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the official juicehead motherfucking roll call.

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first off i'm sorry for cursing i just noticed that not very polite by me.

who else is a juicehead don't be shy who cares what people think there's alot of closet cases o think.

you should be proud we are smart for doing it and we are an elite group, you no what i'm talking about the high is so awsome yo feel so high about yourself and thats why we take are shirts off and stare at the mirrors for hours at tempts, also if you play a sport your ten times better. it's a great high you people should try it its better than dropping pills. it also makes your tolerance level for ghb outstanding. but do it safe like me use all the vitamins like multiy, milk thisel, saw pawlmettow, extra vitamin a, e, and d, and garlic pills. then when your done with a cycle use clomid and hcg. dont worry about all those so caleed side affects like acme and hair growth i never got that if you have it it's because thats what you are not the juice. you cant bash the juice unless you did it and if you did it you wont it's great the way it makes you fell so high on yourself is great. you guys try everything else why not this and for the girls i don't recommend to you do clense a great diet pill makes you look great

and for you juiceheads out there i got a question? when you shoot up primo does it burn real hard on you guys to it burns that second but quick and thats all you feel till next shot but i notice with sustanon that it does not burn but the next 2-3 days your sore as hell and with decca it is so thick that it takes longer than any other to go from the needle to the body part like everything else is quick but decca struggles to go in.

thank you



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the reason that decca takes so long is because it is oil based so it takes a long time try using a needle with a bigger gauge

yes we juiceheads are an elite group we look better and feel better than the scrawny skinny ravers that always bash us they are just mad because we are tan strong and good looking we know all the newest mixes of zombie nation "oooooh oh" and we have the best cars, you have an iroc-z, i had a monte carlo before i crashed it

these ravers that bash us are just jealous because theyre women look at us in clubs but i dont like smelly raver girls who wear candy and play with silly glow toys



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Originally posted by juiceboy:

first off i'm sorry for cursing i just noticed that not very polite by me.

who else is a juicehead don't be shy who cares what people think there's alot of closet cases o think.

you should be proud we are smart for doing it and we are an elite group, you no what i'm talking about the high is so awsome yo feel so high about yourself and thats why we take are shirts off and stare at the mirrors for hours at tempts, also if you play a sport your ten times better. it's a great high you people should try it its better than dropping pills. it also makes your tolerance level for ghb outstanding. but do it safe like me use all the vitamins like multiy, milk thisel, saw pawlmettow, extra vitamin a, e, and d, and garlic pills. then when your done with a cycle use clomid and hcg. dont worry about all those so caleed side affects like acme and hair growth i never got that if you have it it's because thats what you are not the juice. you cant bash the juice unless you did it and if you did it you wont it's great the way it makes you fell so high on yourself is great. you guys try everything else why not this and for the girls i don't recommend to you do clense a great diet pill makes you look great

and for you juiceheads out there i got a question? when you shoot up primo does it burn real hard on you guys to it burns that second but quick and thats all you feel till next shot but i notice with sustanon that it does not burn but the next 2-3 days your sore as hell and with decca it is so thick that it takes longer than any other to go from the needle to the body part like everything else is quick but decca struggles to go in.

thank you



so, let me ask you something...when you shoot your juice, do you stick the needle directly into your scull? That shit (or something similar) has completly fried your brain! You know the section of a job application where they ask you what was your highest level of education completed? It must be pretty embarrassing to put the second grade....keep it up though....we all need people like you to bag groceries for us at path-mark. You should change your sig. to say "paper or plastic?"



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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Originally posted by egotrip94:

so, let me ask you something...when you shoot your juice, do you stick the needle directly into your scull? That shit (or something similar) has completly fried your brain! You know the section of a job application where they ask you what was your highest level of education completed? It must be pretty embarrassing to put the second grade....keep it up though....we all need people like you to bag groceries for us at path-mark. You should change your sig. to say "paper or plastic?"


Hey, in case you didn't notice you stupid fucking asshole, juiceboy & njguido are both imposters that make up funny posts and others on this board do find them funny.

Now why don't you go gather up the rest of your family, go into a garage, close the door, put a hose on the exhaust pipe of your daddy's car & inhale. You subhuman maggot.

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Originally posted by jonserra:

Hey, in case you didn't notice you stupid fucking asshole, juiceboy & njguido are both imposters that make up funny posts and others on this board do find them funny.

Now why don't you go gather up the rest of your family, go into a garage, close the door, put a hose on the exhaust pipe of your daddy's car & inhale. You subhuman maggot.

huh....that's funny. Call me crazy, but I don't recall asking for your input...~*thinking*~...nope, I def. did not ask to hear from you. So put this dunce hat on and go sit in the corner until I give you permission to move.



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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Originally posted by jonserra:

Hey, in case you didn't notice you stupid fucking asshole, juiceboy & njguido are both imposters that make up funny posts and others on this board do find them funny.

Now why don't you go gather up the rest of your family, go into a garage, close the door, put a hose on the exhaust pipe of your daddy's car & inhale. You subhuman maggot.

and one more thing...show me the respect I am due. I put food on your table every night. You clown...



"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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Originally posted by egotrip94:

huh....that's funny. Call me crazy, but I don't recall asking for your input...~*thinking*~...nope, I def. did not ask to hear from you. So put this dunce hat on and go sit in the corner until I give you permission to move.


Hey faggot, I don't re-call juiceboy or njguido asking for your input either, so mind your own business before I smack you like a silly bitch that you are.

Now lick the sweat off my balls.


joeserra is my bitch.

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hey egotrip94 your not nice people but i ain't going to stupe to your level because then i get mad and my girl don't like when i'm mad. people always label us juicehead but we don't start shit wit anybody it's degenerates like yourself that talk shit then get stomped and people feel sorry for you but they don't no you started it, there is just to much racisim in this board on people like me i'm the minority but i could be one of the nicest person on this board i always offer to meet up and always say thanks. and yes i'm a juicehead that is nice but people like you make me want to you no ahahahahahahahahha fuc no man ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, raararararar oh fu k . i hate when i do that i'm sorry for anybody who witness that my apoligese. and yes i did graduate high school and who cares if it wasth the help of my coach i got that what you call it again anyway i got it.

jonserra thanks for your support i wish there were more nice people like you in this

world but i'm not jokeing i do juice and i'm proud of it i do joke a little but i have a sense of humor i no people make fun of me but it's all good so i joke to because it's better than stomping on some selfconcious looser. people talk shit all the time but never have the balls to say it in person.

thank you



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hey juicehead.. i think ur really funny.. but serioulsy, i have a few questions for u tho..

currently, im 6' 180 lbs. and cant gain weight.. i work out a little..

is juice for me?

if yes, what type of program do u recommend i go on.. please help.. im confused about juicing.. also, i dont like ghb


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Originally posted by abootthemoose:

hey juicehead.. i think ur really funny.. but serioulsy, i have a few questions for u tho..

currently, im 6' 180 lbs. and cant gain weight.. i work out a little..

is juice for me?

if yes, what type of program do u recommend i go on.. please help.. im confused about juicing.. also, i dont like ghb


yes juice if for you, you have a great size. i'm 6ft2" 220 and thats all i want to be, i think to big don't look good.

try this a cycle of decca and primo for 10 weeks you get up to 190-195 ripped and looking good, the decca will give you some mass and to tell you the decca is not even testostrone and has no side affects but still works great. the primo will shred you up and this combo is a keeper gain at least 80% and if you contiue to work out afterwards consistently and use clomid witch is used after cycles you will keep 100%. and if your happy with what you got then you don't have to juice again, but let me warn you when your on juice you get such a high thats why people always say 1 cycle and thats it but the biggest side affect is the addicativenes, when you come off of juice it sucks you feel weeker then you ever felt and thats why people don't stop but as long as you take clomid and all vitamins like milk thisel, saw pawmetow, and garlic pills and continue to work out you'll be fine.

i only juice twice a year and do it right, and perfer to only use juice not pills because pills can cause side affects, it's people that juice all year around that give it a bad name. i'm the healthyeast person on this board a little juice aint bad if you do it right. since your a novice and weigh under 200 stay away from androl, d-bol, and test, stick with decca, primo, or sustanon.

thank you



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no, thank u juiceboy!

so, i guess i will have to inject my ass if anything, cuz i heard also that the pills will make me pee blood.. frown.gif

will i get angry while juicing, i dont wanna hit my girlfriend, or my friends.. what is this whole "ROID RAGE" phenomena?

also.. can u recommend a workout regimen for me 2 follow?

ive been reading "Anabolic Reference Guide" (6th version).. but its old.. from about 1991.. can u recommend a better more up to date book.. i would rather research the topic b4 i just do it..

thank u juiceboy.. ur a good person..


p.s. im starting to think ghb is good.. i mean if u do it, it cant be so bad, since ur nice person

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Originally posted by abootthemoose:

no, thank u juiceboy!

so, i guess i will have to inject my ass if anything, cuz i heard also that the pills will make me pee blood.. frown.gif

will i get angry while juicing, i dont wanna hit my girlfriend, or my friends.. what is this whole "ROID RAGE" phenomena?

also.. can u recommend a workout regimen for me 2 follow?

ive been reading "Anabolic Reference Guide" (6th version).. but its old.. from about 1991.. can u recommend a better more up to date book.. i would rather research the topic b4 i just do it..

thank u juiceboy.. ur a good person..


p.s. im starting to think ghb is good.. i mean if u do it, it cant be so bad, since ur nice person

roid rages are overrated. myself and my friends to feel so good and actually more relax and don't get mad at anything. you are actually a nicer person but if somebody really ticks you off they really got to get you mad not something that is nothing you better call 911 in advance for them because it's when everything comes out but it should not happen. and work out 4 days a week for 1hour and 1/2, that should be good. like monday wensday friday and either sat or sun. the three day rest is needed to rest muscles and after each work out abs for 5-10 mins.

thank you


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hey juiceboy, need some advice

I am 5'10 165lbs, do you think 190 would be a little too much weight to maintain, if so what types of food to eat and training would you recommend.

The juice is flowing~~~~


"Passionately pursue what you love to do"

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ur posts are getting me very pumped up juicehead.. perhaps... maybe a more specific regimen would help me more tho.. like when u started juicing.. how many sets and reps would u do in each area.. i want a plan to follow, not just run in and start working out.. any specific tips u can give me are appreciated.. thank u so much.. take care

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Juice-boy..I'm on russian d-ball right now and got to admit it is great..I follow a strict diet and only been on for three weeks... what would you recommend next after my cycle of this is done..by the way i'm on pills.

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