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You think Fred Cheap Wilpon now regrets not signing Vladimir Guerrero

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For your information, whoever wrote this is a fucking moron because Mussina has been hitting above 90mph for about a month now. Not to mention he has 7 wins now, which, besides Curt Schilling who also has 7, is more than any of your other starters. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I admit...I googled the info

And it was an article that must have been dated at the beginning of the season because you're right. The point is still made that the Yankees like to spend money like Paris Hilton on 5th Avenue.....frivolously

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any mets fan will tell you...armando benitez is great when he is closing regular season games that dont mean anything more than a win.

but wait until the games mean something and he loses all his composure and starts throwing straight fastballs.....

he is a small game pitcher....the bigger the game the smaller he gets.

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I admit...I googled the info

And it was an article that must have been dated at the beginning of the season because you're right. The point is still made that the Yankees like to spend money like Paris Hilton on 5th Avenue.....frivolously

uh oh dont let your boy Magmax hear that you googled something

how dare you have the balls to look something up

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...and the yankeees did have him and got rid of him in about a month

Hey einstein jr, what did you think i meant when i said, "the yamkees chewed him and spat him out?" I wanted to go a rant on your limited grasp of the complicated concepts of the English language, but i figured Shakespear and his buddies woulda turned in their graves for your ADD inspired garbage,..so, i passed. Stay in school buddy, someday, you will make us all proud..... you too captainpec. I'm really proud of y'all :)

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Hey einstein jr, what did you think i meant when i said, "the yamkees chewed him and spat him out?" I wanted to go a rant on your limited grasp of the complicated concepts of the English language, but i figured Shakespear and his buddies woulda turned in their graves for your ADD inspired garbage,..so, i passed. Stay in school buddy, someday, you will make us all proud..... you too captainpec. I'm really proud of y'all :)

For the vocabulary teacher taking shots at Bx...

1. It's spelled: Shakespeare

2. What the hell does "I wanted to go a rant" mean?

Please refrain from correcting other people's vocabulary. Your posts and jargon equate that of a mentally handicapped person.

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For the vocabulary teacher taking shots at Bx...

1. It's spelled: Shakespeare

2. What the hell does "I wanted to go a rant" mean?

Please refrain from correcting other people's vocabulary. Your posts and jargon equate that of a mentally handicapped person.

Damn !! The best you could do was pick on typos to post a comeback... :laugh2:

Doesnt change the fact you cant comprehend a sentence. Come to think of it, a parrot can 'speak' a sentence,.... doesnt necessarily mean they understand it. Parrotpec, i just wanted to say "squawk squawk" :laugh: :laugh:

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Damn !! The best you could do was pick on typos to post a comeback... :laugh2:

Doesnt change the fact you cant comprehend a sentence. Come to think of it, a parrot can 'speak' a sentence,.... doesnt necessarily mean they understand it. Parrotpec, i just wanted to say "squawk squawk" :laugh: :laugh:

You stupid fuck. If you must force me to call you out on your ignorance I will... Now re-read my post dipshit:

Another misinformed post from Magellan... who would have guessed?

MAYBE it was because Benitez blew more games (in the Post Season) than a cheap whore in Hunts Point... Kinda makes you wonder why they got rid of him, huh? Welcome to reality!

Now read your reply:

Hey einstein jr, what did you think i meant when i said, "the yamkees chewed him and spat him out?" I wanted to go a rant on your limited grasp of the complicated concepts of the English language, but i figured Shakespear and his buddies woulda turned in their graves for your ADD inspired garbage,..so, i passed. Stay in school buddy, someday, you will make us all proud..... you too captainpec. I'm really proud of y'all

NOW - if you had any ounce of intelligence, you would realize that I was not talking about Benitez's stint with the Yankees since he never pitched for them in the post-season. I was specifically referring to the reason why the Met's got rid of him since you were so hung up on Benitez's cock several posts ago making references to:

But how come Benitez didnt work out in NY Mets lineup ?? Its the same guy... am i missing something here ??

Once again - your lack of knowledge or incapability of comprehending english is comical at best. And chalk this up on the tally board for number of times you have been OWNeD in the sports forum.



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Just to slide off the topic a lil (but staying with the concept of blowing deals/signings) Fred and his 'experts' balked at going for Soriano and sending Jose reyes packing. Reyes is a young kid, and from the injury report at the start of the season, he was supposed to have been back a long time ago. Kid is at his early twenties and taking the same amount of time to recover like a 65 year old. tsk tsk tsk.

Talking of bad judge of talent... its almost comical as to what Armando "imma shut you down" Benitez is doing down in Florida. Now i can understand if the yamkees chewed and spat him out in a hot NY minute(mercernaries want results ASAP!) But how come Benitez didnt work out in NY Mets lineup ?? Its the same guy... am i missing something here ??

Apparantly you took your english lessons at the same place you get your basball knowledge from

"Now i can understand IF the yankees chewed and spat him out in a hot new york minute"

that would mean it had not taken place, and IF you really did know armando was on the yanks you would have said "now i can understand WHY the yankees chewed him and spat him out"

so take your pick maggie are you an illiterate fool or did not know armando was on the yanks ???

either way your still a fuckin TOOL

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"Consider, for example, the Yankees' 2006 payroll. They already have approximately $93 million ($76.6 in average annual salary) committed to just six players (if they pick up Bernie Williams' option):

Derek Jeter: $21 million

Jason Giambi: $20 million

Mike Mussina: $19 million

Bernie Williams: $15 million

Jorge Posada: $12 million"

too bad our man has too much tied up in a bunch of wastes instead of signing Vlad for themselves. Maybe if Georgie wasn't such a reckless spender, they wouldnt be neck and neck with a team missing half their line-up.

Derek Jeter: hitting .457 since May 25th. Leader of a team who won 4 championships in five seasons. Leader of a team who won 4 more championships than Boston has won in 86 years. Oh, and they signed him just after A-Rod had gotten his payday. Oh, and his average salary is $18.6

Jason Giambi: was one year removed from winning the MVP (and should have had back-to-back) when they signed him.

Mike Mussina: predicted to be the next possible pitcher to win 300, if he stays healthy.

Bernie Williams: as you said, "if they pick up his option". I don't see that happening. I see them declining it, then resigning him at a cheaper price.

Jorge Posada: Best offensive catcher in the game right now. Was considered for MVP last season.

I don't see any of that as spending frivolously. They spent for proven talent.

Oh, and they spent it because they can. Hey, if you guys still want Contreras......

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Apparantly you took your english lessons at the same place you get your basball knowledge from

"Now i can understand IF the yankees chewed and spat him out in a hot new york minute"

that would mean it had not taken place, and IF you really did know armando was on the yanks you would have said "now i can understand WHY the yankees chewed him and spat him out"

so take your pick maggie are you an illiterate fool or did not know armando was on the yanks ???

either way your still a fuckin TOOL

Dude, are you trying to weasel out of a blunder?? :laugh2: Its ok, i'll give you a couple of minutes to pull you foot outta your mouth, wont be the first time. What i fail to understand is how 3 and i mean three muthafuckas missed it. Its unreal, talk about a trifecta :laugh:

Parrotpec, thanks for the long ass post, sowwy it was all for nothing. your clown ass sidekick googleboy knew he blew it, and you being another blind sheep, your sure took the reins and led the charge, how noble :laugh: like i said b4, you are like a parrot, you sure can say alot but its all bullshit. From here on out, imma call you parrotpec :)

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Dude you can call me whatever nickname you would like in the future... the days of name calling bothering me ended over twenty years ago (pre-K). Continue to play in the sandbox like the half assed cunt that you are... a typical Red Sox fan so to speak. Do me a favor and keep your mouth shut until your team wins something or accomplishes something... anything...

And good comeback you tool... avoid the point at hand once again and use jiberish as your reply.

EDIT: I'm glad it took you four full days to come back here with a weak ass reply.

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Dude, are you trying to weasel out of a blunder?? :laugh2: Its ok, i'll give you a couple of minutes to pull you foot outta your mouth, wont be the first time. What i fail to understand is how 3 and i mean three muthafuckas missed it. Its unreal, talk about a trifecta :laugh:

Parrotpec, thanks for the long ass post, sowwy it was all for nothing. your clown ass sidekick googleboy knew he blew it, and you being another blind sheep, your sure took the reins and led the charge, how noble :laugh: like i said b4, you are like a parrot, you sure can say alot but its all bullshit. From here on out, imma call you parrotpec :)

WTF are you bullshittin bout now??? WHo made the blunder????

its right there in black and white maxiepad you wrote it

I called you out on it, and now your trying to turn it around..

3people ...thats right 3 people caught you in your usual bullshit

dont see any of your sox buddies comin to your defense ....cause your wrong .............and still a dick


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And good comeback you tool... avoid the point at hand once again and use jiberish as your reply.

EDIT: I'm glad it took you four full days to come back here with a weak ass reply.

Seems to be a recurring theme with maggie

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Maybe you guys just dont get it......

Magellan is a Red Sox fan so no matter what he posts he's in the right and no matter how many times anybody points out shortcomings....it will never matter.

Just keep those Coronas cold

not for nothing JOn stephen as a redsox fan or not if your a "True baseball fan" as you claim to be ,you shouldnt be so quick to laugh it off ...the guy is wrong 99.9% of the times , and just spouts pure bullshit

regulate when necessary ....i see you do it to others on board

take off the hat with the B on it off for a second

p.s. that will be Heinekens not coronas for me ...thanks :pint:

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Magellan is a Red Sox fan so no matter what he posts he's in the right and no matter how many times anybody points out shortcomings....it will never matter.

That's a great line (later half about shortcomings)...

Unfortunately, I overheard that line from a coach at the Special Olympics as he was attempting to console one of defeated players.

Come to think of it, I understand the correlation now. :spin:

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Dude you can call me whatever nickname you would like in the future... the days of name calling bothering me ended over twenty years ago (pre-K). Continue to play in the sandbox like the half assed cunt that you are... a typical Red Sox fan so to speak. Do me a favor and keep your mouth shut until your team wins something or accomplishes something... anything...

And good comeback you tool... avoid the point at hand once again and use jiberish as your reply.

EDIT: I'm glad it took you four full days to come back here with a weak ass reply.

As sure as a bear shits in the woods, you know you will get a response for this malicious smearing campaign. :)

Lets start off with the "the days of name calling bothering you ended 20 years ago" . And you proceeded to call me a half assed cunt, bro, who are you kidding, shit got to you,:laugh2: go cry me a friggin river pussy.

The second part : "keep your mouth shut till your team wins something" ....well since you didnt specify what exactly, i will like to remind you the sox are winning the season series so far 6-1 to be exact, so shutting up is not an option parrotpecker.

The third part.... I speak jiberish... (its spelt 'gibberish' btw... "jiberish is how you pronounce it einstein jr#2) if you couldnt understand it parrotpecker, how come you sounded off a long ass post ?? :laugh:

Finally, i'm really sowwy for not responding ASAP since i do have a life outside CP. I'll try to be more accomodating in the future.

Now stop sitting there pouting and come gimme a kiss you bad parrot you, you , you :)

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not for nothing JOn stephen as a redsox fan or not if your a "True baseball fan" as you claim to be ,you shouldnt be so quick to laugh it off ...the guy is wrong 99.9% of the times , and just spouts pure bullshit

regulate when necessary ....i see you do it to others on board

take off the hat with the B on it off for a second

I spout bullshit..hmmmm i wonder, what do you call running your mouth on stuff you certainly dont have a clue about ?? I own your illiterate ass googleboy, you always play right into my size 12 boots. Kiss it boy :)

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That's a great line (later half about shortcomings)...

Unfortunately, I overheard that line from a coach at the Special Olympics as he was attempting to console one of defeated players.

Since you didnt know, half of googleboys family is retarded, now, that conversation you overheard wasnt at a Special Olympics, it was googleboys family bbq.

You may ask how come his mom wasnt there then... well, its "Fleet Week" she's down the shore sucking some sailor dick to pay bills. :)

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