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Most Dangerous situation(s) youve been in...


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Where do I begin?

When I was 3 or 4, I was sick so my mom got me a bottle of the Johnson & Johnson chewable asprins, you know the orange ones? My mom went out shopping and me and my dad were laying on the couch watching TV. We both fell asleep on the couch and I woke up and went into the kitchen and pushed a chair up to the counter and climbed up and grabbed the asprins. I dumped all of them out on the table and ate the whole bottle one by one. Luckily, when I was done I took the empty bottle and woke up my dad and said, "Daddy, look, I was a good boy, I ate ALL of my medicine!!" My dad freaked the fuck out and grabbed me and took me right to the ER and I had to have my stomach pumped. I had to stay in the hospital for 2 days.

I grew up in Paterson, NJ and one time when I was 8, while going to the store, I got jumped by a whole Puerto Rican family. They wanted the money that I was going to the store with. I ran and they couldn't catch me.

When I was 7, I was going to my friend's house and I was running across the street and I looked to the left, looked to the right and kept running and I ran right into a moving car. It was a really short block and the guy was going pretty fast. It was an off-duty cop so he was buggin out. I went to the hospital but there was nothing wrong with me.

When I was 10, I was playing by my friend's house with like 4 other kids my age and this one 16-year old kid. He was like a giant to us and we were all trying to tackle him in my friend's living room. I jumped on his back and he flipped me over and the back of my head wacked my friend's oak coffee table. I had a concussion, but I was awake. It was the wierdest thing. I was walking around and shit and I remember what I said, but I kept repeating myself and I blacked out. My friend took me to his house and his idiot mother didn't even call my mom to tell her. Instead, she gave me 2 asprins and told me to go lay down. Luckily, my other friend went to my house to see how I was doing. When he asked my mom, she said what are you talking about and called my friend's mom. My mother came and got me and brought me to the ER. The Dr. said that if I would have fallen asleep after she gave me the asprins, I would have died.

I have a couple more of these, but I'll post them later.

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My girlie Meredith and I were chased by some gang-bangers in downtown Flint through the backstreets near Dayton Street.... thank God I let her drive and she knew where to turn and what streets to go down... could have been fuckedddddddd.

Also got in a fight with a harley-davidson riding motha fucka outside a bar once... He was pretty trashed as was I however when he slapped me in the face and pushed me, I snapped!! Punched him in the face - then preceeded to jump on him and pin him down with my knees while punching the shit out of his face........ then the bar staff pulled me off him and told me to run to my car - where he followed me and kicked three dents in my door... what a loser.. lol

Had my old apartment robbed - and my old roommate almost got killed.. I wasn't home but the psycho was thinking of waiting for me.. but instead ganked my jewelry and split... they caught his ass though and I had to testify in court. It was scary to think he thought of killing my roommate and perhaps me. Have fun in jail the next 30 years asshole!

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