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What's up in Boston this weekend?


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Let's get something str8. Embassy is ONLY COOL 4 realz yo, on 'Asian Invasion Fridays'. Oh and 'Asian Invasion Saturdays' @ Rio aren't bad either..same crowd, cheaper hotels nearby....

:laugh::laugh: so i should be going on friday instead??? :shaky:

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I was accused of petty larceny by macy's. 9 months ago and this is like a first time criminal charge, other than the fact that I found out I still have a minor conviction on my record when I was 16 yrs old. I am 29 now. I couldn't afford a lawyer so I applied for a public defender and got one. He got the court to offer a plea bargain of disorderly conduct with a fine of 160.00. I did not take it, since I feel I am not guilty of the charge...

my story is that I purchased a couple of pair of shoes and a week later brought one pair back to see if I might want to return or exchange it for something else on a special sale day at the store.

So after I grabbed the shoes and put them in my backpack, I rushed to the store to see if I could find any good deals.

as I entered the store, I wanted to check to see if i had my macys card in my wallet, with a 1,800.00 available credit line. I noticed i didn't have my wallet in my pockets so I looked in my backpack. I was having a little difficulty finding my wallet, so I took the shoes out of my backpack and placed them on a ledge below an overhanging sock display. After finding my wallet, after looking through the compartments of my backpack, I proceeded to replace the shoes in my backpack. The store camera recorded me doing this and before i went to look out the store window by the exit of the store to see if my bike was ok and then come back to do shopping, I was stopped for petty larceny of the shoes..

the charge states I selected shoes from the store display, concealed it in my backpack, and walked past points of purchase, and exited the store without the macys staff permission to do so, and stole the shoes.

I was detained, handcuffed in the security room, and intimidated to make a confession by plain clothed security officers. Then they placed a confession statement that would ban me from the store in front of me and demanded that I sign it. I refused. So they called the police, the officer took their cuffs off me( which he was surprised to see that I had on), and put his on, and took me to the station to get booked, fingerprinted, and given a written summons to appear in court. I was released an hour later, shocked and really irritated. I had to take the local bus back to the store to get my bike.

I really wanted to buy these two clothing items I was carrying around with me and left in a corner of the store before i was detained. So I was mad that i was prevented from doing so in this way, and I went back into the store, and searched for these items, luckily found them and brought them. The security staff that detained me, confronted me sometime after I purchased the items, and asked me to leave the store, telling me that I was caught stealing there and I was banned from the store. I couldn't believe it, so protested and yelled at them for detaining me and left the store. So that's my story of what happened.

So I don't know what to do. I told my lawyer I was not guilty, I did not want to plea bargain, and I wanted a jury trial. I think I have difficult time communicating with my lawyer. I am very anxious about this situation, since I don't want a record, and I don't want to be convicted of something i didn't do, because i am aware that it's just as easy for an innocent person to be found guilty of something, as someone that is guilty.

What should I do? I don't have any confidence in my lawyer at all, because when i mention stuff like "reasonable doubt" his eyes widen and he runs away from me while we are in court, as we are discussing things at a plea bargaining hearing before the trial. He tells me I have no case.

I told him I am just recovering from the death in my family and have a problem with anxiety and depression that i am recovering from also, and when I was in my teens I received treatment for this problem in an institution...

So then I am there in the court room in front of him before the judge trying to negotiate final plea bargaining arrangements before the case would go to trial. Finally I said i would take the Disorderly conduct conviction if the 160 dollar fine was waived. Then the Prosecutor tells my lawyer to tell me that that plea is no longer available, that i would have to plea to a class B misdemeanor of attempted petty larceny with no jail time, since I didnnt accept the Discon conviction after it was offered to me twice. I was very disappointed to hear this.

My public defender lawyer advised me not to go to trial, since I would be found guilty, since they have me on tape putting shoes in my backpack and being stopped [before] leaving the store. The written charge states I [exited] the store. He sat with me in the video room of the court and reviewed the video with me with my accusers. The problem I noticed with the video is that it doesnt have a continuous view of me. The camera has me going out of its view for about 30 secs to a minute before it switches to the part where I am seen putting shoes in my backpack. The charge states that I [selected] shoes from a store display, when i am seen in the video taking them from a ledge underneath socks which is away from the store display of shoes that i would select shoes from. And I could afford the shoes too with my credit line, and I have receipts to show I purchased shoes there before too. So I dont know why my lawyer would tell me that I would be found guilty if my case goes to trial, when you consider all this that I have in my defense. Haven't I established reasonable doubt? My lawyer is aware of all this info, and says I would be found guilty. and someone told me I need to hire a private lawyer, since public defenders tend to work for the states interest and not the defendant, since they are being payed by the state to rrepresent you. That would make sense, from judging my lawyers behavior.

But anyway, as I am in court with my lawyer in front of the judge, having a difficult time with choosing to plead guilty to a class b misdemeanor or going to trial, my lawyer decides, out of the blue, to tell the judge that there may be an issue with my competence to stand trial. Surprised, I turned to my lawyer and asked him what he was doing. He said he is trying to get me to have an evaluation. I asked where. He said someplace in upstate NY. The Judge said that he should have asked for that earlier since my case is like 9 months old and he had ample opportunity to ask for that. ThenI finally voiced that I want the trial to the judge. The judge who is pretty mean by-the-way, immediately forbidded it, telling me,it's too late for that, since my lawyer says I am incompetent to stand trial. He quickly slams his gavel,orders an evaluation with a name I forget, and says "3 weeks" and 1000 dollars bail. Shortly before this, my lawyer kept repeating the statement, "i don't understand procedure, i don't undertand procedure, etc, and then looks as though he was a getting upset and about to cry, as the judge makes his decision. An d I could hardly believe this is happening to me.

So I am handcuffed, and taken out of the court, with my stuff taken away, and then put in a jail cell full of other inmates. I had a briefcase with a cell phone in it. The guard that handled my stuff saw this, and quickly hands it to me, saying that I better make my call right away, since I wouldn't be able to make another one in a long time. I think later found out what that meant.

So i am sitting in this cell crowded with other inmates, I talked with some of them and find out they all had felony charges or convictions for drug trafficking and armed robbery , etc.

Then my lawyer comes by the cell and asks me for other #'s of people to call to make bail. I had already given a relatives #, but he told me that it could be busy because of internet connection and what not, and he may not get through. i didn't give him any other #, saying I forgot them. and i told him I already called the relative of that # and left a message for them about bailing me out. he looked surprised. Then I see he comes back a few minutes later, looks at me and then walks away, with a strange look of satisfaction on his face. I accused him of working for the state a couple times throughout my case and on that day, I said to him that I didn't trust how hes handling my case, because of the way hes been handling it since the beginning. So I wondered if he is getting back at me for that or what.

Then my name was finally called to come out of the cell, where i am handcuffed with other inmates, and taken into this van on a 30 minute trip to, I could hardly believe it, a maximum security prison where i get my mugshot taken, and had to strip and put on this orange uniform, and then have several interviews with two correction officers and two nurses. The last nurse asks me if I know I am in jail doing time now. I said i didn't know that and I told her I was charged with petty larceny of shoes, and that I thought I would be going to some kind of hospital, and that i was surprised that I was there doing time for a crime that I wasn't even convicted of yet. She said that makes sense to her too, and that I could tell her anything I wanted, since she isn't with the prison, shes a visiting nurse. I didn't say much since i didn't know what to say at the time. As my interview ended with her, she whispered to me with concern, that I should called my lawyer, and in the day time.

So I go in this waiting cell, and wind of talking with a few inmates as to why we are there. I showed an inmate this red slip I was given which i found out the slip shows the unit and cell where I would be going for the night. and He's like "Whoa, you got the second to worst cell or unit in this entire maximum security prison. He must have been right, since when I got there, the floor was all crusty, the room smelly, it looked like mildew was growing at the edges of the bed with matress that was all scraped and marked up and horrible looking. it was a 12'x12' feet cell with 12 inch thick automatic doors with two rectangualr openings for you to put your hand out and accept food. I felt like I was a major felon being put in a place like this.

And no one came to see me, like a guard to explain what was happening to me, or how I would be spending my days in there, along with the rules and regulations and my rights. Finally after trying to stay positive by not giving up hope, I went to sleep in this disgusting bed. I was glad there was a metal toilet, sink, seat, and table to sit and eat, but they looked like they hadn't been cleaned in ages. And there was no toilet paper. The next morning I woke, I got up the courage to ask a lady guard passing by if I could have any toilet paper, and how I would be spending my days there. She briefly said, the cells on my side of the unit would be let out in the afternoon and have a chance to go in a rec room or out in the court yard to play basketball, etc. I got toilet paper an hour later, and an inmate came by my cell to give me breakfast in this thick plastic tray, but without any utensels or spoon. so most of the time I had to eat with my hand. This was a little difficult with the applesauce and porridge, which i had to slurp like a dog.

When I finally got the chance to come out of the cell in the afternoon, I asked lady guard to tell me more about the procedures in the unit and she directed and inmate, the food guy, to fill me in. I am glad he was cool about it. I found out there is a thing callled comissary where if you wanted stuff like paper, pencils, toothpaste, you had to fill in a request for them on certain days and you would get those items a few days later, and you had to have money on the books to pay for the items. I found out you could make collect phone calls, and as many as you wanted using the phones around the unit. I quickly jumped at that chance, but every time I made the calls, I would get a message saying that" the telephone company has blocked that number from getting collect calls. I even called my own number at home and got that message. and i thought that was strange, since I never requested the telephone to block my phone from receiving collect calls. so I asked an inmate nearby if anyone has ever gotten through to speak to anyone using the phones. He said yes and thats all. There was this one inmate who was in tears because he couldn't get through to speak to his sick mother and he was complaining that the prison kept moving up his date of release. He asked me if I had 3 way service at home, so that i could call home and get someone to call his mother so he could speak to her. I didn't, and I even had a probelm getting through, but i felt really bad for him.

Anyway, I just went out in the court yard and got out some stress shooting some hoops. Then came back in my cell with the door locked behind me. And I just sat on the bed and contemplated. I was so hungry and when dinner came around a little time later, I ate it all up.

This time I requested a spoon, and the inmate got one for me. but i didn't use it, since it was the one that I told him was laying on the floor in the rec room. It's not so bad eating with your hand.

Then all of the sudden my cell door automatically opened, and I saw the food guy come with the tray cart and put it right in front of my cell. I put my empty tray on the cart and heard my name on the intercom sounded by a guard saying what i thought was "back up". So Immediately went back into the cell and sat down. The I found out it actually said "pack up."

The inmate outside my door said that meant I had to get all my sheets and stuff and take them out, that I made bail. What a fucking relief, i said to my self. I just rolled up all my sheets up into a ball, and was quickly out of there..as I passed out that unit, the black lady guard, smiled and said, a fine day was chosen for my release. since the weather was so nice outside. I smiled and waved to her a good bye. My brother came and bailed me out...

So now a couple weeks have passed, and i have to got to court on Friday and i haven't spoken to my lawyer since my release, and I need some advice on what to do..thanks

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