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Colombia enfrenta a Bolivia con la intención de clasificarse a segunda ronda de Copa América

Dos triunfos ha conseguido Colombia sobre Bolivia en Copa América: 1-0 en La Paz, en 1983, y 2-0 en Rosario (Argentina), en 1987.

Esta tarde, a partir de las 5:30 p.m., Colombia tiene la mejor oportunidad para terminar tranquilamente la primera fase de la Copa América y viajar tranquila a Trujillo a jugar contra Perú. Una victoria sobre Bolivia es el tiquete directo a la segunda fase.

En el grupo ni se menciona el fantasma del 4-0 en La Paz, en septiembre del año pasado, en la eliminatoria para el Mundial de Alemania-2006.

“Bolivia es un equipo muy práctico, con una buena defensa, muy aguerridos, combativos, tienen una buena combinación de toque corto y largo. Hay que hacer un juego inteligente y no dejarles espaciosâ€, dijo el técnico Reinaldo Rueda.

Pese a algunos errores en la defensa y los sustos que hubo con Venezuela, Colombia está en la punta del Grupo A y ahora quieren mantenerla.

“Nuestro objetivo era conseguir los tres puntos, independientemente del resultado el otro partido. Esta segunda fecha va a ser definitiva, si se logra la victoria estaríamos clasificados y más tranquilosâ€, declaró el delantero Sergio Herrera, la esperanza de gol de esta Selección.

Andrés Orozco, uno de los sobrevivientes de la Selección que ganó la Copa América hace tres años, afirmó que el grupo está concentrado para clasificar. “A pesar de que tuvimos una gran victoria contra Venezuela, estamos tranquilos y con la cabeza metida en Bolivia. No nos podemos relajarâ€.

Bolivia ya metió el primer susto de la Copa América, donde casi le gana a Perú. El 2-2 final fue un justo premio para ellos. “Bolivia especulaba y esperaba, y luego tiraban la pelota arriba y jugaban rápido. Esa salida complicó a Perú. Hay que tener cuidado con la media distanciaâ€, dijo Andrés Felipe González. Ojo: no es un partido fácil. Pero hay que ganarlo para viajar tranquilos a Trujillo.

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Colombia enfrenta a Bolivia con la intención de clasificarse a segunda ronda de Copa América

Dos triunfos ha conseguido Colombia sobre Bolivia en Copa América: 1-0 en La Paz, en 1983, y 2-0 en Rosario (Argentina), en 1987.

Esta tarde, a partir de las 5:30 p.m., Colombia tiene la mejor oportunidad para terminar tranquilamente la primera fase de la Copa América y viajar tranquila a Trujillo a jugar contra Perú. Una victoria sobre Bolivia es el tiquete directo a la segunda fase.

En el grupo ni se menciona el fantasma del 4-0 en La Paz, en septiembre del año pasado, en la eliminatoria para el Mundial de Alemania-2006.

“Bolivia es un equipo muy práctico, con una buena defensa, muy aguerridos, combativos, tienen una buena combinación de toque corto y largo. Hay que hacer un juego inteligente y no dejarles espaciosâ€, dijo el técnico Reinaldo Rueda.

Pese a algunos errores en la defensa y los sustos que hubo con Venezuela, Colombia está en la punta del Grupo A y ahora quieren mantenerla.

“Nuestro objetivo era conseguir los tres puntos, independientemente del resultado el otro partido. Esta segunda fecha va a ser definitiva, si se logra la victoria estaríamos clasificados y más tranquilosâ€, declaró el delantero Sergio Herrera, la esperanza de gol de esta Selección.

Andrés Orozco, uno de los sobrevivientes de la Selección que ganó la Copa América hace tres años, afirmó que el grupo está concentrado para clasificar. “A pesar de que tuvimos una gran victoria contra Venezuela, estamos tranquilos y con la cabeza metida en Bolivia. No nos podemos relajarâ€.

Bolivia ya metió el primer susto de la Copa América, donde casi le gana a Perú. El 2-2 final fue un justo premio para ellos. “Bolivia especulaba y esperaba, y luego tiraban la pelota arriba y jugaban rápido. Esa salida complicó a Perú. Hay que tener cuidado con la media distanciaâ€, dijo Andrés Felipe González. Ojo: no es un partido fácil. Pero hay que ganarlo para viajar tranquilos a Trujillo.

Fuck all this crap,action speaks louder than words... :gang:

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not yet...they can offer alot more but havent...i just hope it doesnt bite them in the ass

their performance yesterday was lackluster... midfield play will get you nowhere in this tournament.. they gotta push the ball upfield dammit. the more shots on goal.. the more chances of scoring! :idea:

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their performance yesterday was lackluster... midfield play will get you nowhere in this tournament.. they gotta push the ball upfield dammit. the more shots on goal.. the more chances of scoring! :idea:

yuppp...they have to shoot from long-mid range.

congrats uruguay!

and arg :eek: :eek: talk about getting served....

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yuppp...they have to shoot from long-mid range.

congrats uruguay!

and arg :eek: :eek: talk about getting served....

Getting served? We deserved atleast the tie,one for the amount of situations we created and second for the TWO hand balls that pussy ass ref didnt call.But its all good payback is a bitch. :gang:

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Getting served? We deserved atleast the tie,one for the amount of situations we created and second for the TWO hand balls that pussy ass ref didnt call.But its all good payback is a bitch. :gang:

dude...mexico neutralized d'alessandro and saviola pretty well...they knew that if they didnt, then mexico would have lost 5-0. and bro, quit complaining and making up excuses. :D:D:D:D

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Getting served? We deserved atleast the tie,one for the amount of situations we created and second for the TWO hand balls that pussy ass ref didnt call.But its all good payback is a bitch. :gang:

dude.. those two handballs were reflections and in no way done purposefully.. didnt you see the way to ball bounced off the keepers leg and straight towards the players arm? I do agree that Argentina did deserve a goal on effort.. but if effort was the case.. they would have still lost 2-1

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dude.. those two handballs were reflections and in no way done purposefully.. didnt you see the way to ball bounced off the keepers leg and straight towards the players arm? I do agree that Argentina did deserve a goal on effort.. but if effort was the case.. they would have still lost 2-1

sorry Leo but I agree with Danny. Mexico was closer to score a 2nd goal than Argentina to tie the game so the final score is fair.

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Deserved to loose? LOL your all full of shyt.In the first half Mexico shot once on goal and they scored when Argentina had them cornered for most part of the game.Hey that was there game plan,they only had one forward and then the rest defending.

As for the hand balls any other ref wouldve called atleast one of them,the second one was the worst one of both,inwhich the ball was going towards the goal and his hand deflected it.Btw his hand was way apart from his body.

Yes the mexs couldve scored another goal at the end,when Argentina was already all up and had made changes taking out defenders and putting in attackers to tie the game,losing 1-0, 2-0 wouldve been the same especially when there was very little time left.It was tie or die.

ps. Carlos you sure can talk alot of shyt for being froma country that has NEVER won jack. ;)

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Wheres your World Cups? :hat:

LOL Id rather loose in the first round then in the second. :spin2:

the past means shit when your losing in the present ,any of those world cups you guys have didnt help you yesterday,maybe next time you guys should try replacing the players with the cups,start with the goal keeper...


che,esto me dolio en el orto!!!

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The past is HISTORY.History is something you guys dont have and wont have you guys won a few games and are letting that shyt get way over heads.You wish you had atleast one World Cup under your belt,but you dont.

Its all good that we lost,hey thats soccer if colombia beat us a few weeks ago why cant mexico do it also?Theres still alot to play and you guys havent played anyone ,YET. So continue getting high off those cheap wins vs noones.When you beat Brazil or US again in the second round then I will say yes Colombia has deserved to win it but till then you guys NO EXISTEN. :finger:

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The past is HISTORY.History is something you guys dont have and wont have you guys won a few games and are letting that shyt get way over heads.You wish you had atleast one World Cup under your belt,but you dont.

Its all good that we lost,hey thats soccer if colombia beat us a few weeks ago why cant mexico do it also?Theres still alot to play and you guys havent played anyone ,YET. So continue getting high off those cheap wins vs noones.When you beat Brazil or US again in the second round then I will say yes Colombia has deserved to win it but till then you guys NO EXISTEN. :finger:

okay then let history play against uruguay......youll need a lot of help for this one :)

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today starts one of the most interesting stages of this cup,only 2 teams are in the next round for sure,colombia and brasil,lets see what happens,whos in ?whos out?.......time will tell,group A playing today....very interesting games,peru-colombia and bolivia-venezuela....soccer bitches!!!!! :pint:

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