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just want to reiterate


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johnson demanding trade to the yanks, if this happens i will not argue with anyone anymore about baseball, because it will be dead to me.

Do not try to talk me out of it, i do not want to hear any crap from yankee people even trying to defend this trade. IF that payroll hits 200 million i am out.

Football season starts this week, which is more then enough sports entertainment for me.

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just to reiterate

i dont want him as stated several times before ...just get some better arms for mid relief to spell quantrill/gordon...logging way to many innings

but if he does come here.....what do you want us to do ????

obviously 200mill payroll doesnt guarantee jackshit as evidenced by no rings since 2000

dont hate on the yanks just cause they have the means/money, people want to play here , and the rules are abided by

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I do not want you guys to do anything, but you guys will lose my insightfull banter, MLB will lose a customer, and the yankees will lose credability if they do win the series. If they do not I still will not care about baseball, because it will be a joke. This is not aimed at any of the fans because it is not your fault really, but it must, as mlb fans suck, a little to see something like that happen. Just take a step back and look at it not as a yankee fan but as a baseball fan.

You guys will definatly need some middle relief help, and a platoon first baseman. Clark is good but not everyday. That i could deal with, i could even deal if you got everday eddie (although that would eat balls, but i could deal).

Stay tuned sport fans to see if the yankees ruin baseball (atleast for me)

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This is hysterical...

If Boston was the media capital of the world and had their own network, they would do the exact same thing... So would Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Tampa Bay etc... Don't blame the Yankees for the state of baseball. Blame MLB and the players association for the current enviorment. I think it would be a bigger problem for MLB and their fans if the Yankees had a $20 million payroll and George just pocketed all the cash...

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bla bla bla

Great if they did i would still not watch baseball. I am not a yankee hater like some other people on this board. I am a pretty straight shooter and tell things the way i see them. I do not care if it is the yankees or the brewers if anyones payroll almost doubles the next closest team I am done with baseball.

It is not funny in the least.

And we do have our own network, but they do not suck the blood out of the customers like the yes network. They do make you pay right, if they do not scratch that last comment

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I do not want you guys to do anything, but you guys will lose my insightfull banter, MLB will lose a customer, and the yankees will lose credability if they do win the series. If they do not I still will not care about baseball, because it will be a joke. This is not aimed at any of the fans because it is not your fault really, but it must, as mlb fans suck, a little to see something like that happen. Just take a step back and look at it not as a yankee fan but as a baseball fan.

You guys will definatly need some middle relief help, and a platoon first baseman. Clark is good but not everyday. That i could deal with, i could even deal if you got everday eddie (although that would eat balls, but i could deal).

Stay tuned sport fans to see if the yankees ruin baseball (atleast for me)

i agree

BUt back in 95 baseball had the chance to put in a cap and they didnt so geroge makes a ton of money off the yanks cuz he spends it on the yanks ...and no matter how frustrating it is for all teams involved big o rs,mall market

The yankees are the greatest thing for baseball

people love them or hate them , attendance quadruples at some parks when they go on the road and merchandise is off the chart for the inerlocking NY

it does not bode well for the rest of the league though when the player in question demands now to be traded ONLY to the yanks

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bla bla bla

Great if they did i would still not watch baseball. I am not a yankee hater like some other people on this board. I am a pretty straight shooter and tell things the way i see them. I do not care if it is the yankees or the brewers if anyones payroll almost doubles the next closest team I am done with baseball.

It is not funny in the least.

And we do have our own network, but they do not suck the blood out of the customers like the yes network. They do make you pay right, if they do not scratch that last comment



So you mean to tell me that if the Yanks get Johnson but the Sox make the playoffs, beat the Yankees, and go on to win the series, you wouldn't be up all night watching every game?? Yeah right.... you'd be flipping cars and looting on Lansdowne St. with everyone else....

FYI: We don't pay for the YES Network. It's basic cable...

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I am telling you that if the yanks get johnson i watch football.

IF the yanks get bounced in the playoffs i watch football

if the redsox win the series i will watch football

If someone flips out and pulls a gun out and start shooting people during a baseball game, ill watch the highlights.


OH I MUST OF MISREAD SOMETHING ABOUT THE YES NETWORK I THOUGHT PEOPLE GOT SCREWED OUT OF GAMES. fuckin caps lock. I read something like people in queens could not watch or something.

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OH I MUST OF MISREAD SOMETHING ABOUT THE YES NETWORK I THOUGHT PEOPLE GOT SCREWED OUT OF GAMES. fuckin caps lock. I read something like people in queens could not watch or something.

That was a dispute between Cablevision and YES. James Dolan is the CEO of Cablevision which owns MSG. (The network the Yanks used to be on) Once George decided to leave MSG and form his own Network Dolan sued to try and prevent it and lost. Then I believe he tried to make YES a chanel you paid for (Like HBO) and George wouldn't go for it because he negotiated YES to part of a basic cable package with all the other cable companies. So they reached an impasse for a while so YES wasn't on Cablevision for a bit. A couple of months later Dolan crumpled under public pressuer and gave in...

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These posts are just plain ridiculous already... you know who established the rules? Yeah the teams and THE PLAYER'S UNION. This is one sport where the player's union is very strong, has a lot of pull and could collapse a sport. If you are so easily turned off at the way the operations are ran and focus on the operations which you have no real knowledge or actual cause for concern/necessity - you were never a true fan of the sport to begin with, nor will you be missed by anyone. You and I are just a number and are easily replaced... remember that.

Also for everyone else - just because you don't have to pay an "added fee" or a "premium" for the YES network doesn't mean that you are not paying for those games. Last time I checked, Cable rates (including basic) have been going up, not down.

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These posts are just plain ridiculous already... you know who established the rules? Yeah the teams and THE PLAYER'S UNION. This is one sport where the player's union is very strong, has a lot of pull and could collapse a sport. If you are so easily turned off at the way the operations are ran and focus on the operations which you have no real knowledge or actual cause for concern/necessity - you were never a true fan of the sport to begin with, nor will you be missed by anyone. You and I are just a number and are easily replaced... remember that.

Also for everyone else - just because you don't have to pay an "added fee" or a "premium" for the YES network doesn't mean that you are not paying for those games. Last time I checked, Cable rates (including basic) have been going up, not down.

The player's union is killing (if not already killed) the league. I really am tired of seing the same 6 teams in the playoffs each and every year including the Red Sox. Its just not fair and not right. When it comes to playoff time, nothing beats football where there are all sorts of longshots making the playoffs and two completely different teams making the superbowl every year. Baseball, its always Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, Braves, Giants, etc.

Its so boring.

Every team and every dynasty needs their ups and downs, makes you appreciate the good times more. With this market though, this trend is going to continue with the big market teams making the playoffs every year and will never cease.

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The player's union is killing (if not already killed) the league. I really am tired of seing the same 6 teams in the playoffs each and every year including the Red Sox. Its just not fair and not right. When it comes to playoff time, nothing beats football where there are all sorts of longshots making the playoffs and two completely different teams making the superbowl every year. Baseball, its always Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, Braves, Giants, etc.

Its so boring.

Every team and every dynasty needs their ups and downs, makes you appreciate the good times more. With this market though, this trend is going to continue with the big market teams making the playoffs every year and will never cease.

It's really a catch 22. In football it's really cool to see a team come out of nowhere and compete. It creates excitement for the fans and gives them hope. That comes at a price however. The players on those championship teams literally price themselves out of town because teams need the capspace to resign the franchise QB or RB... Another consequence is that the championship teams themselves are greatly flawed. The days of unstoppable dynasties like the 49ers & Cowboys are over. In Baseball certain players do have the opportunity to spend their entire careers with one team. But those opportunities are pretty much granted to the top 10 teams in the league. Baseball needs a cap, no doubt about that. In addition to a max cap there should also be a minimum cap to make sure owners try and put a decent product on the field...

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These posts are just plain ridiculous already... you know who established the rules? Yeah the teams and THE PLAYER'S UNION. This is one sport where the player's union is very strong, has a lot of pull and could collapse a sport. If you are so easily turned off at the way the operations are ran and focus on the operations which you have no real knowledge or actual cause for concern/necessity - you were never a true fan of the sport to begin with, nor will you be missed by anyone. You and I are just a number and are easily replaced... remember that.

who the fuck cares who established the rules. If one team doubles the payroll of the next closest team something is wrong. I do not need to know the operations to know that that . The last couple of years shit has been getting out of control. IF that trade happens i walk plain and simple. i do not excpect nor want a call from bud selig asking me to come back. I was fine with this the past 8-10 years when this started to get out of control. Alot of teams were spending money, the yanks were just smarter. Look at the O's, for example. I can live with that. This i believe will be the beginning of the end

On a side note randy johnson will look 10 feet tall in pinstripes

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On a side note randy johnson will look 10 feet tall in pinstripes

You do know you can use that quote button right?? ;)

To be honest, I don't think we're getting the Unit. We just don't have anything they would want in return except cash. I think baseball would step in on an all cash deal...

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unless you are smart like the pats. two in three years and have to be the fav going in this year.

The Pats are good, but I think that's more of a product of their coach rather than their players. What I meant to say is that if you wanted to beat a team like the Cowboys or 49ers in their prime you had to be either a damn good team also or extremely lucky to do it. During those times there were very few teams that even had a shot to beat them (and it had nothing to do with money). Today more than 50% of the NFL is capable of beating the Pats. The margin for error from being a good team to a bad team is very small...

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who the fuck cares who established the rules.

Who the fuck cares if you don't watch baseball? No one...

Go watch women's gymnastics or the special olympics since you apparently like to watch a more level playing field where everyone has an equal chance of winning...

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Quote button?

have you seen the germans in gymnastics, tell me its a level playing field. :)

hey if you do not care do not post or read my thread.

I do not see how knowing who makes the rules has anything to do with my disgust. I do not care why it is like that I just care that it is. The only option I have is to stop watching. I just wanted to let the people I have been fighting with for the past year know. So they did not think that I was pussing out or something if the yanks win the series or beat the sox in the playoffs. I can dish shit out, and I can take it.

I do not think there will ever be a cap in baseball, I do not see how they could implement it, what tell arod and manny their contracts are voided?

Yeah the niners ended paying for those runs in the 80's, all kinds of charges were brought against the Gm and shit. Shady practices.

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All I don't understand is why you think it's ok if the Red Sox, who have a really high payroll as well, acquire Randy but not the Yanks. If you're against teams spending so much money, you should be against it no matter which team you're talking about.

For the record, I will state again, I hope the Yanks don't get Randy. To tell you the truth, I think it would be nice if he went to Anaheim.

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for sake of arguement if the sox aquired johnson even if we traded no big league talent our payroll would still be 40 million less, we also would not double the next closest teams payroll. Chances are we would have to trade some big league talent so our payroll would stay the same

Now if the yanks trade big league talent, posada, contreras, whatever i would have no problem with the trade, because the payroll would be around the same. The problem i would have is if the entire contract got added to the already high payroll.

we will see what happens. :bounce:

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