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Gore: 260 Electoral Votes; Bush: 246 Electoral Votes


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I can't believe how close this is...Nader is such a spoiler...if he wasn't in this race, Gore would have won by now...anybody else paying attention? Gore is leading the popular vote by about 200,000 votes... smile.gif


Silently whispering when my heart wants to scream...

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That's what I've been saying all this time. Gore would of had this thing wrapped up if he hadn't lost those couple of states due to Nader voters. cwm36.gif



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Originally posted by p00h:

areu serious? what happened, did gore get fla?

if he got Fla...it would be over...as Fla is and has been the only outstanding State for the last 10 hours.....hence the 10 ev's short of 270.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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Noone has won Florida yet...Gore won the other states that were undecided...all those people who voted for Nader may have cost Gore the election...I don't why anyone would vote for him..he has no qualifications...


Silently whispering when my heart wants to scream...

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Originally posted by bevilea:

I wish this insanity would end already. It's obvious that Gore is the better candidate. If Bush wins I'm moving out of the country...anybody with me?

I'll start packing....where should I meet you? cwm31.gif



Round and Round we go...Where we stop Nobody Knows....

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Originally posted by cookie_monster:

remember, alot of Nader voters probably would not have voted if he didn't run...he got the youth vote out--who knows what would have happened without him

Also remember Ross Perot...didn't he cost George Sr.'s election in 92??? (19% compared to 2%)

Damn that Perot tongue.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 11-08-2000).]

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Originally posted by sdm1976:

Noone has won Florida yet...Gore won the other states that were undecided...all those people who voted for Nader may have cost Gore the election...I don't why anyone would vote for him..he has no qualifications...

I voted for Nader and here are my reasons. First of all I am a die-hard liberal and Gore would have gotten my vote but Gore has sold out the Democratic party so much that I don't recognize it anymore. Nader is the only candidate that has spoken out against the costly drug war, police brutality and the death penalty. He also doesn't accept contributions from big corporations like Gore and Bush. If Gore loses it's his fault for trying to cater to everybody instead of staying true to his Democratic roots. It's like I feel betrayed by him. Yes, I know that the Nader vote may have tipped the balance in favor of Bush but let the Democrats learn from this to stop watering down their message and remember the people that have always supported them. Gore should have been destroying Bush in the polls but he hasn't. If that's the best that the Democrats then it's a pretty sorry effort.

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Originally posted by beautious1:

I'll start packing....where should I meet you? cwm31.gif

Well if this continues over the weekend, and I doubt it will, we should meet at Twilo and leave from there!! At least we would go out with a big bang!!


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Nader is a fucking consumer advocate and would never acheive his goals if he ever got into office. He has no concept of how government works and wants to reform the entire system which has been in place for about 200 years now. Not to mention the fact that he believes that the US has no enemies and would eliminate the military. God knows how many countries would love to attack our asses if they knew we couldn't defend ourselves!

Anyways, the point is that the vote in Florida is around a 2-3000 margin and Nader has about 90,000 votes there. If Gore had even 10% of those votes, it would be all over by now! Other than that I don't trust Jeb "My parents couldn't come up with a better name" Bush running Florida and getting involved in the re-count. What the hell is going on down there???



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