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Where is my life going ??

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Practically everyone I know is graduating school.....moving out on their own.....getting married ect

Here I am.....Pretty much taking baby steps through school....I'm nowhere near done.....I have a good job for now but I just feel like pretty much everyone who I know is starting to get their lives in order except for me....Mind you I'm not talking about getting married....But I just feel like I'm going to be in school & living at home forever....It almost makes me want to just say fuck it & give up...1-2 years ago I kept saying to myself "oh I have plenty of time"....Yea...time came back around to bite me in the ass b/c now I feel like there's not enough time for me to accomplish what I want to

Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent.....This has been bothering me lately :unhappy:

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Practically everyone I know is graduating school.....moving out on their own.....getting married ect

Here I am.....Pretty much taking baby steps through school....I'm nowhere near done.....I have a good job for now but I just feel like pretty much everyone who I know is starting to get their lives in order except for me....Mind you I'm not talking about getting married....But I just feel like I'm going to be in school & living at home forever....It almost makes me want to just say fuck it & give up...1-2 years ago I kept saying to myself "oh I have plenty of time"....Yea...time came back around to bite me in the ass b/c now I feel like there's not enough time for me to accomplish what I want to

Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent.....This has been bothering me lately :unhappy:

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what the hell do u care at what pace everyone around u is moving?

those who are first out of the gates usually falter in the long run, they run out of steam....overachievers tend not to overachieve their whole lives..trust me..ull b aight

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me n solbeam r perfect examples of slow n steady wins the race....every1 who we knew that overachieved works @ Denny's now

yup, you moved up to ihop.... :tongue:

i question where my life is going all the time.... a lot more lately than I used to... maybe b/c I'm getting older and wondering what the fuck i'm doing, but mostly just b/c I don't know what I want outta life...

but do things for the right reasons, not b/c your friends are past where you're at....

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eh, dont feel bad. i graduated school and i still dont know what i am doing. just do what you feel good about and you will figure out where you are going before you know it.

i just found out i am probably moving so i am unemployed, went shopping, spent a few 100 even though i am broke, now i am sitting around my apartment, alone, kinda bored but the point is that i am happy and probably having a hell of a better time than 99% of manhattan who is at work listening to some asshole tell them what to do.

enjoy being young.


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You don't get something 4 nuthin

Work is called work for a reason. The best situation is to be working at something you enjoy. But who, besides professional athletes and sparse other people do enjoy that :confused:

So don't feel bad if you're wasting away doing a job that you hate. It is temporary, and at least you're making money!

I also don't know where the heck im headed. But just KEEP BUSY. Fill your time. Read. talk to all kinds of people. That's how you narrow things down and figure out what you want.

Don't look at the world as this huge thing to encounter. Look at it as peeling away the layers, and the older you get, and more experience you go thru, the more layers you peel off to find the hidden meaning in the center :)

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I felt the same way awhile back. I still have to go BACK to school among other things I want to do. I'm doing it piece by piece because if I try to do it all at once, i'm going to overwhelm myself.

don't worry, take your time if you need it. don't rush and push yourself, because youre just going to stress yourself out and youre not going to get anywhere. things will fall into place as soon as they're ready to

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"everyone moves at their own pace"

think about it...

some people i know lost their virginiy at 13 ..others i know at 18...gmmcookny still is a virgin..

i started smokin weed in 7th grade...two of my best friends started smoking 2 years ago...

everyone moves at their own pace...dont rush life...it will eventually get done...be patient..and enjoy the ride

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Practically everyone I know is graduating school.....moving out on their own.....getting married ect

Here I am.....Pretty much taking baby steps through school....I'm nowhere near done.....I have a good job for now but I just feel like pretty much everyone who I know is starting to get their lives in order except for me....Mind you I'm not talking about getting married....But I just feel like I'm going to be in school & living at home forever....It almost makes me want to just say fuck it & give up...1-2 years ago I kept saying to myself "oh I have plenty of time"....Yea...time came back around to bite me in the ass b/c now I feel like there's not enough time for me to accomplish what I want to

Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent.....This has been bothering me lately :unhappy:

everyone has a different time line and a different definition of success... dont compare yourself to others compare yourself to yourself... where you are in life, and where you want to be, not where others are or are going... set realistic shorterm goals achieve them, move forward... if you look to see where are others are it will only distract you from getting to where you want to be... IMO... live life going forward enjoy it thinking backward and dont forget those with you while doing so... dgmodel

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Practically everyone I know is graduating school.....moving out on their own.....getting married ect

Here I am.....Pretty much taking baby steps through school....I'm nowhere near done.....I have a good job for now but I just feel like pretty much everyone who I know is starting to get their lives in order except for me....Mind you I'm not talking about getting married....But I just feel like I'm going to be in school & living at home forever....It almost makes me want to just say fuck it & give up...1-2 years ago I kept saying to myself "oh I have plenty of time"....Yea...time came back around to bite me in the ass b/c now I feel like there's not enough time for me to accomplish what I want to

Sorry for the long post but I needed to vent.....This has been bothering me lately :unhappy:

give up and just kill yourself... it will be better not only for you. but for mankind.

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