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Heres my SANDER K crobar review 6/11

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Taken from another board psoted by me.

Well it was my first time at crobar and hearing sander and i HAD TEH TIME OF MY LIFE. I think i danced my lil legs off i mean really the music was very much to my liking with the exception of the 30min or so trance set which was fine cause i could rest this way. So many people from teh baords to many to name WUTUPPPPPPPPP fun moments with all of ya. Everytime i see somebody i know i get all excited and hapy THANK YA ALL FOR BEING COOL PEEPS. UM as usual in coat checkj my ticket said number 1 and was reminded by the girl that DAMN what did you do fall alsleep lol. I said HELL NO im the bull lol.

Now i almost didnt make it inside cause of the door guy. The bouncer checked my id and said cool then the door guy saw me and my 2 frineds and said SORRY CANT LET YOU IN AL LIL TO CAUSAL, i had my paradise garage shirt and looked at him and said: DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM AND WHAT IM WEARING LOL, im a househead with a motive to dance or someshit like that he said im sorry. So i said Im performing tonite lol and he said sory and let me right in wth my peeps hehe. Crowd was weak at first everyone was cramming in line wiating for the big room to open up whihc finally did at 1130 sopmething but gues who was the only one on the floor lol.

Slowly but surley it icked up and i had a blast the whole night.

What made my night was that i know all the dancers at crobar cause ive danced with them at various parties thru the month. SO for the last couple of hrs i was working hard with them on the floor. All in all i wasnt planning on goin back EVER to that place around 1am but by the time i left i said i haev to go back. Now im tired but filled with memories of a great night.Another best part of my night was at the very end when the lights came on i screamed YO SANDER IM AHOUSE HEAD and he said YEAH ME TOO. HEY YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE DANCING i was like THATS RIGHT BABY AND IM STILL STANDING LOL. And then flawless john is screaming at samder THATS THE BULLLLLLLL lol. I had a great time sheesh im still smiling cause i had so much fun.

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as Ive said before, on its best nights, Crobar is the best club in NYC.

there is no more good looking club; the staff are mature and very respectful to the sophisticated and better-off crowd they are courting.

when they book a worldclass dj- which is about 1-2 times a month- crobar is the best club in nyc.

lawler's set there before wmc was among the best of 2004 in nyc.

sasha and digweed were killer and i expect sasha will bring it back next friday.

dont listen to the naysayers and hi schoolers-- when they book the best djs, crobar is the best club in nyc.

spirit has some great talent but even the best djs have trouble getting through to that ultra-NJ-staten island crowd. that said, dj vibe put on the other best set of 2004 ive heard in nyc at spirit.


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This too was my virgin voyage into Crobar. Awesome place! I've never experienced such a NICE staff at a club before. Not one single person was rude...all nice and smiles. Sander was great. I hope they grab more top notch dj's there, as I refuse to go to Avalon since the New Year's fiasco.

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It was my first time at Crobar and the club itself didn't impress me too much. Too much echo and the lights sucked. But Sander was CRAZY, from 2 - 6 his set was so deep and sexy, it blew my mind. Overall had a great time, danced my ass off. I thought the crowd gave him a good vibe and he fed off it by dropping some dark nasty stuff. Thanks, Sander come again soon.

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Sander's set was just plain f@$kin' nasty. He kept droppin' hard tracks after hard tracks. Plus it was cool to watch those videos synchronizing with the music. Overall, I had a great time. I couldn't have asked for a better night. The vibe was good and I could see that everybody was feeling Sanders set. It was also better that the dj booth was by the dancefloor. Gives Sander a better feel of the crowd and vice versa. He definitely did alot better job than his last time @ Crobar. As clinton said, Crobar is the best club in NYC. Can't wait for next week....DEEP DISH. :D

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i had a good time @ crobar but that's only because i forced myself to. it was my first time there and i was only impressed by it's "megaclubness" type atmosphere for the first hour.. i'm so much more into the dirty, dark skanky nightclub like vinyl and tunnel..i felt like crobar was trying to accomodate everyone by having someone like sander play there to a majority of people who probably didn't even know who he was.. it was too difficult to get anywhere.. the bathrooms, to go smoke outside. hardly anyone was dancing and i never got so fucking molested in my entire life! the music was great except for his occasional commercial track (why was he playing hide u?) yuck.. anyways..it was ok, i suppose..although, of course, nothing can come close to "be yourself" and i'm going to continue to compare parties to danny's cause that's where my heart is. :(

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Crobar in A nutshell

- Shittiest Crowd in NYC

- Horrible Sound System

- Trying to capitalize off of the commercialism of Clubs/Dance Music

You people that fall for this crap make me sick.

Sanders set was decent, but the crowd ruined everything.

I don't understand why the sound system in Crobar is so bad. Don't they have a Phazon system up in there? Maybe it has something to do w/ the acoustics or the system settings? Anyways, I agree that even though Crobar pulls in some big name talent, the crowd and vibe there completely sucks. I really wanted to see Sasha spin next Friday, but the fact that it's gonna be @ Crobar will probably deter me from going. Who wants to be surrounded by a bunch of people who would rather stand around and sip on Grey Goose and show off their new $150 jeans than tear it up on the dance floor?

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hey kats i didnt see ya there or did i? I dont remember now. And yes MEGA CLUBS do suck in NYC crobar,avalon,spirit. But there are some elemts from each club that make them fun DJS, some of the crowd. If only one day a club will be PERFECT. Luckily certain parties do it correctly on a particular night at certain venues ex: 718 sessions, dance rituals, shelter, temple, t.i.s. Go to one of those parties and see how great the music, crowd, vibe and dancers are. And best part is NO BOTTLE SERVICE at those parties.

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that's an insult to compare your love for webster hall to your love for boris.. you must not really like bor too much...

yea, gabe, we were there. i saw you for a quick minuto at around 1 am. i didn't see you after that. bor and i were in the front most of the time w/ everyone.. where were you?

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whats funny is that now i remember seeing ya lol. But i knew so many people in their that night that i had to move around every few min to be with different people. Also i was in the front most of the times towards the end met alot of the MADE people. I agree super clubs for me when i enter the main room is always great to look around at it. But after 20 mins i dont give a flying fuck about the size or colors or designs. Im looking to see where their are people who are gonna dance and lose it and know what the djs name is.

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whats funny is that now i remember seeing ya lol. But i knew so many people in their that night that i had to move around every few min to be with different people. Also i was in the front most of the times towards the end met alot of the MADE people. I agree super clubs for me when i enter the main room is always great to look around at it. But after 20 mins i dont give a flying fuck about the size or colors or designs. Im looking to see where their are people who are gonna dance and lose it and know what the djs name is.

yeaa.. that's what i'm talking about.. i LOOVVE dancing in dark, dirty clubs all night like i said before.. i too could give two shits about who's who and the lights etc. etc...it's funny, i know a lot more people from the MADE events and arc board than anyone from here but i never post on those boards. when's the next time youre going out gabe..???

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i had a great night- no complains - i still have a smile on my face from the weekend...:)

i thought sander's set was good - nothing special - def better than his last one here - i guess i just love the guy - i had some of my best clubbing experiences when he spun in arc - but then again - arc parties are in a league of their own all together...

not sure if i wanna go to deep dish next weekend - last time i saw them here - i thought that was the worst set i've heard any dj play in any club...ever...

i think crobar should bring back sasha w/ digweed - soon...;)

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well ecko i just got home from the homegrown party. Goin out on weds to cielo for louie vega and kevin hedge of blaze. Its blaze cd realese party. thursday goin to sin sin and key bar or another party still waiting conformation on it. Fri will be at opium den, sat possibly spill formely known as bahhaus if not then sunday at langston in brooklyn.

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that's an insult to compare your love for webster hall to your love for boris.. you must not really like bor too much...

yea, gabe, we were there. i saw you for a quick minuto at around 1 am. i didn't see you after that. bor and i were in the front most of the time w/ everyone.. where were you?

I :heart: bore.


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