the cool toys as a superclub. Instead of bars and pubs on roids.

Visit Release then come on here and make ur opinions.

I think WPB clubbers will enjoy it.

I'm sure ur idea of a "Real" club is Space. But space is in a leauge of it's own, if u build a super club in West Palm is will fail, there is no market for a club that size. Plus SPACE IS SPACE and it is what it is.

PVD @ SPACE is going to be a crazy party ;)

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yea i know. no shit there's no market for a club like that in West Palm. That's why crobar doesnt put anything there. They own the building Release is in. West Palm (Clematis) doesnt need another club. They have about 15 on that street alone. It's like a strip mall of clubs all competing for god knows what.

There WOULD be a market if someone actually put some time and effort into promotions for a new club away from the downtown area. Like something that would be considered more a destination.

Ive been in West Palm for years and have seen things come and go. Good clubs go bad, bad clubs go good and so forth. I've been a DJ at many of these clubs, but they're all the same, and that's why it's boring downtown. 3-5 years ago there was a huge market for EDM, but now it's all Hip Hop basically. I'm not saying there isnt any down there. Not tryin to rag on ya.

Hopefully Release will bring something completely new to the area. And if that happens I'll give mad props.


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