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So, the Shaq deal...


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has been agreed upon.

It just needs the league's approval and it will be final.

What do you guys think about it? Did the Heat give up too much (Odom, Butler, Grant and a future 1st round draft pick)?

Shaq only has about 3 good years or so left. Were the Heat far too short-sighted?

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has been agreed upon.

It just needs the league's approval and it will be final.

What do you guys think about it? Did the Heat give up too much (Odom, Butler, Grant and a future 1st round draft pick)?

Shaq only has about 3 good years or so left. Were the Heat far too short-sighted?

fucking what? They gave up Butler and Odom?


Those are my 2 fav players..............

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...five bucks says shaq somehow ends up at flitponiaaaaa....lol...personally i think this trade blows...miami was headed in a great direction with those two...btw i heard the deal hasnt gone as far as mentioned above but who knows...

Actually, its a great deal however I'm just sad to see Odom and Butler go since they were soooo exciting to watch... But we have Wade and he and Shaq will ownnnnnnnnnn the East.. Until they play Detroit of course;)

Shaq at Fliptoniaaa.... LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna see the big man take a hit off the face-mask Flipster has..... :pint:

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Personally I think initially I see the deal as being extremely shortsighted. But if you think about it Shaq daddy is going to fill the seats and certainly generate more revenue. If he has 3-5 more good years in him we can certainly build up enough revenue to sign some other really good player that can certainly put us in the NBA Finals. Maybe Eddie Jones will get a lot more open looks because of Shaq getting double and triple teamed? Oooh I like the sound of that! I agree we are giving up a lot but you know what Miami is going to become an even more of a basketball town and I think it will be beneficial in the long run.


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Personally I think initially I see the deal as being extremely shortsighted. But if you think about it Shaq daddy is going to fill the seats and certainly generate more revenue. If he has 3-5 more good years in him we can certainly build up enough revenue to sign some other really good player that can certainly put us in the NBA Finals. Maybe Eddie Jones will get a lot more open looks because of Shaq getting double and triple teamed? Oooh I like the sound of that! I agree we are giving up a lot but you know what Miami is going to become an even more of a basketball town and I think it will be beneficial in the long run.


I just like the fact that FINALLY a MIAMI TEAM is thinking in terms of NOW instead of FUTURE.... Shaq can bring us a championship NOW..

I can see why Riley drafted a high schooler... it makes perfect sense. He knew he'd get Shaq to play here..

Wade and Shaq are gonna be tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..................:)

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in the NBA it's better to just go for whatevers best at the time rather than build up for the future; keep in mind 3 years is a lifetime in the NBA, if they can get 3 years of Shaq that's great... building a young team is just too hard, the pistons were able to pull it off thanks to Joe Dumars great draft picks and trades, but usually your contracts catch up with you by the time your team is prepared and so the whole process becomes pointless.

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i think it's a great deal for the heat. anytime you can get the most dominant player in the game, you do it. yeah, the heat might have improved next year, but i don't think they had championship caliber. shaq gives them that. along with the pistons and pacers, i see the heat as being favorites to come out in the east.

laker's are the ones that are demented. i would have kept shaq and gone after mcgrady or vince carter and let kobe go.

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wade and shaq will be a good combo, but it aint enough...they got no one else on that team that i would want on my team...when the lakers won their championships they had two good players (shaq and kobe) and a bunch of role players that contributed, the heat won't have those role players because they just traded them away....wake up...neither team made a good deal here sport wise, public relations wise the heat made out and the whole eastern conference because shaq will sell tickets...

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wade and shaq will be a good combo, but it aint enough...they got no one else on that team that i would want on my team...when the lakers won their championships they had two good players (shaq and kobe) and a bunch of role players that contributed, the heat won't have those role players because they just traded them away....wake up...neither team made a good deal here sport wise, public relations wise the heat made out and the whole eastern conference because shaq will sell tickets...

:blah: :blah: :blah:

Thanks for the info. The players they traded away were integral parts of the Miami team last year. Big deal! The Heat are instant contenders now in the East. Eddie Jones is going to get a lot more open looks as a result and Dwayne will only get better. Rumor has it that MJ might want to be part owner and rumor also has it that Rasheed might come here as well. U telling me Rasheed, Shaq, Dwayne and Eddie Jones isn't enough? I don't care who you have at the 3. Shit, I'll take Rasual Butler or Dorrell Wright. We are going to be filling more seats and generating more revenue. I think we will be able to sign one more big time player. Got role players?

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:blah: :blah: :blah:

Thanks for the info. The players they traded away were integral parts of the Miami team last year. Big deal! The Heat are instant contenders now in the East. Eddie Jones is going to get a lot more open looks as a result and Dwayne will only get better. Rumor has it that MJ might want to be part owner and rumor also has it that Rasheed might come here as well. U telling me Rasheed, Shaq, Dwayne and Eddie Jones isn't enough? I don't care who you have at the 3. Shit, I'll take Rasual Butler or Dorrell Wright. We are going to be filling more seats and generating more revenue. I think we will be able to sign one more big time player. Got role players?

first of all who is this we shit....you play for the heat son? well next time shaq goes to practice ask him how is toe is doing??? didn't think so...shaq and kobe couldn't beat the pistons and now you think shaq and wade can win it all...he better pull some KAZAAM style shit over there...yes he will fill seats like i said but come on...the pistons are gonna resign sheed and they are about to sign mcdyess too...oh and mj turned the wizards into real contenders too while he was there....get off the bball courts and try your luck at the tennis courts....

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It's a calculated risk on Miami's part. What it comes down to is that Miami has to win a title within 2-3 years for this trade to be justified. After that Shaq will be an albatross on the cap with very little production. Just being good won't cut it because they were already good without making this trade. On the bright side 3-4 years from now when Shaq is done they can always trade him to the Knicks and start rebuilding... :funny:

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first of all who is this we shit....you play for the heat son? well next time shaq goes to practice ask him how is toe is doing??? didn't think so...shaq and kobe couldn't beat the pistons and now you think shaq and wade can win it all...he better pull some KAZAAM style shit over there...yes he will fill seats like i said but come on...the pistons are gonna resign sheed and they are about to sign mcdyess too...oh and mj turned the wizards into real contenders too while he was there....get off the bball courts and try your luck at the tennis courts....


No I don't play for the Heat but I am a loyal fan and if I were you SON, I'd watch that tone. Aight SON?

There was a lot more contributing factors than just Kobe and Shaq not being able to beat the Pistons. The Lakers IMO were too loaded. They didn't know how to split the shots up between 4 superstars that were used to getting 20-25 shots a game. Oh yeah, the Lakers were an old team so Larry Brown did what any smart coach should have done a while ago against the Lakers. High Pick and roles involving Shaq and running the ball. If I am not mistakened when it was Kobe and Shaq, the triangle offense worked best with two great players and the rest being role players.

Grow the fuck up and stop taking words so literally and read what I was trying to say, Aight SON?

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One more thing to keep in mind is that Shaq's last contract was signed before the current max contract rules were put into effect. That means his next contract, should there be one, cannot give him the 25-30 million per that he gets now. In two years Miami gets more cap room to sign better free agents. This will work out well for the Heat. They were only $3 million over the cap this year (my Knicks were $40 million over - DOH!!!!!) and stand to be at or near the cap next year.

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No I don't play for the Heat but I am a loyal fan and if I were you SON, I'd watch that tone. Aight SON?

There was a lot more contributing factors than just Kobe and Shaq not being able to beat the Pistons. The Lakers IMO were too loaded. They didn't know how to split the shots up between 4 superstars that were used to getting 20-25 shots a game. Oh yeah, the Lakers were an old team so Larry Brown did what any smart coach should have done a while ago against the Lakers. High Pick and roles involving Shaq and running the ball. If I am not mistakened when it was Kobe and Shaq, the triangle offense worked best with two great players and the rest being role players.

Grow the fuck up and stop taking words so literally and read what I was trying to say, Aight SON?

you know what your problem is djrx? you are your best customer, if you sold your supply rather then take it, you'd understand what i was trying to say.....aiiight SON? shaq ain't getting any younger, he is gonna be out of shape again, he won't play a whole season, and you got no bench, you lost alston, odom, butler, grant and replaced them with an old center who takes a beating day in day out and a high school kid who ain't gonna flourish for another 4-5 years...lets see your starting line up wade, jones, haslem, walker and shaq.....wow that is scary....with a bench of malik allen, dorell wright, rasual butler, john wallace, wang zhizhi, mnatt frejie, oohh oohh bimbo coles and albert beasley, wow they might beat the celtics for most championships soon....

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you know what your problem is djrx? you are your best customer, if you sold your supply rather then take it, you'd understand what i was trying to say.....aiiight SON? shaq ain't getting any younger, he is gonna be out of shape again, he won't play a whole season, and you got no bench, you lost alston, odom, butler, grant and replaced them with an old center who takes a beating day in day out and a high school kid who ain't gonna flourish for another 4-5 years...lets see your starting line up wade, jones, haslem, walker and shaq.....wow that is scary....with a bench of malik allen, dorell wright, rasual butler, john wallace, wang zhizhi, mnatt frejie, oohh oohh bimbo coles and albert beasley, wow they might beat the celtics for most championships soon....

I don't think he is going to be out of shape, Miami is one of the best conditioned teams in the league. It is a trademark of all teams associated with Pat Riley. As far as I am concerned stop fucking hating. Most teams would take a chance with the most dominant player in the game. Yes I see the deal as being extremely short sighted but he brings a lot of intangibles to the table that Miami didn't have last year. If you look back when he was with Orlando, he and Penny did make quite a good combo with some decent/average role players. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Most franchises would take their chance on O'neal right now to get a championship right now. But most teams didnt have the players to lure Shaq.

Miami certainly has a better chance to win the title in the near future with Shaq then they did without. If you think about it, since Miami plays in the East, there are only 3 teams I'd really worry about. Pacers, Pistons, and Nets.

Who's ur team DR. Jack? The Knicks?

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I don't think he is going to be out of shape, Miami is one of the best conditioned teams in the league. It is a trademark of all teams associated with Pat Riley. As far as I am concerned stop fucking hating. Most teams would take a chance with the most dominant player in the game. Yes I see the deal as being extremely short sighted but he brings a lot of intangibles to the table that Miami didn't have last year. If you look back when he was with Orlando, he and Penny did make quite a good combo with some decent/average role players. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Most franchises would take their chance on O'neal right now to get a championship right now. But most teams didnt have the players to lure Shaq.

Miami certainly has a better chance to win the title in the near future with Shaq then they did without. If you think about it, since Miami plays in the East, there are only 3 teams I'd really worry about. Pacers, Pistons, and Nets.

Who's ur team DR. Jack? The Knicks?

oh you didnt mean you were a player when you said "we", you are their strength and conditioning coach who will make shaq get into shape for you and you did a great job getting brian grant into shape...pat riley couldn't coach your team to anything but now he's your savior...yes all darkness and hunger has been healed with shaq's trade to the mighty miami heat...orlando had penny and shaq and these role players dennis scott, darrell armstrong, brian shaw, nick andersen, horace grant and anthony bowie...learn your shit son before opening your mouth...and yeah my team is pathetic but its not the knicks its the celtics...but at least i can admit if we got shaq and we had shaq and pierce we wouldnt win shit..it just aint enough...

you will refer to me as dr. ramsey, only knowledgeable fans can call me jack!

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oh you didnt mean you were a player when you said "we", you are their strength and conditioning coach who will make shaq get into shape for you and you did a great job getting brian grant into shape...pat riley couldn't coach your team to anything but now he's your savior...yes all darkness and hunger has been healed with shaq's trade to the mighty miami heat...orlando had penny and shaq and these role players dennis scott, darrell armstrong, brian shaw, nick andersen, horace grant and anthony bowie...learn your shit son before opening your mouth...and yeah my team is pathetic but its not the knicks its the celtics...but at least i can admit if we got shaq and we had shaq and pierce we wouldnt win shit..it just aint enough...

you will refer to me as dr. ramsey, only knowledgeable fans can call me jack!

Here you go again taking everything literally again. Did you do enough research before you make your last post? How miserable are you?

Exactly, in my opinion, average role players!

We'll see how the season plays out, as far as I know, your celts are going to be the garbage of the league for years to come.

FYI...don't bark up the wrong tree dickhead! And Jack, why the fuck are you always using the word son?

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Even if shaq comes in and is out of shape he will have to face these guys in his division

Boston- mark blount

NJ- jason collins

philly- todd macculloch

washington- brendan heyword

ny- mutumbo?????

I will take a fat shaq and a gameplan to get him the ball and you can pretty much put a 30 and 15 in the box score. The problm with the lakers was kobe, if you watched the game early they would give the ball to shaq and he would dunk. Next time same thing, then kobe would decide a off balance three was a good shot.

Maybe miami will not win the title with shaq, but i can pretty much count on the team they had was not going to do it either. More chance with then without.

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Maybe miami will not win the title with shaq, but i can pretty much count on the team they had was not going to do it either. More chance with then without.

I agreed with everything you said up until this point. When you make a trade of this magnitude, you better win the title. Miami could have played it safe and rolled out the same team and hope that last years experience would make them stronger. Last years team was good and had a reasonable cap situation where they could have added players to strengthen the core. They would have been competitive for years to come. Instead they decided to go for the jugular and trade for Shaq. I have to give the Heat credit for having the balls to do this because if this backfires it will fuck up the Heat for years to come. Shaq has to perform at a peak level for the Heat to have a shot to go all the way. As part of a trade, he's going to want an extension for something close to his current salary. That is going to prevent them from adding quality players who could help. Also consider that 32 is the age where big men typically start their decline. Only Hakeem played at his prime beyond that age. Personally I hope it works out for Miami but if it doesn't they'll be a southern version of the Knicks....

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