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i don't get this chic...


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so we've been out on 2 dates the last 2 sundays, both were good, even kissed each other goodbye both times...on the last date she even said she wanted to use her car for the next date...and no she's not a user, she paid for my expenses on the first date, and i paid for the second date

so i called her wednesday, no response...normally i wouldn't bother calling a girl again but we've already been out twice and she's a really nice chic, so i called her again today, no response yet...

btw she's 10 yrs. older than me but hot as fuck...wtf is going on in her head?? :confused:

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i dunno, i would back off. she will get back to you or she wont. 2 calls is plenty to let her know you want to be in touch, if she doesnt want to hang with you anymore, you cant do anything to change it. what do you mean she wanted to use her car? she drove? LOL. i dont get it :confused: so what? i drive all the time b/c i like to drive... also being the driver puts you in control, you can come and go as you please.

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i dunno, i would back off. she will get back to you or she wont. 2 calls is plenty to let her know you want to be in touch, if she doesnt want to hang with you anymore, you cant do anything to change it. what do you mean she wanted to use her car? she drove? LOL. i dont get it :confused: so what? i drive all the time b/c i like to drive... also being the driver puts you in control, you can come and go as you please.

lol :laugh:...no, i drove the first 2 dates, and i drive pretty rash, and believe it or not she became really queasy on the second date...we had to stop on the way home so she could get some water lol...this was after dinner...thats prolly why she suggested she wanted to drive on the third date...the reason i mentioned it was because i thought she wouldn't have said that if she wasn't thinking abt a third date...thats what i thought at the time anyway

and yeah, im not calling her again until she calls me...if she doesn't i guess its time to move on :)

PS: maybe you and i can go on a date and just pretend you're her, and im out with you for the third time?? that way after dinner we can get right down to the nasty...or do you wish to wait till the fourth (second) date?? :laugh: j/k

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lol :laugh:...no, i drove the first 2 dates, and i drive pretty rash, and believe it or not she became really queasy on the second date...we had to stop on the way home so she could get some water lol...this was after dinner...thats prolly why she suggested she wanted to drive on the third date...the reason i mentioned it was because i thought she wouldn't have said that if she wasn't thinking abt a third date...thats what i thought at the time anyway

and yeah, im not calling her again until she calls me...if she doesn't i guess its time to move on :)

PS: maybe you and i can go on a date and just pretend you're her, and im out with you for the third time?? that way after dinner we can get right down to the nasty...or do you wish to wait till the fourth (second) date?? :laugh: j/k

LOL. my bf would love that.

what do you drive? i hate driving in cars here b/c everyone drives like a dick, & with the stop go, i feel sick sometimes too. especially when my bf drives. :yuck:

anyway, tip for the youngins, older women dont find fast or agressive driving to be a turn on. i actually like a man who stops and lets people cross at a crosswalk, i stop. when someone doesnt want to stop i think "selfish prick", i think people are more important than 10 seconds. i also dont like when people slam on the gas, then on the brakes, its very immature. tailigating is annoying too. sure, i drive like a dick sometimes too but not when people are in my car, definitely not when they look like they are feeling ill.

well whatever, maybe she will call you. maybe you scared her off by driving like a 16 year old who just got a license ;) jk. either way, who gives a fuck, theres plenty of women in the world.


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LOL. my bf would love that.

what do you drive? i hate driving in cars here b/c everyone drives like a dick, & with the stop go, i feel sick sometimes too. especially when my bf drives. :yuck:

lol...thats pretty much how she described it too...she even told me "its your speeding and stopping thats making me dizzy" hahaha...and the funny thing is that one time deliberately just to get a reaction from her i stepped on the gas right on green and then stopped just inches from the car ahead of me!! :laugh: wtf was i thinking lol...

come to think of it now thats not a very good way to impress a date!!

but after she told me she was dizzy i started driving carefully..

i drive a honda civic 2003 (most of the time anyway) ;)

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lol...thats pretty much how she described it too...she even told me "its your speeding and stopping thats making me dizzy" hahaha...and the funny thing is that one time deliberately just to get a reaction from her i stepped on the gas right on green and then stopped just inches from the car ahead of me!! :laugh: wtf was i thinking lol...

come to think of it now thats not a very good way to impress a date hahah...

i drive a honda civic 2003 (most of the time anyway) ;)

lol. good job. you scared her off. :bowdown: oh well, you will meet another soon im sure.

oh, i am getting a new car soon and i dnt knowwhich i should get...

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lol. good job. you scared her off. :bowdown: oh well, you will meet another soon im sure.

oh, i am getting a new car soon and i dnt knowwhich i should get...

well with gas prices the way they are i'd get a car that gives good mileage...just read abt the toyota prius, supposedly it gives 55mpg on the highway? thats amazing...but please dont get the scion, that car is f-ugly!!

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well with gas prices the way they are i'd get a car that gives good mileage...just read abt the toyota prius, supposedly it gives 55mph on the highway? thats amazing...but please dont get the scion, that car is f-ugly!!

LOL, i saw that there is a civic hybrid now too. i was goign to check out that car but i dunno, i kinda want an acura. i might get the s-type, i drove one today and it felt nice. i was with the dealer and i go "wow this feels so tight, i like it" & the kid looked at me like i was some kind of kinky freak. :laugh2: then i realized what i said and i felt like a perv but i acted normal ya know?

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i was with the dealer and i go "wow this feels so tight, i like it" & the kid looked at me like i was some kind of kinky freak. :laugh2: then i realized what i said and i felt like a perv but i acted normal ya know?

you mean to say you're NOT a "kinky freak?" and you had to "act" normal?? :laugh:

well i guess i cant send you those steamy PMs i've been working on these past couple hrs...lol...j/k...

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