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Yankees and A-rod go down hard!!!

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People get hit in baseball, STFU and go to your base... I was about 20 rows up and saw it all go down. A-Rod yelled "fuck you asshole" to Arroyo, Arroyo then grabbed his package and said right here. Then A-Rod started walking slightly towards Arroyo, NOT the base, then the shit with Varitek happened... I can understand getting angry when someone hits you in the head/helmet, in any other case though just deal with the pain for a minute and play the game.

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yeah and it takes a real tough guy to intentionally hit another player when you know that you don't have to bat...Arod has every right to mouth off to him if he wanted to...let the man say his peace and go to the bag...he didn't all of a sudden just charge the mound he was heading towards first base

either way even as a Mets fan I fucking despise the Boston Red Sox and their gay fans

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so everyone that gets hit shoud get into a fight. Please, it was veritek who instigated it come on. tek told him to take his base and arod wanted to be the tough guy and started saying "fuck you come on".

Posada would do the same thing if one of the red sox got hit and started mouthing off to the pitcher. I am sure it was a different story when Clemens beaned piazza in the head.

If he did hit him on purpose he did it the right way and tried to plunk him in the ass or back. If you guys do not realise that that is part of the game, and yankee pitchers do the same thing then you should go post on the fashion board because you do not belong here.

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Just like Manny did in last year's playoffs. Oh wait! He didn't even get hit... :jerkoff:

I get pissed off when Manny does it too, so I don't see your point, we're talking about A-Rod anyway... this is the greatest rivalry in sports, and the game was tense to begin with, A-Rod could have said a few words and kept walking, but he kept going on and on, we were just waiting for him to STFU and move his ass along to first. He won't be running his mouth next time, I guarantee it.

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chillin on the bench opposite Giambi, Kevin Brown, Mussina, and Jeter

funny i saw jeter on the field and K brown was in staten island pitching rehab, i think moose is on DL as well as giambi now

pedro is a fuckin pussy who is the first to throw at guys and the first to run and hide

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He did not throw at anyone. Last year he threw at someone and did not run. What the hell does this have to do with pedro. It was brought up by a dipshit new york writer. This is fucking retarded.

Pitchers should not be out there muckling around in fights, same thing happened in the 70's and bill lee seperated his shoulder and pretty much ended his career. Good idea.

Arod could alk all the shit he wanted on the way to first. but to challenge another player like tek is asking for a fight. What was tek going to do walk away from a challenge like that. You would be able to stamp pussy on him. Players get hit intetionally everyday part of the game. As long as it is not aimed at a players head then it is all right in my book.

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He did not throw at anyone. Last year he threw at someone and did not run. What the hell does this have to do with pedro. It was brought up by a dipshit new york writer. This is fucking retarded.

Pitchers should not be out there muckling around in fights, same thing happened in the 70's and bill lee seperated his shoulder and pretty much ended his career. Good idea.

Arod could alk all the shit he wanted on the way to first. but to challenge another player like tek is asking for a fight. What was tek going to do walk away from a challenge like that. You would be able to stamp pussy on him. Players get hit intetionally everyday part of the game. As long as it is not aimed at a players head then it is all right in my book.

point is a bench clearing brawl is as stupid as can be , but when the bencehes clear you would like to turn around and see all your teammates off the bench , not even to just fight but to grab a hold of someone to make sure no one has an advantage, or to be peacemaker, but when you see pussy petey still sittin on the bench when this is going on , makes ya think is it cause he is a selfish out for himself player as he has proved over the years or is it because he knows some of the yanks wnat a piece of him and a melee like that woould have been perfect opp. to get at him

arod was responding to whatever Vtek said to him after the plunking. And you right Vtek shouldnt walk away from a challenge , but be a man and take off the catchers mask

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People get hit in baseball, STFU and go to your base... I was about 20 rows up and saw it all go down. A-Rod yelled "fuck you asshole" to Arroyo, Arroyo then grabbed his package and said right here. Then A-Rod started walking slightly towards Arroyo, NOT the base, then the shit with Varitek happened... I can understand getting angry when someone hits you in the head/helmet, in any other case though just deal with the pain for a minute and play the game.

Wrong again...


On Saturday, Rodriguez reached on Bronson Arroyo's error in the second inning. He came up again in the third, and Arroyo plunked him.

Rodriguez moved slowly toward first base while glowering at Arroyo, and when Varitek stepped between them tempers flared

So once again, A-Rod thought he got hit intentionally. He didn't charge the mound. All he wanted to do was say his piece and go to first. He was walking towards FIRST when Varitek mouthed off. So if Varitek keeps his mouth shut none of this happens...

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yeah what manny did was stupid i said that when it happened. Clemens threw a high strike for christ sakes, shit it was over the plate.

yeh i remember arguing sox fans here about the same thing

heres a sane man in action


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Wrong again...


On Saturday, Rodriguez reached on Bronson Arroyo's error in the second inning. He came up again in the third, and Arroyo plunked him.

Rodriguez moved slowly toward first base while glowering at Arroyo, and when Varitek stepped between them tempers flared

So once again, A-Rod thought he got hit intentionally. He didn't charge the mound. All he wanted to do was say his piece and go to first. He was walking towards FIRST when Varitek mouthed off. So if Varitek keeps his mouth shut none of this happens...

wrong again? when i was wrong before, or even in this case? he didn't charge the mound, but he was off the line going to 1st base, any time a batter starts mouthing off it creates unnecessary tension... you just don't do it in NY-Sox game unless you want to start shit. If someone says fuck you asshole to your teammate, you'd say something back too... trash talk is a part of sports, they just took it too far. 3 batters were hit yesterday, did they say anything? Nope, and the game went on. Unless you get hit in the head, spine, or neck, just shut up and walk to the base... I don't know anyone who's played baseball that hasn't been hit by the ball, it happens, and whether its intentional or not doesn't matter as long as you're not hurt. Not directing it at just A-Rod either...

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you watched the game right?

Do you really think he just wanted to say his he was very mad then go to his base. He was walking towards first and then stopped that is when tek got in between them. When a player stops it usually means that they are going to do something. Please do not insult the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the people on this board and say that he just wanted to get verbally tell him how mad he was. Veritek told him to take his base, just like any vetern catcher would do when a player is yelling at a young pitcher. You know arod would not of said anything if schilling, clemens, johnson, pedro hit him.

its over we got six more against you guys so far they have been good games, with two being the best regular season games i have seen in a while.

God i hope we meet in the playoffs.

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i mean shit millar got plunked last night and you know that was on purpose. He just smacked two long foul-homerun balls, had three homeruns friday, and went 10-13. Definatly a bizzaro weekend when millar bats .700.

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you watched the game right?

Do you really think he just wanted to say his he was very mad then go to his base. He was walking towards first and then stopped that is when tek got in between them. When a player stops it usually means that they are going to do something. Please do not insult the intelligence (or lack thereof) of the people on this board and say that he just wanted to get verbally tell him how mad he was. Veritek told him to take his base, just like any vetern catcher would do when a player is yelling at a young pitcher. You know arod would not of said anything if schilling, clemens, johnson, pedro hit him.

its over we got six more against you guys so far they have been good games, with two being the best regular season games i have seen in a while.

God i hope we meet in the playoffs.

JT who are you talkin to?

cuz if its me lemme clarify

Arod gets plunked i doubt on purpose Arroyo has no control i think 2nd in the league in HBP . ARod then curses him out , Vtek says something to arod on the way to first and then arod says his shit o vtek and the whole thing ensues ...JEEZZ yer right can this just be dropped and please do get teh wild card cuz i wanna see some friikin yanks/redsox in OCt

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lets hope we can make it until october.We have to play fuckin baltimore and we have pedro going and baltimore loves to tee off on him.

this ain't over, there will be more beanings, more fights, more CP arguements, more drinking :pint:

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Then A-Rod started walking slightly towards Arroyo, NOT the base,

This is what you said. You've already read how it actually happened. There is a big difference. If A-Rod walks toward the mound then Varitek is just protecting his pitcher and is justified by his actions. However, A-Rod did not walk toward the mound. He thought he got hit intentionally and was pissed. He gave Arroyo a piece of his mind and was on his way to first. It was THEN when Varitek mouthed off to him. You're trying to change the facts to make it look like it's A-Rod's fault.

wrong again? when i was wrong before, or even in this case? he didn't charge the mound, but he was off the line going to 1st base, any time a batter starts mouthing off it creates unnecessary tension... you just don't do it in NY-Sox game unless you want to start shit. If someone says fuck you asshole to your teammate, you'd say something back too... trash talk is a part of sports, they just took it too far. 3 batters were hit yesterday, did they say anything? Nope, and the game went on. Unless you get hit in the head, spine, or neck, just shut up and walk to the base... I don't know anyone who's played baseball that hasn't been hit by the ball, it happens, and whether its intentional or not doesn't matter as long as you're not hurt. Not directing it at just A-Rod either...

Just because getting beaned (intentionally or not) is a part of the game it doesn't mean you have to like it or just take it and walk to first. How many offensive lineman get chopped blocked every game in the NFL?? How many quarterbacks get knocked into next week by a linebacker coming in late?? You don't see them just take it and neither should A-Rod if he felt it was intentional. The fact that he didn't get hurt is inconsequential... The difference between getting hit in the back and the head is a split second...

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You weren't there to see it, it's much different when you're 50ft away from it and in the whole atmosphere of it all. A-Rod was pointing and cussing, and was walking extremely slow. He could have mouthed off and just walked to 1st, but he didn't, instead he decided to stagger around and keep talking, everyone in the crowd pretty much expected a fight at that point. His body language said it all, he wasn't interested in just walking to first.

Comparing football and baseball is pretty dumb anyway... with your mentality I guess tennis players should beat the hell out of each other when they get hit by the ball.

Also, getting beaned is part of the game, so you DO take it whether you like it or not... if you can't handle getting hit or can't control your temper, then don't play the game. Imagine what the quality of the game would be like if batters always yelled "fuck you asshole" to the pitcher everytime they got hit... you're not supposed to enjoy it, that's why you get the free walk, so just shut up and take it.

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You weren't there to see it, it's much different when you're 50ft away from it and in the whole atmosphere of it all. A-Rod was pointing and cussing, and was walking extremely slow. He could have mouthed off and just walked to 1st, but he didn't, instead he decided to stagger around and keep talking, everyone in the crowd pretty much expected a fight at that point. His body language said it all, he wasn't interested in just walking to first.

Comparing football and baseball is pretty dumb anyway... with your mentality I guess tennis players should beat the hell out of each other when they get hit by the ball.

Also, getting beaned is part of the game, so you DO take it whether you like it or not... if you can't handle getting hit or can't control your temper, then don't play the game. Imagine what the quality of the game would be like if batters always yelled "fuck you asshole" to the pitcher everytime they got hit... you're not supposed to enjoy it, that's why you get the free walk, so just shut up and take it.

Nothing personal, but I'll take the reported story over that of a biased Red Sox Fan...

As for the beanings, what you say works well in theory but be both know that the reality is completely different. If beanings are part of the game then bench clearing brawls are part of it as well...

It's obvious that we both have strong opinions and are not going to budge, so I'm going to stop at this point. So in parting, it was a fun series as always. Hopefully you guys can build off this and we can do this again when it means a little more...

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Nothing personal, but I'll take the reported story over that of a biased Red Sox Fan...

Question is...what reported story are you getting this from? The Post? The News? Times?

Look, jtk mentioned something I forgot about. Millar got plunked after having an outstanding series and took his beanball like a gentlemen. He ran over to first base and didnt say a word. Thats class. Thats sportsmanship. Better than a $25 mil a year brat whining cause he got hit with a changeup.

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did anyone watch the game?

he walked towards first two maybe three steps then stopped. HE STOPPED. H

You do not stop unless you plan on something. The UMP and veritek got in between the mound and arod AFTER he stopped. Now if the ump thought that it was warrented for him to get between arroyo and arod then obviously this was more then saying his piece and go to the base. When the ump was there veritek told him to take his fucking base, arod then said "fuck you fuck you come one lets go" That is when the ump got out of the way and all hell broke loose.

Getting hit is part of the game, nomar got hit friday, millar yesterday. You take the base unless you want to fight. If you want to fight then you mouth off or charge the mound. Do you people even watch baseball? I can not understand how you could have had clemens on your team and not know these "rules". He tought them to me at a young age.

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Question is...what reported story are you getting this from? The Post? The News? Times?

Look, jtk mentioned something I forgot about. Millar got plunked after having an outstanding series and took his beanball like a gentlemen. He ran over to first base and didnt say a word. Thats class. Thats sportsmanship. Better than a $25 mil a year brat whining cause he got hit with a changeup.


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Nothing personal, but I'll take the reported story over that of a biased Red Sox Fan...

As for the beanings, what you say works well in theory but be both know that the reality is completely different. If beanings are part of the game then bench clearing brawls are part of it as well...

It's obvious that we both have strong opinions and are not going to budge, so I'm going to stop at this point. So in parting, it was a fun series as always. Hopefully you guys can build off this and we can do this again when it means a little more...

sounds good... but just to clear something up, I'm not a die hard sox fan :) I'm a Torontonian living in Boston, so I'm a blue jays fan at heart... I just really like the Sox, and I don't mind the Yankee's.

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