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Greece Wins!!!!

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that would be the only way for u guys to take the championship cause u got no chance and from what i take from your words u know it too cause when this game is actually played my friend its ova.... enuff said, the rest we will see on sunday

You talk alot of smack for a team that we already beat.

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You talk alot of smack for a team that we already beat.

trust me d00d u guys mite have took that first game but it aint gonna happen twice bro.... we learned from our mistake... all u guys did was capitalize on two dumbass errors we made and played strong ass defense (im not clowning on it at all it was def a good win for u guys) but this time around d00d there aint gonna be any mistakes trust me

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portugal is gonna shit on greece u crazy fucks

u think that first game mattered.

it worked out perfect. We still won the group, we kepts Spain out and we allowed your bum squad to advance.

Portugal 3-0

"No way Greece can win a game in their group". Greece beats Portugal, ties Spain. "No way Greece will beat France". Greece beats France. "The Czechs have too much offense for Greece". Greece shuts out The Czech Republic.

As much as I hate to say it we're like last year's Florida Marlins.

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portugal is gonna shit on greece u crazy fucks

u think that first game mattered.

it worked out perfect. We still won the group, we kepts Spain out and we allowed your bum squad to advance.

Portugal 3-0

Watcha gotta say now sucka??!! GREECE WINS, GREECE WINS, GREECE WINS!!!! Hate to say this but "I TOLD YOU SO"!!!!!!

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Sure Greece did win, but for all you greek fans, and even you portugal fans that missed it cause your spirit is elsewhere and you just had to go down the shore. Well.. we true fans partied our asses off in Down neck newark, because thats who we are. No one in this country can and possibly will never come as close to pride as our little country will ever forever be. Yesturday on Sunday it was all about portugal, and who loved it and who stood by it. It wasn;t just another dirty portuguese day feast it was all about loving the game and our country, not one fight, not one argument, not one out of hand person it was all chops and we loved it. Hundreds of us, standing on Ferry and blowin up anyones spot that even though by a greek defeat that we could ever bow our heads in shame, we made it all the way, we got to where we got because we were good, and the better team won. So who cares.. if we had won, the party would of been exactly the same.. Number one all the way.. if not in the game, then in the sense of love we all have for each other. Always keepin it real.. VIVA PORTUGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you.. and goodnight :)

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Sure Greece did win, but for all you greek fans, and even you portugal fans that missed it cause your spirit is elsewhere and you just had to go down the shore. Well.. we true fans partied our asses off in Down neck newark, because thats who we are. No one in this country can and possibly will never come as close to pride as our little country will ever forever be. Yesturday on Sunday it was all about portugal, and who loved it and who stood by it. It wasn;t just another dirty portuguese day feast it was all about loving the game and our country, not one fight, not one argument, not one out of hand person it was all chops and we loved it. Hundreds of us, standing on Ferry and blowin up anyones spot that even though by a greek defeat that we could ever bow our heads in shame, we made it all the way, we got to where we got because we were good, and the better team won. So who cares.. if we had won, the party would of been exactly the same.. Number one all the way.. if not in the game, then in the sense of love we all have for each other. Always keepin it real.. VIVA PORTUGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you.. and goodnight :)

Not to take anything away from you but Greece is every bit as "small" of a country as Portugal and every bit, if not more, "proud"!!! Did you get a chance to see the seen of 10's of thousands of Greeks partying in the streets of Astoria on Sunday after we WON the game?? This is a HUGE year for Greece (with the Olympics coming) and winning Sunday was the single biggest achievement in the sports history of Greece other than creating the Olympics. I am glad that you and everybody in Down Neck had a great time but don't you dare try to take anything away from the shear exctasy that Greeks around the world are feeling this week!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:

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Hey I'd never take anything away from you guys.. and didn't mean to.. I was simly stating.. the best team won, and we are proud of you guys as well, just as much as we are proud of ourselves.. see ya in the clubs.. :bounce::bounce:

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Hey I'd never take anything away from you guys.. and didn't mean to.. I was simly stating.. the best team won, and we are proud of you guys as well, just as much as we are proud of ourselves.. see ya in the clubs.. :bounce::bounce:

You got it bro - fantastic tourney for both teams!!!

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Did Greece win or did Portugal lose the game? Didnt see the game so I'm just asking.


Just watched the replay and, to answer your question, Greece won - period. They played stellar defense (once again the keeper was superb) throughtout as they had the entire tournament. Not one goal allowed during the elimination round. That alone speaks volumes about this team. What a unbelievable feeling, even today, watching this game!! I can honestly say, and I saw this game on live TV as well, that this ranks higher (on an international level) than the USA victory over the USSR in 1980 Olympic Hockey. Greece had never, ever, previously won a single game in a major national team event (world cup, eurocup, etc...). This is truly something special and hopefully is appreciated by all.

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