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jobs of typical ny clubbers

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I don't have a high powered, high paying job. But I do alright.

I'm a first grade school teacher. Trust me, once Friday at 3:30 hits, I really don't want to think of work till Sunday night when I do lesson plans.

I'm also a web designer and trying real hard to get the "DJ" thing right.



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It is not death if you refuse it...

The Crow (The original graphic novel)

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I'm a Funeral Director and no matter what you do,or how much you make or don't make. In the end you'll all have business dealings with me. I hold the final club party. cwm4.gif


"Smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks."

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Originally posted by tonyv:

I'm a Funeral Director and no matter what you do,or how much you make or don't make. In the end you'll all have business dealings with me. I hold the final club party. cwm4.gif

HEEHEE, sounds familiar to my job!



I'm Down for whateva!

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I'm a human development major at one of the most challenging universities in the country---> Cornell University!!! I go to more raves on the weekends than almost any other kid here and when I go home to the city TWILO is my second home...I club to da crack of Dawn and still pull a 3.0...prolly want to go into marketing or advertising...see u guys on TRANCEGIVING!!

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I have a professional job and I love clubbing. People I work with have no idea what I do outside the office. They would never set foot in a real club and that is ok with me. But I don't like the people that pass judgement on an entire culture. For some reason it isn't cool to be into funky electronic music and go out all night but it is ok to get drunk and stumble around bars all night.

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

Finding your own meaning(s) of life -- and realizing that some of the greatest joys are some of the SIMPLEST things --- is the most empowering thing in the world. When you realize you don't have to explain yourself to ANYONE and you only have to please YOURSELF -- not anyone else -- you embrace all the differences about yourself you may have previously been scared of, or ashamed of.

(Untitled book to come in a few years smile.gif)



Your the female version of Tony Robbins or Zig Ziggler in the making!! (lol)

As far as what I do...I'm an Account and Marketing Exec, and i couldn't agree more with what MissDiva has said.... 2 thumbs up!



Happy Halloweeney!!

*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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i work at a advertising agency, and let me tell you i work my ass off during the week, and i have every right to go out on the wknds, and party my little ass off!! my going out on the wknds has never affected the way i do my job. alot of ppl know i go out. they like to hear my stories. it's pretty cool here b/c everyone is really laid back, open-minded, non-judgemental.



" DaNcE lIkE nO oNe Is WaTcHiNg "

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

I'm a crash test dummy and let me tell ya...it pays to wear your safety belt.



"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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In sales and marketing at a large utility company. I love my job but my job is not my life and I enjoy clubbing on the weekends. I have many friends who have professional careers by day and party at night. What is wrong with that? They don't miss work and are are decent people. People need to realize that if you don't enjoy yourself, you will lead a lonely miserable life. We all must enjoy the time we have on this earth in whatever way we as an individual want to and feel is right for us. Who care's what anyone else does or doesn't do! It's all about you.

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I just sent you an e-mail. I currently work as Project Manager.... Look out for an e-mail form me.


Originally posted by satanus:

this is great stuff. actually, i'm surprised by the number of internet people here. i hate to solicit now, but i can't resist --- if any of you are looking for a job or just working for a boss that sucks, drop me a line (satanus@nycmail.com) and we'll see what we can work out. i'm always looking for people that can work hard and play hard (great for the company and for me). this doesn't just includes techies; i need to hire a few personal assistants also (one for myself, another for my director of bizdev, possibly a third), and some operational people. no crap here, this is for real.

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