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Running w/ weights

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Please use your own body weight when jogging:

1. Yes, it can ruin your joints, especially if the weights are not glued to your ankles... if there is play, the movement of the weights works against your movement and can stress joints.

2. I have seen too many girls ruin their legs and develop tree trunks from jogging alone... weights would only make matters worse. Unless your are trying to build bigger muscles, please focus on the point at hand and that is cardio without weights.

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running is not good for your joints, your entire body for that matter.. the constant pounding of your feet is detrimental to your joints and your entire circulatory,skeletal and musculatory system..causing shin splints, cartilage deteriation, ligament strain and arthritis (due to inflammation of the joints)...

Walk/powerwalk is best

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Dont come crying to me in ten years when your ACL is busted and your shins are splinted and you can barely walk because of degeneration of the joints in your knees.. wimps ....yes wimps with the ability to walk at age 40

Which do you think is a bigger concern, especially for females??? A torn ACL or Osteoporosis. A torn ACL, which is extrememly unlikely from running, b/c its only purpose is to stabilize the knee from moving left and right.

Osteoporosis is a major concern and one way to help prevent is through running, the pounding you speak of, actually stimulates osteoblast to lay down new bone.

Don't get me wrong, I am not recommending anyone to be a marathon runner, but then again, most of them lead extremely healthy lives and some even compete after the age of 70. An age when most of the power walkers have already died off. :gang:


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One more thing. What the hell do you mean by "your shins are splinted"??? Do you even know what shin splints are??? Or shall I educate you.

btw, It is quite obvious that you have read an article in Cosmo or some other magazine. Just keep in mind, the sole purpose of them including articles in their magazines is to sell more magazines and not to improve the readers health or life.


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One more thing. What the hell do you mean by "your shins are splinted"??? Do you even know what shin splints are??? Or shall I educate you.

btw, It is quite obvious that you have read an article in Cosmo or some other magazine. Just keep in mind, the sole purpose of them including articles in their magazines is to sell more magazines and not to improve the readers health or life.


easy does it man... my fiance suffers from shin splints from running track as a high school kid..

I dont read cosmo.. I work in the med field, so settle down.. I can educate you on shin splints (small stress fractures in the tibia)if you so desire..ANd probably alot more .. dont clumb women into one category.. thats ignorant

I now have no desire to converse with you anymore

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Which do you think is a bigger concern, especially for females??? A torn ACL or Osteoporosis. A torn ACL, which is extrememly unlikely from running, b/c its only purpose is to stabilize the knee from moving left and right.

Osteoporosis is a major concern and one way to help prevent is through running, the pounding you speak of, actually stimulates osteoblast to lay down new bone.

Don't get me wrong, I am not recommending anyone to be a marathon runner, but then again, most of them lead extremely healthy lives and some even compete after the age of 70. An age when most of the power walkers have already died off. :gang:


if you think osteoporosis is prevented by running you are sadley mistaken.. educate yourself before you speak.. you sound idiotic

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if you think osteoporosis is prevented by running you are sadley mistaken.. educate yourself before you speak.. you sound idiotic

You might need to start reading some studies on the disease, which I doubt you ever had to do in your nursing classes. (I say nursing b/c if you were anything other than a nurse you would not have included your self in the medical field category)

Weight training as well as impact exercises both help prevent osteoporsis.


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Shin Splints: Definition: Inflammation of the muscle attachments and interosseous membranes to the tibia (shin bone) on the inside of the front of the lower leg.

As you can see the proper definition has nothing to do with bone fractures or "shins splitting" as you referred. But, I will agree with the fact that if one does experience these symptoms and does not back off, the possibility of stress fractures are there.

But, then again, I said I do not expect anyone to be a marathon runner. Also, if people use some sense and wear good running shoes, run on a good surface and properly stretch, the problem can be avoided.

One other thing: your fiance' suffers from shin splints from running high school track. Unless he is still in high school, then you are full of shit. That is like saying you had a pimple in 9th grade and 12 years later you decided to pop it.

Also, you have not mentioned the ACL problem. Did you pull out your handy nursing guide and find out that you were full of shit or do you still stand by that statement?


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You might need to start reading some studies on the disease, which I doubt you ever had to do in your nursing classes. (I say nursing b/c if you were anything other than a nurse you would not have included your self in the medical field category)

Weight training as well as impact exercises both help prevent osteoporsis.


I'm in med school, studying to be a doctor..

oh and I will believe the info my texts book, my research at Tufts and Harvard and my professors tell me over what you read in muscle and fitness magazine, to the day I am no longer in the medical field .. sorry to upset you with the facts, Nautica.. I never ment to get anyone mad... I just dont like when people are told falsities and I try to do my best to make sure everyone remain in the best health they possible can and stay away from rumors and false statements..

Oh and is it sexist to say I am in Nursing school because I am female?

Yes, you are not very bright and you are sounding this in your statements..

Again, I am sorry you are so ignorant..and that I had to be the one to point it out.. maybe you should not be giving out medical advise anymore..

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I'm in med school, studying to be a doctor..

oh and I will believe the info my texts book, my research at Tufts and Harvard and my professors tell me over what you read in muscle and fitness magazine, to the day I am no longer in the medical field .. sorry to upset you with the facts, Nautica.. I never ment to get anyone mad... I just dont like when people are told falsities and I try to do my best to make sure everyone remain in the best health they possible can and stay away from rumors and false statements..

Oh and is it sexist to say I am in Nursing school because I am female?

Yes, you are not very bright and you are sounding this in your statements..

Again, I am sorry you are so ignorant..and that I had to be the one to point it out.. maybe you should not be giving out medical advise anymore..

First of all, I don't know wether you are a female or male, the comment about nursing was only b/c you said you were in the medical field and the only other certainty I understand about you is your imaturity.

As far as you being in med school, I find that hard to believe, except for the fact that most students in med school are students who went straight out of high school, into college and then into medical school and the only thing they know about life is what their undergrad professors have taught them and the only reason they got into med school was b/c of "Daddy".

However, with that being said, I do appreciate you being the one to point out my ignorance, b/c you are completely correct. I am and one of these days when you grow up you will also realize your ignorance. (Or at least I hope you will if you do become a doctor)

As far as comparing our backgrounds, I don't really care to get into that but, If you must know. I recieved a business degree with a double major in Real Estate and Finance in 1992. 2 years ago I was able to retire and did. Since that time I will be recieving another major in biology and a minor in chemistry this fall with a 4 point. Within the last two weeks I recieved my MCAT scores of 33 and with that I will be attending medical school. Not for the same reason as you, in that you probably need to make money, but for the sole purpose of gaining knowlege and helping others.

And just so you know, an undergraduate degree only teaches a person to obtain knowlege, a doctorate only teaches a person to obtain more knowlege, but you will never have knowlege until you experience the real world, which it at this point in your life, you obviously have not.

Another thing for you to consider, which is a big problem I have with medical schools, is that in most cases there are absolutely zero classes on fitness and maybe a 3 hour elective in nutrition, so the fact that you are in the medical school (if you are) has absolutely no bearing on a "health and fitness" issue. Yes, I said "health and fitness", the time you spend in medical school will teach you how to repair health problems not prevent them.

On a side note: if you have ever read my previous post, your point about the muscle mags would have never been made.


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You dont want to argue because you just got Owned

Shut up you silly willy poop head... no one is talking to you....lol

there is no need to argue because everyone has there own opinion and each one is valid.. going back and forth doesnt help anyone.. agreeing to disagree is the only option here and then get back to the chats onhand..and have fun.. neither I nor Elitenautica need to prove ourselves to anyone for validation....make love not war... :love:

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