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stupid rude sales bitches

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any of yous got any stories about snobby sales bitches at upscale stores ?

I went to return a silk DKNY jacket I got from Bloomies in SOHO to Bloomies in Upr. Eastside and this old lady was just disgutingly rude to me .

I returned the jacket thought he he he ! I wanted to say to her " I hope I don't end up like you when I'm your age !"

God what is it about brand name stores that makes these dumb cashiers think they're so special ?

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That happened to me at Gucci... I walked in with casual clothes, was waiting to try on shoes and no one came for a while, even though they were all standing around doing nothing. So I got pissed off and complained a bit until someone finally helped me out, of course that was when they figured out I was serious about buying. Even then the guy was being a dick, so after trying on like 5-6 different pairs, I just said "thanks for your time, think I'll order these online now." At a place like that you'd think you'd get exceptional service, unfortunately for that idiot he lost a decent commission.

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Sales people are STUPID . When you're in sales - it's weird you can almost "sniff out" - who got money or not..and size up if they're big spenders ..

Usually at luxury stores - they're friendlier to women because women spend more , shop foolishly and bring their men for money and etc ..

Sometimes as much as I like nice thigns I hate the fuckin sales people .

Why can't you be down to earth and wear Gucci + Prada ?

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Sales people are STUPID . When you're in sales - it's weird you can almost "sniff out" - who got money or not..and size up if they're big spenders ..

Usually at luxury stores - they're friendlier to women because women spend more , shop foolishly and bring their men for money and etc ..

Sometimes as much as I like nice thigns I hate the fuckin sales people .

Why can't you be down to earth and wear Gucci + Prada ?

well u got to hear this one....me and my friend were out shopping for a car, so we wen to the benz dealership on park ave, i mean we wanted to check out this maybach..anyway, me and my friend are all dressed in jeans and sandals, and all the sales guys/gals didnt even come by to ask for anything, now I had no idea this friend of mine would be serious in buying a merc, but he really liked this Sl500 2003 model, so he asked this woman for the price, and i could'nt fuckin believe it she said, "its probably too expensive, a liitle out of your range" I mean WTF, we didnt even tell her what price range we were looking for...just cause me and ma boyz are dressed in jeans and are dark skinned didnt mean that we cant ask for the price....

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"its probably too expensive, a liitle out of your range" ....


well the Benz dealership on Park Ave are there for the suits that work upstairs

Don't worry it's not like she can afford it either

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im a stupid sales bitch....im never rude to people though unless their rude to me. like i hate the customer that comes up to me, rather than one of the other 5 sales reps on the floor, when im ringing up a line of customers and is all demanding i tell them where to find the shirt in the window. Or the customer that swears i charged her for 3 shirts but when she got home only 2 were in her bag 3 weeks ago. Customers can be stupid rude bitches too.

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oh c'mon - I'm sure you are never rude to people ON PURPOSE or talk to them disrespectfully because you think they couldn't afford any of the merchandise in your store. You're not a stupid sales bitch.

I'm talking about bitchy upscale luxury sales people .

The ones that work at Cartier, Tiffany, Mercedes- Benz and Comme de Garcon . I would hate to walk in to the Ferrari /Maserati dealership near my town !!

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At high end stores they make more than 10 bucks an hour, and receive commission a lot of the time, if I worked at such a store I would definitely keep a positive attitude. The other day at Bally I was looking at a few things and my friend got in a coughing fit, so he went outside. I didn't even notice he was still outside coughing meanwhile the Bally sales people went out of their way and got him water and tissues. As a thank you my friend ended up buying a wallet from them, courtesy goes a long way. MissRoxy is also right though, customers can be idiots and disrespectful... having a run in with one bad customer can piss you off enough to be a bitch the rest of the day.

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I'm never rude to sales people..I understand their job sucks but when they are bitchy to me I am bitchy right back

Last summer I was shopping for summer stuff....I had a shitload of clothes in my hands....I came across a shirt I liked but it didn't have a tag on it...There was no one at the register so I asked the woman if she could tell me how much the shirt was....She looked at me & goes "If you plan on buying ALL that stuff sre you REALLY concerned with how much that one shirt is ??......It took everything I had in me not to leap over the counter & punch her in her face...so instead I flung everything I had on the floor...smiled @ her & told her to have a nice day

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I was one (snotty sales bitch)for 3 years, but I was not too snobby.. I was a little bitchy if I thought someone was tryin to be sneaky or shoplift though... The customers were more rude to me then I was to them.. So sometimes we (snotty sales bitches) get a little defensive.. I apologize for some of us... :)

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oh c'mon - I'm sure you are never rude to people ON PURPOSE or talk to them disrespectfully because you think they couldn't afford any of the merchandise in your store. You're not a stupid sales bitch.

I'm talking about bitchy upscale luxury sales people .

The ones that work at Cartier, Tiffany, Mercedes- Benz and Comme de Garcon . I would hate to walk in to the Ferrari /Maserati dealership near my town !!

aww thanx :)

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all salespeople in upscale stores work on comission, not hourly wages

they might be rude to you, because they have customers that buy on regular basis, and don't want to deal with someone who is bugging them for a t-shirt, and is basically wasting their time

and a lot of them do make good money

fyi, if you want to check out a maybach, you need to make an appointment, they don't just let anyone into a 350k car


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Damn I got the opposite problem, I think sales people in stores are sometimes too intrusive. I like to just walk around and look at stuff myself. But then again, I don't really go into really "upscale stores".

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once the people in the store realize that you're a good customer, meaning, you spend money and shop on regular basis, they hook you up

i shop regularly at one such store, and i get the first look at all the new stuff, they order stuff that i like, call me to tell me about the sales two weeks before the public gets the sale prices, even throw parties with drinks and food for regulars

it's great!


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