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Note to Self about 3-Way Freaking on the Dancefloor ...


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... when you and your girl is freakin a third girl.

Number 1 Position

Number 2 Postion

Number 3 Postion

1) Never let your girl fall down and dont worry if the other girl falls on her face.

This is especially true when the other girl is the Number 1 position. If she's out in front doing her thing, you can hold on for dear life, but if she acting like a chicken who flew the coop, let her go, she's gonna go splat.

2) Never think your body weight can support your girl and the other girl.

This is especially true when the other girl is the Number 1 position and she is grinding her ass down into ur girl's crotch while your girl is reclying onto ur torso. Forget looking cool and grab ur girl by her arms because the house of cards will fall if the other girl just sits down on you two like Buddah outside a Takeout Restaurant.

3) Dont ever take the Number One Position if your back cant support two chicks on it

This is especially true when the other girl is the Number 3 position and she is leaning into your girl and your back like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Unless you wanta throw out your back, push that other chick out of that number 3 position ASAP.

4) Do not assume the railing in the nightclub can support the big ass of the other girl.

This is especially true when you think it would look cool to press into your girl who presses into the other chick on the railing. Remember: beer retains water and if that other girl's ass is a bit too big, assume she's been drinking alotta beer and retaining enough water to fill the San Francisco Bay.

5) Do not let the dufus dude with the bad moves try to turn your 3some freak into his first attempt to touch a girl since Junior High.

This is especially true when the dufus dude with the bad haircut and even worse moves makes the token "lets put my arms out and say I wanta freak them girls" gesture. That gesture is warning signal. Alert the other girl whose punch will hurt when she decks the guy because her hands are retaining water.

6) Do not let the dufus dude's buddy with the even worse moves try to turn your 3some freak into his attempt to show hiis dufus buddy that he is less a dufus then him.

This is especially true when the dufus dude's buddy thinks he is less a dufus and can win a girl with a pink version of the same god awful shirt his dufus buddy was wearing. Use same attack. Employ other girl and her water retaining hands.

7) If you are freaking with your girl this other girl on a stage, make it clear to the 1,000 plus people into the venue that the other girl is not your girl, has no hope of being your girl, but is only part of the performance.

This is especially true when the other girl tries to feel you up. Stop her. Don't allow it. People in the crowd of 1,000 will assume you like the other girl. Make sure her water retaining hands stay only on your waist, ass, and thighs for support and away from all insinuating body parts and face.


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No - I would rather stay here and entertain myself with the fake world that you live in and your inability to convince others that you are cool.

Btw - all your posts are "silly little threads," thankfully though you migrated to the Bump forum...

to much to laugh about in this thread :laugh:

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