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our president is a genious !!!


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Well then . . . how about this . . .

From http://www.dubyaspeak.com/freshdubya.shtml

Fresh Dubya (The 15 most recent Dubya declarations)

Rick Sanchez has done a fabulous job. He's been there for a -- a long time. His service has been exemplorary.

-- Confirmation at last that Dubya is indeed convinced that the word "exemplary" is pronounced "exemplorary", and that the White House is complicit in disguising this in the official transcript, White House, May. 25, 2004

I'm honored to, uhh, shake the hand -- of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein. Ummm, I'm with sssix other Iraqi citizens, as well, who suffered the same fate. Uhh, they are examples of the -- brutality, uhh, of the tyrant.

-- Granted, I think those words were chosen intentionally, but should they have been? And to be honest, he doesn't sound particularly honored, either, White House, May. 25, 2004

Under the dictator, prisons like Abu Gar -- reb -- were symbols of death and torture. That same prison became a symbol of disgraceful conduct by a few American troops who dishonored our country and disregarded our values. America will fund the construction of a modern, maximum security prison. When that prison is completed, detainees at Abu Garab will be relocated. Then, with the approval of the Iraqi government, we will demolish the Abu Garab prison, as a fitting symbol of Iraq's new beginning.

-- Dubya starts out shaky, then completely gives up trying to correctly pronounce the name of the prison infamous for American mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners (Abu Ghraib), United States Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, May 24, 2004

Given the recent increase in violence, we'll maintain our troop level at the current 138,000 as long as necessary. This has required extended duty for the 1st Armored Division and the 2nd Light Calvary Regiment.

-- Dubya has yet to ever correctly pronounce "cavalry", United States Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, May 24, 2004

This is historic times.

-- A repeat performance of this odd expression, heard also on Oct. 8, 2003, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

It's essential that we be successful at transforming the police force into -- and the forces that are there to protect infrastructure into a viable force which works, with a good command structure, an Iraqi command structure, so that projects can forward.

-- Almost understandable, but not quite, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

I respect people. I respect their religion. I respect human rights. I respect human dignity. And that's the kind of society I know will grow up in Iraq.

-- Dubya coming across as Iraq's daddy, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

And I call upon the Iraqi people to reject violence, band together to insist that the country move toward a peaceful tomorrow. Iraq is changing for the better. I mean, look at the soccer team.

-- Yes, he's actually pointing to the success of the Iraqi national soccer team as progress in Iraq, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

You just interrupted a conversation about how we're working on a strategy to help the Iraqis become a free nation.

-- Odd wording offered at the start of a press conference, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2004

I anticipated this three years ago. I asked my team to put together a strategy to make us less dependent upon foreign sources of energy. I submitted that plan to the United States Congress... For example, had ANWR been passed -- had it not been vetoed in the past, we anticipate an additional barrels of oil would have been coming out of that part of the world, which would obviously have a positive impact for today's consumers.

-- Sorry, this may come across as political, but I have to play the fact checker here... Had ANWR been passed in Dubya's first year in office, we would still be seven years away from getting any oil, as industry estimates on the lead time for ANWR is ten years, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2004

For example, if a school -- a child is trapped in a school for several years that is -- that's not meeting standards, the federal government will pay for after-school tutoring, and the parent can choose all kind of tutoring options, whether they be public or private. One parent -- a parent can send the school -- a child to a different public school. In other words, when -- there has to be accountability in order for a -- I mean, there has to be a consequence in order for an accountability system to work.

-- Bringing crystal clarity to the No Child Left Behind Act, Van Buren, Arkansas, May 11, 2004

We're encouraged to see more Iraqs take responsibility for resolving the standoff in Najaf.

-- Yes, he actually said Iraqs instead of Iraqis, Washington, D.C., May 10, 2004

Soldiers from the 2nd Light Calvary Regiment are conducting reconnaissance to learn the precise strength and location of enemy forces.

-- Still having difficulty with the pronunciation of "Cavalry", Washington, D.C., May 10, 2004

Mr. Secretary, thank you for your hospitality, and thank you for your leadership. You are courageously leading our nation in the war against terror. You're doing a superb job. You are a strong Secretary of Defense, and our nation owes you a debt of gratitude.

-- I wouldn't have listed this one if the "debt of gratitude" line had been left out, but that completely tipped the scales, Washington, D.C., May 10, 2004

Freedom will prevail, so long as the United States and allies don't give the people of Iraq mixed signals, so long as we don't cower in the face of suiciders, or do what many Iraqis still suspect might happen, and that is cut and run early, like what happened in '91.

-- Dubya goes on the record with the word suicider, as quoted in the Washington Times, May 10, 2004

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Well then . . . how about this . . .

From http://www.dubyaspeak.com/freshdubya.shtml

Under the dictator, prisons like Abu Gar -- reb -- were symbols of death and torture. That same prison became a symbol of disgraceful conduct by a few American troops who dishonored our country and disregarded our values. America will fund the construction of a modern, maximum security prison. When that prison is completed, detainees at Abu Garab will be relocated. Then, with the approval of the Iraqi government, we will demolish the Abu Garab prison, as a fitting symbol of Iraq's new beginning.

-- Dubya starts out shaky, then completely gives up trying to correctly pronounce the name of the prison infamous for American mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners (Abu Ghraib), United States Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, May 24, 2004

100% intentional ... live I thought it was .. later I reconfirmed it ... he tried to distance himself from it by mispronouncing its name. Someone else recalls it?

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I honestly thought this was a serious thread, I'm very dispointed...Koky, you are a fucking clown, is it really so damn hard for you to get serious for a minute there buddy, I mean...come on! :laugh2:

im trully sorry funk .. i am , from now on gonna try very hard to change my clownish ways and to better myself !! and stop being such an insensative, egotistical, shit talking, photoshoping , humerous son of a bitch !! from now on all my threads will be imformative !! especially when dealing with clubbing and nightlife. thank you funk for opening my eyes and makin me see what a useless son of a bitch i am on this board. i am changing from now on for all of you . i hope you all enjoy the new koky ..peace

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im trully sorry funk .. i am , from now on gonna try very hard to change my clownish ways and to better myself !! and stop being such an insensative, egotistical, shit talking, photoshoping , humerous son of a bitch !! from now on all my threads will be imformative !! especially when dealing with clubbing and nightlife. thank you funk for opening my eyes and makin me see what a useless son of a bitch i am on this board. i am changing from now on for all of you . i hope you all enjoy the new koky ..peace


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anyone can make a spelling mistake .. but to leave the lens covers on ?? LMMFAO !!

hate to burst everyones bubble....

but those bino's are equiped with night vision, they have caps with a pretty small hole (almost as small as saleens dick) in them so they can be used durring the day. If you take off the caps durring the day, you wont see shit. (and you will ruin them)

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hate to burst everyones bubble....

but those bino's are equiped with night vision, they have caps with a pretty small hole (almost as small as saleens dick) in them so they can be used durring the day. If you take off the caps durring the day, you wont see shit. (and you will ruin them)

thanxs for letting us have our laugh 1st before ruining it for us shroomy :D

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im trully sorry funk .. i am , from now on gonna try very hard to change my clownish ways and to better myself !!

right on bro, stick to clubbing and djs, maybe throw in a bit of info about tracks and vinyls...that sort'a thing, remember...this is a clubbing and nightlife messageboard...we can't be dealing with your constant sarchasm and jokes...don't forget, I'm only giving you this piece of advise because I care, ok? :yuck:

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