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lol i know its 18 to get in but i need to know is it easy to get a bracelet to drink

no u wont get one when they see ur id .. but u can probably look at the floor at the end of the night as many ppl just drop them on the floor ..

or .. u can have someone buy you a drink and u pay them ..

i dont believe i am encouraging ppl to drink . given that i dont drink at all ..hehe ..

anyway .. enjoy

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shit like that happens EVERYWHERE.. ive never seen any of that at webster yet but im sure it does happen... but the worst ive seen has been at Deep there bouncers are the fuking worst,,, in 1 night i saw the same 2 bouncers beat up over 8 guys and 2 of them were dragged down the block and they picked up and punched again

no i wouldnt say everywhere... i've partied in the city MANY a night... Ive never had or seen a problem at roxy, avalon, soundfactory, crobar & spirit.. the onyl clubs i've seen or had problems at were wh and exit... exit i almsot got arrested for selling drugs which i never even posessed ??? the second was how the bouncer at webster hall just started a fight with some dude who questioned him and tried to throw him down a crowded staircase, almost knocking over a bunch of people...

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no i wouldnt say everywhere... i've partied in the city MANY a night... Ive never had or seen a problem at roxy, avalon, soundfactory, crobar & spirit.. the onyl clubs i've seen or had problems at were wh and exit... exit i almsot got arrested for selling drugs which i never even posessed ??? the second was how the bouncer at webster hall just started a fight with some dude who questioned him and tried to throw him down a crowded staircase, almost knocking over a bunch of people...

This one ( arrested ) is funny... Please tell.....

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Why is everyone down on Bouncer, there just doing a job,,,

Some of these guys either join the force, are retired cops, etc...

Why ? So personnel I try not to DIS anyone and follow the rules ...

You never heard of some thugs coming back to a club and starting shit, pulling out a pee shooter - well at NV on a Sunday night (Hip Hop) it happen a few times ..... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=2395471#

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This one ( arrested ) is funny... Please tell.....

i went back in early 03 when scot project was scheduled to spin... chillign with friend son the mainfloor, drunk off my ass and had to piss so i went to the bathroom... some asian kid bumped into me.. next thing i know im getting pushed into some little room by a humongous bouncer, the next thing i remember is waking up and walking funny for the next few days... no not really.. but this dude accused me of selling drugs... i was clearly drunk.. the dude is like "yo mothafucka i caught you selling drugs here last week..." i was like bullshit this place fucking sucks i havent been here since oakenfold for thanksgiving eve... he's like "nah man i see you here every week" im like "not even close i got to school upstate" ahh to make a long story short he said to wait here.. here actually was right next to the door that i was fiving serious thought to running out of and hiding in the car... he comes back about ten minutes later with my ID and says "you're not the guy.. sorry" i told him he was an asshole and he ruined my night and that was that....

on top of that mess i drove 4 hours from school to see scot project spin and he didnt even show up... fucking shady old exit...

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