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Testing your coke...


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hey guys, i've read a couple members posts about testing their coke... what do you guys use??? someone told me once about putting some in a cup of bleach, and whatever fell to the bottom wasn't coke... is that true or just an old wise-tail??? i would just like to know... because it seems like whenever we get it, it's stepped on pretty bad... i would just like to know how badly its really stepped on... sorry if i'm rambling or repeating myself... i'm a lil banged up right now...

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there is a re-agent test that can be used to determine the presence of coke... depending on how fast it turns blue you can get an idea of the quality. The only way to get exact purity levels is through lab analysis... And for all of you who saw the movie blow....the heater method doesnt work... there are lots of cuts that have flashpoints similar to cocaine...

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I heard, that when you put it in bleach, let it sit for 36 minutes, and face east, if you hear voices its good coke--lmfao- careful how you mention using bleach, some rocket scientists here, might think youre supposed to sniff /inhale the bleach also- IQ not too high in these boards- lmfao

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i would just like to know how badly its really stepped on... sorry if i'm rambling or repeating myself... i'm a lil banged up right now...

Sounds to me like itz ok ;)

Seriously, why bother testing and stuff? What are you gonna go tell yur dealer "Hmmm well it appears you are underutilizing the actual cocaine and therefore I insist you stop with the additives..."

...or u can just let me try it and i will let u know if its good or not...


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People just don't do the math....... thats why they get ripped... How can you expeect to pay 30-40 a gram and not have a pile of inositol?? by the time you get a gram in a club or some corner it's seen more people than a metal detector at an airport....and every single one of those people is in it for the money... There are very very very few club/street dealers that will invest 20-25k to get a kilo and wait till they sell 500-600 grams before they start turning a profit... when they can get an Oz that's already been cut 20% for 800 and cut it another 30%... the fact is the shittier the coke is... the more people have to do to get the same buzz... and that's more cash... Of course most of these "kids" aren't thinking about "repeat customers" because the ones they have just wanna haggle prices...and there's always somebody waiting behind you to buy it if you don't no matter what garbage it is...

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People just don't do the math....... thats why they get ripped... How can you expeect to pay 30-40 a gram and not have a pile of inositol?? by the time you get a gram in a club or some corner it's seen more people than a metal detector at an airport....and every single one of those people is in it for the money... There are very very very few club/street dealers that will invest 20-25k to get a kilo and wait till they sell 500-600 grams before they start turning a profit... when they can get an Oz that's already been cut 20% for 800 and cut it another 30%... the fact is the shittier the coke is... the more people have to do to get the same buzz... and that's more cash... Of course most of these "kids" aren't thinking about "repeat customers" because the ones they have just wanna haggle prices...and there's always somebody waiting behind you to buy it if you don't no matter what garbage it is...

sounds like quality people, quality vocation, quality activity, basically the whole bunch- losers

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i came across a book one day in a friends house. a friend of his gave it to him. it was loose leaf paper bound buy those black spiral like binders. it was called the cocaine hand book and was one of the most informative things i have ever read on the subject. it suggested the bleach. if i remeber correctly it suggested to put a few teaspons of bleach (liquid) in to a shot glass and drop in like 1/4 teaspoon of blow in. it will seperate coke from cut but i dont remeber which one floats and which does not. i have never tried personally. when ever i have coke-its for putting up my nose.

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i came across a book one day in a friends house. a friend of his gave it to him. it was loose leaf paper bound buy those black spiral like binders. it was called the cocaine hand book and was one of the most informative things i have ever read on the subject. it suggested the bleach. if i remeber correctly it suggested to put a few teaspons of bleach (liquid) in to a shot glass and drop in like 1/4 teaspoon of blow in. it will seperate coke from cut but i dont remeber which one floats and which does not. i have never tried personally. when ever i have coke-its for putting up my nose.

Thats a very old book (actually an out of print collectors item) .... some of the information is very informative. The "bleach test" assumes that the coke has been cut with something thats not water soluable and PH neutral. IN the 80's people mainly cut stuff with crushed up B or C vitamin pills or cornstarch. Cocaine dissolves immediately in hydrochloric acid and many othe types of acid... when you add bleach to water its making a crude form of hydrochloric acid. This method was used to test stuff for years... the book is outdated now since that method wont work for water soluable inositol crystals (the most common cut)or any of the "caine" products (lidocaine, procaine etc) There is definately alot of other useful information in that book tho... Which one do you have? there were two versions published....

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Thats a very old book (actually an out of print collectors item) .... some of the information is very informative. The "bleach test" assumes that the coke has been cut with something thats not water soluable and PH neutral. IN the 80's people mainly cut stuff with crushed up B or C vitamin pills or cornstarch. Cocaine dissolves immediately in hydrochloric acid and many othe types of acid... when you add bleach to water its making a crude form of hydrochloric acid. This method was used to test stuff for years... the book is outdated now since that method wont work for water soluable inositol crystals (the most common cut)or any of the "caine" products (lidocaine, procaine etc) There is definately alot of other useful information in that book tho... Which one do you have? there were two versions published....

god damn BD u know alot about coke........

im jealous

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BD- i dont remeber. it was not mine-it was a friends and i held it for him for a few months beccause of his occupational hazzard...should his place ever get jacked up he didnt want to lose it. later when i returned it some crack head stole less than a week ever. it was a great book. i like to read up on what ever i am putting in my body and have volumes on the different intoxicants i have enjoyed. you seem pretty well informed too. i have to say i often appreciate our veiws on shit. right on big daddy. ;)

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