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Anyone else hate glowsticks?


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Ok, first of all **FLAMESUIT ON**

Now, I am sure all the hardcore glowstickers will hate me, but I just can't stand glowsticks. I think the whole idea is lame, especially the people who come up and try to flash them in my face. I am not saying that some people aren't good, because they are, just that I hate it and I was wondering if anyone else did?

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I hate it!


jeeze man isnt HATE a harsh word? couldnt you use like "dislike"? I mean to each his/her own. I glowstick cause its fun and I get a circle of people.


Are those rocks ahead?

If they are we'll be dead!

Stop that rhyming now I mean it!

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Originally posted by touch_and_glow:

I hate it!


jeeze man isnt HATE a harsh word? couldnt you use like "dislike"? I mean to each his/her own. I glowstick cause its fun and I get a circle of people.

I really,really hate them too.Whats the point,you look like a bunch of zoned out drug attic losers.You call that dancing,or whatever you call it...I to can't stand when they come up to your face and flash them at you.Just keep them dork sticks to yourselves.Thank you!!!!

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i hate people that suck with them ... just hold ing them while u dance isnt the point and it doesnt make u look cool... secondly people that dont know how to use them and really try by waving their arms around wildly , just making them look stupid ... and third mutha fuckers with strings , go ahead , hit me witha fuckin glow stick ... and it'll be in your throat !...

but the real liquid kids that do use them and use them well i have no problem with ... i've actually seen soem kids completely flip it with glowstick ... drawing pictures and shit .. that shit is cool ..



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Well....it's not that I hate glow sticks per se. What I do hate is when a club is packed and people try to dance with them and I end up getting hit by some schmuck who is waving their arms around in a ridiculously wild manner trying to look cool when is essence all they are doing is annoying everyone around them! WHEW!!!! cwm4.gifcwm4.gif

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I used to like glowstix when i was going to Raves and wearinn baggy pants with baby doll tees and lookin cute....it was ok then. I think glowstix are still ok, if you're at a Rave!!!!!

And JoeyDollaz........I'm right with you, if I get hit with one of those things on strings, its not going to be cool.... cwm12.gif



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Yeah I agree, I hate having to dodge them. The big thing that bugs me tho, is all the corny ass people who try to use them. The little kids who act like if their buddy isnt waving glowsticks in front of their face, then they can't blow up. And now they have those damn things that everyone puts in their mouths? Come on...

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While I like stix, I HATE some of the inconsiderate boneheads using them. Granted, I like to watch a true Glow God/Goddess (especially while on Euro time); occasionally, I still bring some stix myself. Nevertheless, I HATE stix during the following circumstances:

1)Someone flails them about with such wild abandon that they hit someone (Even saw some girl get it in the eye once!).

2)Someone swings them on strings in a club that's so overcrowded that every square foot of space is at a premium (Everyone usually backs away from the dunce not because of admiration, but because of the possibility of the following circumstance).

3)Someone who's swinging the stix doesn't ensure that the string is tied securely enough (I wish I had a $ for every time I'd seen some poor kid across the floor get a glowing missile in the head!).

I don't mind that many of the people with stix have no idea what they're doing. Everyone else also had to learn how to do it somewhere.

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ok...whats the big deal with stix. you people who are so set against them that you get pissed when someone across the floor from you, who probably dosent even know you exist, is using them. if they enjoy dancing with them then let them be. are they actually annoying you. if they come up to you and start up in your face then have reason to be pissed. but its people like that that make me hesitant about bringging sticks out. i am not great with them but i am in awe of people that twirl. if i have to be conscietious of people thinking that i shouldnt be using them cause i dont know how, then ill never learn. what the fuck, just chill out and let people have fun. when they start invading your personal surrounding, then get pissed. but let me use my stix in peace. i for sure wont tell you to get the fuck out the club cause you suck at dancing. just what i think.

peace cwm3.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

How the hell are you?....I am rolling!, rollliiinng.

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I hate raves and ravers, along with

butt-lifting trance kinda music.....

Raver kids are like michael jackson fans of the 80s.

I laugh at you because you are strange... I laugh at the one next to you becuase she's just like you!



buy or sell, we all go to hell.

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