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do u break up with a potential cheater?

Guest gabo

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Guest gabo

I know everyone will say yes but think about if you have been dating someone and care about them... when they go out with their gal pals or buddies you get this weird feeling that they are hiding something from u but have no proof of them cheating... do you just break it off even thoguh they havent or do u live with the feeling?

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I know everyone will say yes but think about if you have been dating someone and care about them... when they go out with their gal pals or buddies you get this weird feeling that they are hiding something from u but have no proof of them cheating... do you just break it off even thoguh they havent or do u live with the feeling?

just ask, or evaluate why feelin they cheatin n shit, prob has nothing to do with them but ownself.

theres so many ways to look at this, but its a very iffy subject.

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I don't know if it would be possible to have a healthy relationship with someone that you don't trust. Why would you want to be with someone who you think might be able to do something like that. It would cause nothing but problems.

Ohh shit I think someone stole NMN password.. ;) Well said - I agree with you

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I know everyone will say yes but think about if you have been dating someone and care about them... when they go out with their gal pals or buddies you get this weird feeling that they are hiding something from u but have no proof of them cheating... do you just break it off even thoguh they havent or do u live with the feeling?

No................you fuckin' spy on them, duhhhh. Then you catch them in the act and it makes it that much better. Not only is it satisfying, but it's theraputic as well.


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I agree with LinaBina and smokesum...

It's a matter of trust...sometimes paranoia gets the best of you, most likely caused by bad experiences from past relaationships, and you THINK that you feel like they might be doing something. Until you have solid proof, its fruitless to do anything about it. If it honestly bothers you, then try to find some way to find out. But lets be honest...some people are extremely good liars, so asking would be kind of a waste. So no, i wouldnt break up with a potential cheater until i had solid proof.

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everybody is a potential cheater

I disagree. I know I would never cheat, because one I know what it feels like to be cheated on and that is a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and also if you are gonna cheat, why be in a relationship? I would rather just date around and have open ended relationships. When I am with someone, I am soley with that person, and that's how I want it.

I agree with NMN, if you can't trust the person then there is no real good future for that relationship. Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship. Find someone you can trust sweetie:D

ciao bellos

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i dont think its a matter of being a potential cheater as much as it is that u just dont trust the person... when u put it like that, everyone has the potential to cheat, no matter how much u say ud never do it it still CAN happen...

now if u just dont trust the person b/c u think he or she may cheat etc... then its more of a matter of not trusting them which goes beyond just being a potential cheater.

SO hard to put this into words but there is a difference

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i guess what im trying to say is that if u think everyone is a potential cheater and therefore u trust no one, then that would make sense.... now i think everyone is a potential cheater but i dont shut myself off from everyone i meet... i build a relationship with those that i trust, regardless of the fact of whether or not i think theyll cheat on me... that goes out the window once a relationship and that trust develops... unless of course... i dont trust the person at all... in which case, i wouldnt let it get that far anyway... got me?

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I know everyone will say yes but think about if you have been dating someone and care about them... when they go out with their gal pals or buddies you get this weird feeling that they are hiding something from u but have no proof of them cheating... do you just break it off even thoguh they havent or do u live with the feeling?

i think that if your girl goes out for a nigth with the girls and you're sitting there staring at the clock with your cellphone in hand waiting for her to walk through the door or go pick her up there's some problems there.. if your girl going out bugs you out that much that then there are some serious isuues at hand.. if she doesn't want to talk about them.. go running for the hills and don't look back..

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i guess what im trying to say is that if u think everyone is a potential cheater and therefore u trust no one, then that would make sense.... now i think everyone is a potential cheater but i dont shut myself off from everyone i meet... i build a relationship with those that i trust, regardless of the fact of whether or not i think theyll cheat on me... that goes out the window once a relationship and that trust develops... unless of course... i dont trust the person at all... in which case, i wouldnt let it get that far anyway... got me?

i know EXACTLY what you mean

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I know everyone will say yes but think about if you have been dating someone and care about them... when they go out with their gal pals or buddies you get this weird feeling that they are hiding something from u but have no proof of them cheating... do you just break it off even thoguh they havent or do u live with the feeling?

Dude -

Are they like cutting out every minute / weekend ? Or just once in a while

If it is a constant thing then thats a clear message.

If you can't handle your partner hanging without you. Cool out and if you

can't then you need to talk to them.See what they say...

Learn to Deal with your issues.

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