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Substance Abuse...

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Everyone has had one of those nights, where you just decide to go overboard and do more then the usualy night out. The time you just said fuck it, and went past that line you normally draw for yourself.

What is the most amount of substances, be it a lot of one thing, or a combination of things? And if you could, would you take that night back, do it again, or let the memory of that night rest...

I'll post mine once I see some others so I don't seem like too much of a crackhead, lol.


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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SF is the place where every night is a "fuck-it" night. Summer of 98 - 3 yellow sunshines, leaving at noon, not eating all day, not sleeping, crackedout!!!

but then again that was every other weekend for 6 weeks, then I realized I was shot and also sunshines stopped coming around...

Exit- creeping around late night/early AM fiending event though I just took my 3rd....

OH- Woodstock 99-- Takes the cake- 1/2 an eighth of shrooms on friday, then a whole eighth on Saturday, then 2 bombs turned into 4 1/2 of 6 different kinds of pills. (VW's, Shells, Dinos, Teletubbies, some kind of "C" with 2 lines through it, and blanks) Blazing the whole time... Forget about sunday - sleeping, feeling like a crackhead.... But I have to say that might have been the best weekend of my life.... I can't say I'd take it back, butI would like to get my hands on some more Teletubbies.....

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OMG, back in October of last year - I was still up at school in Boston. We went out on Thursd night and dropped 1 pill, then went back to my friend's apartment for afterhours. We were all partying, so we took another pill. It cleared out at about 7am and it was just 7 of us, me and my close friends. We then continued to party in that apt nonstop until SATURDAY 6pm - over that span, the 7 of us went through 42 more pills, ounce of KB, 200 cartridges of nitrous, 2 eight-balls, and half ounce of shrooms! Lol, rough weekend!!! It was an experience, definitely fun, but pretty much put an end to hard-core partying like that. Good way to close out though...


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Cholo did you get my last email about Ibiza?

Anyway back to the topic, Ibiza last year it wasn't a night it was a week.

We met up with these scousers (Liverpudlians), they had the best E's i have had in 6 years. I dont know how to tell you how good they were, but at the begining of the week there was no way we could drop a full one (PURE MDMA), a quarter was enough... for a few hour (you know that confusion stage at the begining? well a quarter had that for 2 hours!).

So anyway we started off slow, quarter at Mambo with drinks, maybe 2 on the first night. 2 on the second, along with coke, lots of vodka, Champagne and so on all week.

7 nights on the trot, pills and or C every night. We took our bags to Cream on the last night and were still f?cked whe we were flying home.

By the end of the week it was 5 of the strong ones and a few others. And then there was 24 hours @ Space, bora bora etc (lost count). I wont do it again, depression for a few weeks. It was stupid, very stupid.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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ok...something I am SOOOOOOOOOOO not proud of......1 year ago....took 2 (green nikes) pills and a lil too much of....verve (I know..I know).....half and hour later I was passed out in a car w/ a friend (who did even more than I) and noone could wake us up for ONE HOUR ....my friends called 911 cause they thought we were dying...by the time they came I was up and hating myself.....that was THE only time I went over board w/ my party helpers....NEVER again....I had soooooooooo much fun that night..one of my BEST nights EVER....I will remember it FOREVER...to bad it had to end that way.............

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Hmmm . . . I don't know if it was determined "I'm gonna get fucked up" night . . . but when I went to Starscape over the past summer . . . I went kinda off the hook. Well, it was off the hook for me . .. don't know about anyone else.

I've been dabbling in K here and there before that night and didn't really know too much about it. In clubs I would take a bump or two at MOST and it was ALWAYS measured for me. Never actually did my own measuring before. So, when my girlfriend gave me her jar at the rave I decided to do my own measuring. Well . . . of course I miscalculated and . . . there I went about to go into a K-Hole.

Didn't know what it was . . . or what kind of an effect it had on people. I've never done anything except drink and drop before. It was an extremely trippy experience, scarey at first but my friends helped me through it. Mitchell is definitely not fond of K was scared shitless. I was outta commission for couple of hours. The experience is something I will never forget but I would never do that again.

Mitchell said that there is nothing worse then seeing a loved on in a hole. That was one night I definitely didn’t follow my rule of moderation. Never again.



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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liquid vision in Hartford CT early 95

was the first time I ever mixed Drugs

X and acid to start the festivities...

such a good feeling after I purchased the ballon of nitros...

cocaine came around in the back room where I sat on real grass in a old supermarket...

crystal meth came about when I met up with friends who were attending Johnson and Whales...

then to top the whole thing off 20 minutes before I left after popping 3 hits of acid a pill of x, about 5 nitros ballons, split a gram of blow, and bumps of crystal (the first time I ever took that shit, SMOKED A BLUNT OF DUST...



A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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During my crackhead days last year I have many stories I could tell, but one sticks out in my mind.

Last Arril, go to this club in Philly (I go to school around there) and drop 2 pills. A friend of mine had bought a liq of K before we went, so we were dishing out bumps like it was our job. Like BlueAngel, I mis-measured and got myself into the worst K-hole ever. Eventually snapped out of it. Now Philly closes VERY early, so we left this club at about 3:30 or so. I was soo fucked up and didn't want to go home.

We ended up going to this SHADY after-party at some empty warehouse. There were probably like 50 people there. Now, at this party they got like 2 tanks of Nitrous. I took another pill, did some more bumps, then decided that would be a good time to suck back some balloons. All I remember is seeing a friend of mine and I thought he was Kermit the Frog and that he was trying to kill me. I was soooo fucked up.

So to end the story, we leave this after-party about 8 in the morning only to find it snowing outside......IN APRIL. We thought the world had ended or something.

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I only have one thing to say:


(jk, I'm really jealous, cause I've just started experimenting with drugs, and I have yet to reach that point)

GOD I CAN'T WAIT!!! smile.gif

the only things I've done so far: lots of X, coke, pot, alcohol....see? told you so...boring cwm33.gif



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Originally posted by beautious1:

I only have one thing to say:


(jk, I'm really jealous, cause I've just started experimenting with drugs, and I have yet to reach that point)

GOD I CAN'T WAIT!!! smile.gif

the only things I've done so far: lots of X, coke, pot, alcohol....see? told you so...boring cwm33.gif

well...I really don't think you want to know how it feels to be passed out on Verve....or to be in the Khole(never been there and I am not planning on it any time soon)....so....girlie....be careful....don't get sick of drugs...enjoy them smile.gif

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Originally posted by risa06:

....so....girlie....be careful....don't get sick of drugs...enjoy them smile.gif

You are so ABSOLUTELY right when you said that. If there is ONE thing I DID learn is that every single one of my past moments were magical. When you start abusing the substance . . . the magic disappears.

I've purposely kept myself away from the club scene and the whole substance thing cause I felt the magic was slipping from my fingers. I haven't been out for the last couple of months . . . planning on going out next Friday to Twilo for PVD cause . . . well, how can I NOT!! hehe. But one thing for sure PVD or no PVD . . . I wanna keep my magic alive and will probably not roll or bump for a while . . . A WHILE!! cwm38.gif



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 11-02-2000).]

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Originally posted by risa06:

well...I really don't think you want to know how it feels to be passed out on Verve....or to be in the Khole(never been there and I am not planning on it any time soon)....so....girlie....be careful....don't get sick of drugs...enjoy them smile.gif

I was just kidding really... I'm too scared of finding myself in that situation...THe whole k-hole phenomenon seems a bit frightening to me....

trust me babe, i will enjoy!




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i had one of those , except it last a week and it was in cancun ... i wondered the streets and clubs of mexico beligerant ... ingesting anything and everything i could find ... and keep in mind this is when "e" was "e" and if u took 3 or 4 you'd wake up trippin the next day ... those of you remember what it was like 6 years ago ... i was droppin those along with k, coke , speed balls and alcohol .. fun fun fun ...

needless to say on the flight home i decided that after the week i had experimented enough with drugs and decided to quit using them ... so since then ( excluding a few times) i've done nuttin but drink and smoke .... i bet it was a fun week , but who remembers .. =)



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OMG!! I totally forgot about Cancun. I didn't go 6 years ago but I went last year. I think my favorite thing to do (but HIGHLY stupid) that week was to get really drunk at whatever bar/club then pop a pill and go to LaBoom. What a week. I also saw Paul Oakenfold and Sandra Collins at a rave while I was there. Incredible!!

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went to brown before classes let out last summer to visit my boy. Went to a party....Drank 12 beers, popped 4 pills later that night..was off the wall till noon......we then decided to take a few bong loads. did that. drank the remainder of the beer to kill the weed "drymouth".....popped 2 more pills..off the wall till 8pm. smoked a few more b-loads. finally colapsed at 10. BLIDOWWWW!!!!! cwm35.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last! Willy Wonka



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I was reading through these posts... about to write about my own story when all of a sudden u mentioned the day it snowed last april! I live in ny... we had that same weird day.

Well one night my friends threw a party... it was kinda a getting to know you lets get trashed together party cause we had just began forming our new club crew. well between about 10 of us we went through prolly 40+ hits... plus your typical weed, k and coke and alcohol... i cant imagine the amounts. we all got insanely trashed. and when we woke up- it was snowing! and we thought we were all going nuts. it had been like 70 degrees the few days before. well we gained composure and walked in the freezing cold and snow to a diner later taht afternoon to recooperate.

what a bonding experience that was. we had so much fun. damn i miss that crew frown.gifcwm14.gif

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~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

*"The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance."* Socrates

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Well, I guess since everyone responded, I'll tell my night of insanity.

Started off the night at one club and over 3 hrs. I took 2 pills. Then to the next club, and in the car did a shot of Verve and a anthill of k. Once into the club after about 45 min., another pill. 4 hrs later when the club was closing I had already finished half the jar of K. Then off to some afterhours at some rave. Kicked back with my friend who was running the n2o tanks and finished off the jar and about 15 punch balloons. After that, as if I hadn't already had enough, we decide it was a good idea to drive to Atlantic City to party until 4pm the next afternoon. In AC I would drop another 3 pills (by this time they were wearing off in like 1 hour), two more shots of verve, and about a gram of sosa.

GOD DAMN!!! But to tell you the truth, I had one of my best times that night. My best friend was with me, and it was like we were partners in crime that night!

I've done large amounts since then, but that was just insane. And I can't really say that I wouldn't do it again, but everything was so new and grand back then, and the scene has just lost a little something as of late.

I'm sure you guys know what I mean... Anyway, have fun this weekend kids...


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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From reading some of these posts it scares me how we can say how close we came to killing ourselves in one breath and I had so much fun I cant wait to do it again in the next.

Well here is my story. Spring Break last year I was in Daytona and met up with a stripper and a flight attendant from Ohio. We rolled that night, about 4-5 pills apiece with a little coke here and there. We hit the beach on Thursday and drank all day with a little something here and there to keep us from getting tired. We took some clover pills that turned out to be K that night. Well by the time Sunday rolls around we have not slept, we have been in a constant fucked up state since Wednesday night popping pills like candy. I am hallucinating and blacking out a bit (should have taken that as a hint). We say or good byes that night and I catch a few hours of sleep (the first since Wednesday morning).

Driving to work on Monday morning I fell asleep at the wheel with my cruise control set at 95mph. Flipped my car off the interstate and rolled it a few times for good measure. The car ended up about 35 yards off the road, upside down and facing back the way I came. I was sitting on the roof of the passenger seat facing the rear of the car with my foot outside the sunroof (which had flown off). Luckily I walked away with just a few scratches. Needless to say the car was totaled.

This was my first binge. Yes it was the time of my life and I would do it again. Lets hope I never get the chance.

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OMG A-ron...I'm so glad u were ok.

Things like that make me wonder why ppl do it all over again. I can't see how some ppl come so close to dying and then they go back to doing it all over again. Don't you guys see that as a sign?

I read all of these stories and I can honestly say that my stories are boring compared to these. I used to think that everything I did was BAD, but I was actaully and angel compared to most of you. At least now I can go out and not have any of my past nights hanging over my head as if it were a bad thing to do.

I just hope that all of you who have posted and have had your really good "Fucked-up" nights, will be very careful in the future because most of you may not be so lucky if it happens again.

Be safe, smart and responsible. Remember moderation is the key!



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Originally posted by cholo_40:

Well, I guess since everyone responded, I'll tell my night of insanity.

Started off the night at one club and over 3 hrs. I took 2 pills. Then to the next club, and in the car did a shot of Verve and a anthill of k. Once into the club after about 45 min., another pill. 4 hrs later when the club was closing I had already finished half the jar of K. Then off to some afterhours at some rave. Kicked back with my friend who was running the n2o tanks and finished off the jar and about 15 punch balloons. After that, as if I hadn't already had enough, we decide it was a good idea to drive to Atlantic City to party until 4pm the next afternoon. In AC I would drop another 3 pills (by this time they were wearing off in like 1 hour), two more shots of verve, and about a gram of sosa.

GOD DAMN!!! But to tell you the truth, I had one of my best times that night. My best friend was with me, and it was like we were partners in crime that night!

I've done large amounts since then, but that was just insane. And I can't really say that I wouldn't do it again, but everything was so new and grand back then, and the scene has just lost a little something as of late.

I'm sure you guys know what I mean... Anyway, have fun this weekend kids...

He he, Ibiza is gona be mental fella!

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Originally posted by back2basics:

He he, Ibiza is gona be mental fella!

HELL NO!! It can't possibly worse than what Juan just described. That's . . . that's . . . beyond insanity! cwm24.gif



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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