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Bagels resemble pussies


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After you take a bite, look at it. the 2 crusts are the pussy lips and the cream cheese is the creamy inside

Fun to stick your tongue inthere and move it around. Just like licking a real pussy

Ok, carry on~~~

You really need to pop your cherry before someone gets killed.

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I have an everything bagel with cream cheese here

after taking a few bites, the form it took after i bit it resembled a pussy

then you stick your tongue in it, and it feels like a pussy

hey, im just trying to spread some sexual humor mixed with food here 4 fun friday :spin2:

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Had Field level seats at the Mets game, drank a lot, went to xtra innings and they won 3-2 :D

then went to the city and met up with some peeps and drank more

met these 2 girls and triple-kissed them

not a bad night, but probably not what u wanted 2 hear :updown:

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So did I...I thought I saw you but who was that guy you were sitting so close to? I didn't want to interrupt you two...you seemed to be having a moment


you people can crack on me all you want. It just feeds the fire :devil:

by the way, were u really at the game?

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yeah man...section 75G between 1st and home. I'm going today also w/ a few of my boys. We're gonna get there early and bbq aroun 4:30

Oh yeah ? Nice.

what a game, huh! after the game went to xtra innings, there were fights breakin out and crazy shit.

I kept trashin the philies players cuz i had great seats like you (62G along the 3rd base line), trashin Thome, the 3rd base coach, Eric Milton

Im going to the saturday game, tailgating as well

GO METS :cool:

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...neither do i....i hope youre right....that's just the first i've heard of it....be interesting to see him pitch if that's the case.....one of my clients works in norfolk and is a big mets fans...games down there are cheap as dirt and you get like a 30oz beer for $4.....better than a pro game so he says....but he gives me an update on much of the players that make their way through there.......idk why i just said all that...

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