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I don't know what brought on that post so I'm not going to attempt to analyze you or any of you opinions, you are entitled to them.

I don't feel that all of your posts are malicious, which is why I don't feel that you are here just for drama. It just seems that you make a lot of generalizations about everyone who doesn't see things the way you do. It doesn't seem right to commend Miss Diva for responding to your post in a mature civil and intelligent manner and then turn around and call everyone else an "oppressive fuck" or say that the girls are "submissive". Not everyone here is a "cracked out wannabe", but I recall you saying that candy is "yummy". As far as sharing our life stories...well, that's what you do with friends, there's nothing wrong with that at all.

No one is trying to kill you off. I think that if once in a while when someone gets upset by something you've said you would get a much better response from everyone if you would discuss your point of view in a calm manner rather than calling people names.

"excuse me for not being ugly enough to attend one of your meetups...or is it losers anonymous! Wo! badda bing!" Come on, what's that about? Those are the kinds of things that make you seems jealous, now don't flip a shit...I didn't say you are jealous I just said that comments like that will naturally be percieved that way.

It's one thing to argue, it's ridiculous to name call and try to put people down. We are all aware and I'm sure you are too that this is not an "ugly" group of "cracked out" dummies.

Most of the people here have very good jobs and are quite intelligent. As far as looks go, well, the picture thread says it all.

I don't think you really feel the way that you portray on this board. I think that you would like to have friends here and I'm sure that eveyone here would welcome you. It's just a matter of tact. You have to admit that there have been some posts that you have replied to in such an angry manner for what seems like no reason at all and that is what gets everyone bent out of shape. Be a little more delicate in expressing yourself and you'll get a much more benevolent response I'm sure.

A "sorry" once in a while doesn't hurt either. I've done it, ask Rally. And you know what, it didn't make me weak. It just showed that I was respecting someone else's right to an opinion that was different than mine. cwm35.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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