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Sneezing while Driving...


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another cruel joke by God/the Big Guy/Whomever...

everything is ok, just driving in your lane on the highway...then...oh shit, whats that..................crap, im going to sneeze.

you try and hold it off for as long as you can...maybe you have the power to supress it?....hahahaha, no. you dont. you will only make it worse.

so you grab the wheel tight with both hands, good old 3/9 o'clock positions....you center yourself in your lane, maybe even say a little prayer............then, here it comes.........crap, i hope i dont crash................still holding it off for as long as possible

your eyes get slanty, even a little watery (this must be extra hard for asians).......it gets to the point where you have one eye completely shut and the other just peeking at the road.....hold iiiiiiiiiiit, hooooooold ittttttttttttt, HOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLD IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT..................then BAM! ACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH.....

the moment of truth (this sucks)...there's like a 1-2 second period where you have no idea what the hell is going on...you just hope you havent jerked the wheel!

am i ok? oh shit..is this my lane??? did i side swipe anyone....oh crap, what if there's snot somewhere in my car?? maybe its on my pants and i dont know it!! i cant look, ill crash. you can never look down.....on my hands? no, good......shit.......

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this thread is cracking me up...years ago i used to sneeze on the steering wheel, dashboard, and windshield...then i realized as i got older that was nasty...so now i just sneeze in my hand and lick the snot off...

weirdooooooooo :laugh:

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